Our grandparents did not suffer from excess weight and were less sick, although they did not read books on nutrition. The fact is that their diet was more balanced in terms of chronobiology, according to Swiss naturopath Philippe Gamondes. They ate the same foods every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What principles of nutrition of the older generation should we borrow?
Chronobiological principles of nutrition are not a diet in the classical sense, but a reasonable approach to nutrition in accordance with human biorhythms. For each meal, there are foods that will bring maximum benefit at this particular time.
1. “Fatty” breakfast
Everyone knows that breakfast is the main meal of the day and should be filling. But contrary to popular belief, it’s better to eat fats for breakfast than carbohydrates – both vegetable, such as avocados and vegetable oils, and animals, such as eggs and bacon. When we get fat between 6 and 8 in the morning, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism.
At the beginning of the day, fatty foods are better absorbed, digested better and contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body. In the morning, fat is converted into coenzyme Q10 – this is especially important for people who play sports. Professional trainers always pay attention to the level of this element in their wards. After all, it reduces hypoxic tissue damage caused by a lack of oxygen, generates energy and increases endurance.
Even the Chinese, who have always been one of the thinnest nations, are now facing the problem of obesity.
Europeans always ate scrambled eggs, ham and porridge with butter for breakfast. This is how our grandparents ate. But then came the fashion for an American breakfast with toast, sweet coffee, buns and cereal. The American diet and eating style is now being copied all over the world. Because of this, even the Chinese, who have always been one of the thinnest nations, today are faced with the problem of obesity.
There is nothing better at the start of the day than three raw quail eggs with olive oil, lemon and ginger, whole grain bread with melted butter and a glass of kefir. After such a breakfast, you should not eat anything until 12 o’clock.
2. Protein lunch
Lunch should be between 12:14 and XNUMX:XNUMX. At this time, the body needs animal protein. The best is red meat. Now many nutritionists advocate a vegetarian diet, they say, meat causes colon cancer. But according to statistics, the inhabitants of Argentina are the least affected by it. And they eat steak every day. The meat there is not considered harmful.
However, it is important to observe two conditions. Meat cannot be eaten with carbohydrates and starch, that is, with potatoes or pasta. The best addition to meat is salad and green vegetables. Meat is properly cooked quickly and at a temperature of no more than 120 degrees. Grilling for a long time releases carcinogens.
3. Sweet afternoon snack
Over the past 30 years, the incidence of cancer and diabetes in children has increased by 30%. And all because we began to consume too much sugar. In 1900, the average European ate an average of 5 kg of sugar per year. Now – 90 kg! Sugar follows us everywhere. It’s even found in foods that seem healthy, like orange juice, breakfast cereals, yogurt, and fitness bars.
However, it is not necessary to completely give up sweets. Remember how your mother gave you cookies and sweet milk around 4-5 p.m. so that you would “hold on” to dinner. It was very true. Because after three hours, sugar is transformed into the “hormone of happiness” serotonin, which will help you fall asleep easily and calmly. If you want to completely eliminate industrial sugar from your diet, eat sweet fruit or berries for an afternoon snack. This light snack will help you eat less for dinner.
4. Light dinner
The last meal at 7-8 pm should be as simple as possible: oily fish, white meat or seafood. And be sure to vegetables, but not raw, but cooked. Dinner should be washed down with warm tea. But you can’t drink cold water in the evening, it slows down metabolism.
5. Eliminate milk and bread
Gluten-free and lactose-free products are not just a diet trend. Due to industrial processing, both milk and bread are not at all the same as they used to be. The green revolution took place in the 1970s. In order to feed everyone in conditions of bread shortage, wheat was genetically modified: it used to have 4 chromosomes in the grain, and now it has 26. Such bread is less digestible, because our digestive system has not changed since the time of the caveman, and food has been greatly transformed.
The story is similar with milk. Previously, our grandmothers boiled milk and skimmed off the foam. It collected most of the lactose, which contributes to weight gain. Now we do not boil anything, but buy pasteurized milk in bags. And this foam remains inside. Therefore, many people get fat from milk.
About expert
Philippe Gamondes – nutritionist, specialist in Chinese medicine, employee of the center of naturopathy