Chronic rhinitis and its types

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Chronic rhinitis comes in various forms and is most often the result of acute, repeated viral or bacterial infections of the nose and paranasal sinuses. It usually manifests as a persistent runny nose in the form of a profuse mucous or mucopurulent discharge. Prevention is primarily based on avoiding contact with infected people.

What is chronic rhinitis?

Chronic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa that lasts for more than 12 weeks. It may be a consequence of acute and repeated viral infections of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Chronic rhinitis can take many forms and, if left untreated, leads to many complications. In general, the nasal mucosa has cilia that are responsible for self-cleaning and the production of a secretion that moisturizes the epithelium and removes all impurities. Cilia cause the secretion to be expelled to the outside.

The causes of chronic rhinitis

Our nose contains physiologically useful bacteria, e.g. purulent streptococci A or Haemophilus influenzae, in a healthy person the amount of these bacteria and their activity are controlled by the immune system. However, each subsequent infection (with additional bacteria) causes the cells of the immune system to mobilize, and their reaction is inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, making it difficult to remove nasal secretions (residual secretions are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria). The development of pathogenic bacteria leads to inflammation manifested by high temperature and damage to the nasal mucosa. Repeating these episodes causes them to transform into a chronic condition that can lead to complete hypertrophy or thinning of the nasal mucosa.


In half of the cases, viruses (not bacteria) are responsible for the development of ailments, usually rhinoviruses.

Allergies are also factors that cause chronic rhinitis. Allergens can be fungi, pollen, animal hair or dust, which cause an abnormal reaction of the immune system.

Do you want to check if you have an allergy? You can perform a mail-order respiratory panel for inhalation allergies (10 allergens) or a wider diagnosis of 20 or 30 allergens. Medonet Market also offers mail-order tests for one of the most common allergies – a panel of recombinant pollen (timothy meadow and birch).

Moreover, factors that may influence the chronic nature of the disease are defects in the anatomy, e.g. a curvature of the nasal septum. In addition, chronic rhinitis may result from the use of certain preparations:

  1. psychotrop medicines,
  2. medications for high blood pressure,
  3. stimulants of the sympathetic nervous system,
  4. rezerpiny,
  5. hormones,
  6. contraceptives.

Chronic rhinitis – symptoms

The symptoms of chronic rhinitis include, first of all, a long-lasting discharge from the nose of copious mucous or mucopurulent discharge. The retention of secretions and swelling of the mucous membranes mean that the nasal patency is significantly reduced, and the patient has to breathe through the mouth. If the disease is prolonged, the sense of smell decreases.

In turn, foul atrophic rhinitis manifests itself:

  1. purulent discharge,
  2. stink from the nose,
  3. cracking scabs.

The mild form of rhinitis occurs when the symptoms are not bothersome and do not interfere with everyday functioning. In moderate form, the symptoms interfere with daily activity and require treatment.

To relieve symptoms, regularly use Octenisan md – a nasal gel that cleans and moisturizes the vestibules of the nose.

Types of chronic rhinitis

1. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis – characterized by severe nasal obstruction on both sides. This form of rhinitis is accompanied by inflammatory nasal polyps. These are changes that most often arise from the middle nasal passage and should undergo surgical treatment.

2. Chronic atrophic rhinitis – characterized by changes in the mucosa that gradually become thinner. Atrophic mucous and serous glands do not produce secretions, which results in dryness of the mucosa and a large width of the nasal passage. This leads to the accumulation of scanty discharge in the form of scabs. Their removal causes bleeding, sometimes very difficult to control.

3. Chronic fetid atrophic rhinitis (ozena) – in addition to the symptoms of catarrh previously described, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. It occurs almost exclusively in women.

4. Chronic idiopathic rhinitis (formerly known as vasomotor) – is caused by overheating of the back or feet area and rapid temperature changes.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis

A patient presenting with symptoms to an ENT specialist undergoes endoscopy of the nasal cavity.

Home treatment – is mainly based on keeping the nose open. In any type of catarrh, impurities in the nose are not removed properly, due to the presence of snapshots on the mucous membrane, the rhythmic movements of which remove dust, bacteria and other impurities into the throat, which in turn get from there to the throat. digestive tract.

  1. To help open the nose, you can use the Runny nose STOP adult pear.

Under normal conditions, it is not necessary to clean the nose mechanically, and the microorganisms that are swallowed with the secretions of the mucous membranes of the throat, nose, saliva and tear glands – are neutralized beforehand and do not pose a threat to the gastrointestinal tract. In patients with nasal diseases, the shutter movement is limited and sometimes completely suppressed.

The proper functioning of the snapshots and the nasal mucosa is supported by adequate air humidity, as well as the gentle removal of dried secretions or crusts.

In all forms of chronic rhinitis (especially atrophic rhinitis), you can rinse your nose, but only with lotions prepared in a pharmacy or with a saline solution (0,9%) or with aerosols that are ready to use. Such solutions, like all fluids for the ear, eye and nose, should have a temperature close to body temperature, i.e. approx. 37 ° C.

Pharmacological and surgical treatment

The use of other medications, in particular nasal drops, is allowed only on the recommendation of a specialist doctor. In the case of allergic rhinitis, steroid preparations and antihistamines are implemented. If classic treatment does not bring benefits – the so-called desensitization, which consists in administering to an allergic patient slowly increasing and then maintenance doses of the vaccine containing the allergen to which the patient is allergic.

Check out how Nasonex works

The hypertrophic forms of chronic rhinitis are treated by eliminating the main cause – polyps. Then, an operation is performed, followed by pharmacotherapy. The most effective methods include microscopic and endoscopic surgery, which allows for a very thorough cleaning of the nose and unblocking the overgrown sinus connections with the nose. During the procedure, a section of the material is collected and sent for a microscopic examination. Appropriate pharmacological treatment is selected only after receiving the test results.

How to prevent chronic rhinitis?

Prevention in chronic rhinitis consists in limiting contacts (and preferably avoiding them completely) with infected people and protection against the harmful effects of irritating chemicals by wearing protective masks with filters. If the applied preventive measures do not bring any benefits, and the symptoms worsen – it is worth changing the place of residence or occupation. In some situations, prophylactic surgery is performed to remove the lesions limiting the nasal patency.

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis is a general term for several types of rhinitis that are difficult to diagnose and treat. On the other hand, atopic (allergic) catarrhs ​​are easy in this case, which are caused seasonally by allergens present in the air at that time: pollen of flowering plants, mites, etc.

Among patients with chronic rhinitis, the largest group are people with the so-called vasomotor syndromes. Symptoms of vasomotor syndrome, i.e. sneezing, sometimes in the form of violent volleys lasting from a few seconds to several minutes, appear in the form of seizures or last continuously. These seizures are accompanied by profuse, runny nose and lacrimation.

Factors that increase the risk of vasomotor rhinitis include:

  1. rapid temperature changes,
  2. cooling down or overheating of temperature-sensitive areas of the body (e.g. back, feet).

Prevention and treatment can be established on the basis of a thorough and comprehensive ENT and allergological examination.

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