Chronic stress in the age of a pandemic. How can you protect yourself against it?
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Usually, we do not even realize how much harm our daily stress causes us. By downplaying this problem, we put our entire body at risk of losing energy and health.

Modern lifestyle imposes a truly killer pace on us. At work, new challenges and deadlines await us, it is increasingly difficult to combine work and home duties, and in addition, we still use modern technologies that make it difficult for us to calm down and generate an excess of stimuli.

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Every day we forget that living in constant tension and lack of physical activity causes a decrease in production and constant loss of energy, and thus – weakening of the entire body.

Moreover, if we recognize that stress is an inherent part of life and ignore the first symptoms of a disastrous rush, such as neuralgia, palpitations or sleep problems, we run the risk of increasingly serious problems. The more challenges ahead of us, the greater the body’s need for nutrients – stress effectively “robs” us

with minerals and vitamins. If we do not take care of their adequate supply and we do not learn to control the excessive reaction of the body to nervous situations, sooner or later we will fall victim to overload, nervousness, dissatisfaction with work performed (burnout) or insomnia. It is precisely the unawareness of the dire impact of excess stress that makes them a ubiquitous problem that people of all ages struggle with today.

The dire effects of stress

As you know, stress leads to many disorders at the cellular level. In nervous situations, the sympathetic nervous system and the HPA axis are activated, thus increasing the production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. This can be seen as headache, trouble sleeping, hair loss, decreased concentration and performance, nausea or constipation.1.

However, stress hormones also cause the blood vessels to constrict, which raises your blood pressure2. When we are over-influenced, palpitations can occur

and extra spasms, which in turn can weaken the work of the mitochondria. Therefore, according to Dr. Bodo Kuklinski, author of the publication “Mitochondria. Diagnosis of mitochondrial damage and effective methods of therapy “deterioration of the condition of the heart muscle should be treated as the first symptom of failure of our internal” power plants “.

Anti-stress program

Fortunately, we can improve ours at any time stress response, regain balance and restore the proper level of mitochondrial energy.


First of all, it is important to change your lifestyle and find your own way to calm down and relax. Yoga, meditation and nature walks can help. Research confirms that all of these practices lower harmful cortisol levels, just like any other form of exercise or massage3.

Second, it is crucial to replenish the levels of vitamins and minerals lost from excessive tension.

The power of nutrients

Exactly that magnesium, vitamin C, zinc and B vitamins play a key role in improving the work of the nervous system and in improving energy production, the deficit of which results from excessive stress and leads to fatigue, trouble sleeping or heart problems4. At the same time, prolonged state of tension increases their consumption, and therefore may lead to a reduction in resources in the body.

As shown in studies, the health benefits of adaptogenic also show Rhodiola rosea extract, which can reduce symptoms of depression and help you overcome anxiety and stress 5.6 and l-tyrozyna i l-fenyloalanina. These amino acids enable the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve mood and mental functions7.8

Synergy. The source of health

Some substances show synergy and support their action, while others may not be recommended, therefore the knowledge of biochemistry is a key aspect.

On this basis, the formula of the highest quality Adrenal-Intercell preparation was developed in the German laboratory of Intercell Pharma. It only contains ingredients with proven synergistic effects: magnesium, vitamin B complex, zinc, vitamin C, Rhodiola Rosea and amino acids (L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine). Optimal portions and highly digestible forms guarantee effective support of the body, supplying it with nutrients necessary for increased stress, workload, exhaustion or chronic fatigue (CFS). As a result, it allows you to increase concentration, resistance to stress and reduce sleep problems.

The product is available at


1. N Engl J Med 1998; 338:1842-1845; J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83:1842-1845

2. JAMA. 2007;298(14):1722

3. J Psychiatr Pract, 2012; 18:233-52; Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2007; 4:115-23; Clin J Sport Med, 2006; 16:341-7; J Altern Complement Med, 2007; 13:419-26

4. Nutrients. 2017 May; 9(5):429; Singh, J Nutr Food Sci 2016; 6:4

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8.https: //

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