Chronic intoxication of the body

Chronic intoxication of the body

In the body of many people of our population living in big cities and metropolitan areas, the concentration of toxic products almost constantly exceeds the permissible limits. A powerful system of excretion and neutralization of toxins helps a person to cope with such chronic intoxication.

The liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines work around the clock to prevent poisoning. These organs always work in a kind of continuous mode, since during the assimilation of food, harmful substances are formed that must be disposed of in a timely manner. A person does not notice such a process of purification at all. With a disease, even a simple acute respiratory disease, the load on the organs increases significantly. The patient complains of weakness, apathy, nausea and headaches.

Chronic intoxication of the body, unlike acute (after drinking a large amount of alcohol or fatty foods), increases gradually. Certain painful symptoms usually do not appear immediately, initially they are practically not expressed. Often, due to such chronic intoxication, other chronic inflammatory diseases begin to develop. To treat inflammation, the doctor prescribes the necessary pharmaceutical preparations, thereby contributing to the poisoning of the body.

To get rid of inflammation, first of all, it is necessary to remove toxins and completely cleanse the body of harmful residual substances. Then you can achieve a more radical effect in the treatment of any acute respiratory disease.

How does chronic intoxication manifest itself?

The first signs of this disease are weakness and a slight feeling of lethargy. At the same time, sleep becomes quite heavy, and immediately after waking up, the patient does not experience typical cheerfulness. With physical or mental stress, fatigue quickly sets in. Many people around often note absent-mindedness and deterioration in the memory of a sick person. Other symptoms include a decrease in the acuity of perception of any readable text.

In addition, dull pains and heaviness in the head may also appear when it is necessary to concentrate strongly. In some people, sweating increases greatly, sexual activity weakens, and appetite decreases markedly. Patients, in addition to dizziness, note nervousness, hair becomes brittle and faded. Recall that the signs of the disease do not appear all at once, but appear gradually with increasing symptoms. As a rule, the symptoms increase imperceptibly in intensity, and then new ones join them.

A person can gradually get used to his not very good state of health and for a long time not pay attention to him, overcoming rather unpleasant sensations. In addition to morning coffee and an evening glass of alcohol to increase vigor, various stimulant drugs join. However, all these modern remedies give a temporary effect, while chronic intoxication increases.

The available symptoms include the manifestation of allergic and inflammatory diseases, as well as the weakening of motor functions. After hard work, joint pain and swelling may appear for a while, and blood pressure may rise for a short time. nervous tension is practically not expressed, and often after a long sleep it becomes a little better. In the future, general well-being begins to deteriorate.

All these symptoms only indicate significant poisoning of the body with various toxins. When the load is increased, the systems cannot cope, which entails the manifestation of signs of intoxication. The use of potent drugs, as a rule, with this disease gives the opposite effect. Only a highly qualified specialist can prescribe a competent detoxification after a series of tests and necessary examinations. Detoxification should be repeated approximately once every two years, even in the absence of symptoms.

It should be noted that in addition to a special detoxifying therapy, an integrated approach includes certain immunomodulatory drugs. Various immune system stimulants are used under the strict supervision of a physician who observes the dynamics of the tests. Against the background of intensive cleansing, the body is filled with physical strength and vigor. The harmful toxins accumulated over the years are removed, the microcirculation of the lymph flow is restored, as well as the potential of cells for mandatory self-regeneration.

After optimal treatment against chronic intoxication, you can fully restore activity and health, improve your well-being, gain energy, vigor and strength, pains go away, good sleep is restored and excellent appetite appears.

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