Chubushnik: description, pruning, transplant
Most gardeners know about this amazing plant firsthand – it is garden jasmine or mock orange. Greece is considered the homeland of the shrub. It was there that its stems began to be used to make smoking pipes. But besides this, the plant has a decorative effect and is grown as a decoration for personal plots. Shrub care has its own characteristics that novice gardeners need to know about.
Chubushnik – description of culture
The description of the shrub in botanical reference books denies its belonging to jasmine and classifies it as a deciduous shrub of the hydrangea family. The shoots of the shrub consist of wood with a high degree of hardness, the bark covering the trunks of brown color is easily exfoliated. The height of the shrub is from 2 to 4 m. The leaves are ovoid. The lower part of the leaf has a slight pubescence, and the upper part is usually smooth.
According to the description, the chubushnik has good winter hardiness.
Chubushnik varieties, correctly selected in terms of flowering time, can decorate garden plots for 2 months. The flowering of each variety individually lasts an average of 2-3 weeks.
Chubushnik inflorescences are collected in a brush of 3-9 flowers. Formed mainly on young shoots. The flowers are quite large – from 3 to 7 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, they can be either simple or semi-double or double. The intensity of the aroma also depends on the type of chubushnik. The petals can be snow-white or cream-colored. During the abundant flowering, the chubushnik has a special appeal.
The main stages of caring for a chubushnik
Pruning chubushnik branches is an integral part of plant care. In order for it to be covered with lush flowers every year, it is necessary to cut off old and weak shoots. The main part of the color appears on last year’s shoots, so after the end of the flowering period, they must be cut off. This method will help the young twigs grow stronger by the next season.
Chubushnik transplant is not a problem, its superficial root system will quickly recover in a new place. The gardener should be aware that when replanting a shrub, it will lose a year of flowering.
Shrub transplant stages:
- Prepare a landing hole 2 weeks before the planned transplant;
- Water the transplanted bush abundantly and after a day remove about half of the old-year shoots, cut the remaining ones by half;
- Dig up the bush and transplant it to a new location, then water the plant.
The best time for transplanting is September – October. In springtime, the procedure should be carried out before the onset of vegetative growth. Chubushnik is a favorite ornamental shrub of landscape designers. With its help, you can create amazing flower arrangements that will delight those around you and smile.