Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Bottom tackle or feeder, as it is now called, is intended for catching fish from the bottom. The advantage of this tackle is that you can throw it, install a bite alarm and wait until the desired trophy bites. At this time, you can go about your business or just relax, enjoying the beauty of nature. This is just the case when the pleasant is combined with the useful.

Habitat of the chub

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

As a rule, the chub is found in small and medium-sized rivers. He prefers clean, cool water. At the same time, we can note the most promising places for chub on the river:

  • in the region of whirlpools;
  • in areas of fast flow;
  • at the boundaries of slow and fast currents;
  • on the cliffs;
  • in the area of ​​overhanging trees;
  • in places where you can visually observe the chub chasing fry.

All of the above areas of the water area are interesting for this fish, and it tries to stay in these areas.

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Baits for chub

The chub is an omnivorous fish and, under certain conditions, will not refuse any bait. It can be nozzles of both animal and vegetable origin. Therefore, the list of baits can be large, as there are a lot of them. At the same time, we can note the main, most effective:

  • worms of various origins;
  • maggot;
  • little frogs;
  • beetles or dragonfly larva;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • bread crust;
  • live;
  • insects (grasshoppers, moths, etc.)

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Naturally, among them may be the most beloved. This can be easily found out by throwing several donoks with different baits. At the same time, it should be remembered that at different times of the year, your favorite baits may be different. It should also be noted such a factor as the inability to provide fishing with the same bait throughout the year. Therefore, the best option is to use seasonal baits. As a rule, when one or another living creature appears, the chub switches to the appropriate food. For example, when a mayfly emerges, many fish begin to feed on the mayfly. This indicates that the mayfly will be the best bait at this time.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have fallbacks, though. Therefore, when going fishing, you should take with you several promising nozzles of both plant and animal origin.

Briefly about baits

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

  • Froggy – working bait for a large chub. Despite the fact that in some waters the chub is reluctant to bite on this bait, the desired trophies will come across quite often.
  • Larvae When catching a chub, it is possible to use various larvae, such as the larva of the May beetle, the larva of the bark beetle, the larva of the fly (maggot), etc. Unfortunately, the use of these larvae strongly attracts smaller fish.
  • Dragonfly larva. In spring and early summer it is the best bait. For the fishing period from April to July, the best bait cannot be found.
  • Peas and corn. These nozzles are able to immediately “cut off” a trifle. Good results can be obtained when using canned peas and corn, but in terms of catchability they are inferior to natural grains.
  • Insects. The chub is not badly caught on grasshoppers and dragonflies. Moreover, summer fishing is hard to imagine without baits such as a grasshopper or a fly.
  • Bug. I mean the May beetle. As a rule, you can catch a large chub on it.

In order for the cockchafer to be more attractive, its wings should be torn off before being hooked.

Chub time

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Starting from mid-April and ending with the beginning of winter, chub can be caught without any problems. It shows the highest activity in the summer months (June, July, August). In the daytime, he tries to stay closer to the surface of the water, and in the late afternoon, he goes to the depths. At night, it is possible to catch a trophy chub on the bottom tackle.

In the spring and autumn periods, this fish mainly adheres to the bottom layers. Therefore, during these periods, he falls more on bottom fishing rods.

In other words, chub can be caught on bottoms from early spring to late autumn.

A few tips on how to catch a chub on a donk or feeder

Chub fishing on the donk (feeder): tackle, fishing technique and bait

Any type of fishing has its own, although not big, secrets. Naturally, every angler, sooner or later, through his mistakes, will reach the level when all the nuances of such fishing will be known. In order not to repeat the mistakes of others, it makes sense to dwell on a few useful tips that can help you master fishing with bottom gear or feeder, as they are called today.

Since the chub prefers to stay in areas with a fast current, it is necessary to fish in such conditions. When casting tackle, the current carries the bait and can entangle it in thickets of aquatic vegetation. To prevent this from happening, you should look for places where you can cast not across the stream, but along. In this case, the bait with the feeder will not be able to move under the influence of the current. In addition, it is advisable to use only one tackle.

In the absence of bites, you should not linger in one place. It is possible that there is no chub at this place, since it does not attract him for some reason. To search for chub parking places, you need to cast a few bottom fishing rods. If there are no bites, then this is a signal that the place will have to be changed.

If there are no bites, then it makes sense to use another trick: take and tighten the tackle by about 1 meter. Sometimes this approach brings results. This is due to the nature of the bottom topography and the presence of foreign objects on the bottom. It’s just that the bait can fall into these heaps and the fish does not notice it. As soon as the bait breaks away from the bottom, bites are possible at this moment.

Like any other fish, the chub does not really like noise on the shore. Therefore, when catching it, one should adhere to silence and try not to be on the shore in full growth. It is not necessary to stand or sit near the bottom gear. Tackle is thrown, a bell is hung, after which you can leave the bait and move away as far as possible. In the event of a bite, the alarm will notify the angler. As a rule, fish self-cutting occurs on bottom gear, so there is no need for hooking.

Other tackle is also suitable for catching chub. In summer, the chub is actively caught with artificial lures, such as flies, wasps, grasshoppers, dragonflies, etc. Naturally, for this you will have to take and master completely different gear, such as “fly fishing” or “bombard”. Unfortunately, these are tackles that require certain skills to handle. Despite this, they are no less catchy than bottom ones. The advantage of using such baits is that you can catch more than one individual with one bait, such as a “fly”. At the same time, there is no need to look for natural baits such as larvae, bugs, insects, etc.

Video “Catching a chub on a feeder”

Catching a chub on a feeder. River Udy. Fishing for Chub on the feeder.

Video “Catching a chub from the shore to the bottom”

Chub Post #7: Chub Catching from the Bank to the Donka on the Volga River

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