chronic hepatitis
We know about hepatitis since school: they told us what it is and how not to get infected. But today we will talk about chronic hepatitis. Plus, a lot has changed since high school.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is considered one of the most famous liver lesions. Why does this disease occur, how to treat it and what to do so as not to get sick
Viral hepatitis B
Viral hepatitis B is a serious infectious disease that can lead to severe liver damage. What do we all need to know about hepatitis B?
Hepatitis D in adults
Hepatitis D in adults is a special form of the virus that attacks the liver. It occurs only against the background of an already existing infection, which is provoked by another type – hepatitis B

What is chronic hepatitis

In the medical literature and on the Internet there are different definitions. In simple terms, chronic hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver, which is characterized by the gradual death of tissues and cells of the organ.

But it is important to understand that chronic hepatitis is not a specific disease.

There are several varieties of them, director of a network of specialized clinics, doctor of medical sciences Vladimir Alyangin. – And most often, when we talk about chronic hepatitis, we mean hepatitis B and C. While hepatitis A, for example, which is unofficially called “dirty hands disease”, almost never becomes chronic.

Therefore, in this article we will pay more attention to chronic hepatitis B and C.

Causes of chronic hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis occurs against the background of a long – more than 6 months – course of the acute form of the disease.

And it is provoked by viruses: HCV – hepatitis C, HBV – hepatitis B. The virus, penetrating the body, first multiplies, and then the integration phase begins. In other words, the DNA of the virus is embedded in the cells of the body, and as if they become “their own”, they become invisible to immune control. Therein lies the danger.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis

The symptoms of chronic hepatitis B are the same as those of the acute form. Another thing is that, given the duration of the course of the disease, they can be more pronounced. But it is not at all necessary that all possible signs will appear at the same time. These include:

  • yellowness of the skin and sclera (“whites” of the eyes),
  • abdominal pain,
  • dark urine,
  • fever, joint pain,
  • weakness,
  • lack of appetite, nausea with impulses to vomit.

– In the case of chronic hepatitis C, everything is more complicated. It is not for nothing that he is called the “silent killer,” says Vladimir Alyangin. – We can say that this disease is more dangerous than HIV. Hepatitis C can exist in the body for a long time, gradually destroying the liver, with almost no symptoms.

However, non-specific symptoms sometimes stand out:

  • constant fatigue, drowsiness,
  • periodically – high fever, muscle pain, sore throat – such a “flu-like” symptomatology,
  • irritability.

But often people mistake these symptoms for banal overwork.

Attention! If we notice that the feeling of weakness has become permanent, moreover, you begin to get sick with ARVI more often – this is a reason to take tests.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis

Statistics show that the acute form of hepatitis B becomes chronic only in 5-8% of cases. However, there is no question here about whether to be treated or “it will go away on its own.” The virus, if measures are not taken, will become stronger and stronger in the body and destroy liver cells. Left untreated, chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or cause cancer, and ultimately be fatal.

It is important to remember that the virus that causes the disease, in particular chronic hepatitis C, can live in the body for 10-20 years or more. In order not to aggravate the process and increase your chances of recovery, it is necessary to respond in time to the alarm signals that the body will give, and be sure to periodically check your health.


First of all, it is data of anamnesis. When a doctor is approached with certain complaints, he examines the patient, asks questions, and ultimately gives a referral for tests. Here we are talking about the laboratory method.

People with suspected hepatitis donate venous blood, which is checked for biochemistry (bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)), a serological blood test (presence of antigens and antibodies) is performed, and the polymerase chain reaction method is also used (traces of virus DNA are detected ).

In addition to laboratory methods, the histological method (sampling of liver tissue for cell examination) and ultrasound are used in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis.

Given the nonspecific symptoms of the disease, in particular hepatitis C, it is usually detected by chance. When a person, preparing for the birth of a child, preliminarily takes tests, or when he takes tests before going to a planned operation, as well as as part of a professional medical examination, our expert says.

In addition, hepatitis can be suspected when an infected person has esophageal bleeding. It provokes varicose veins of the esophagus against the background of progressive hepatitis.

Modern treatments

– Five years ago, chronic hepatitis C meant a death sentence. But relatively recently, a medicine has been invented that allows in 95% of cases to save a person’s life by ridding him of a deadly virus, says Dr. Alyangin. – By the way, if at first such a medicine cost about 1 million rubles, now you can get the necessary therapy in the range of 40-50 thousand rubles. And yes, so far this is the only way to cure a person with hepatitis C. Previously, liver transplantation was practiced, but time has shown that the method is ineffective, since the virus still remains in the body and subsequently affects the already transplanted organ.

Treatment for chronic hepatitis B often consists of lifelong antiviral therapy as well as a specific diet. Experts note that although sometimes it is possible to completely cure the disease, in the vast majority of cases, chronic hepatitis B can only be “frozen” for a while.

Prevention of chronic hepatitis at home

The hepatitis B and C virus is transmitted through the blood, sexually and vertically (from mother to child).

– Currently, most often in practice there are facts when a person becomes infected with hepatitis in the dentist’s office – in the case when the instruments are not well processed. In addition, the virus is often sexually transmitted, says Dr. Alyangin. – Therefore, it is necessary to know and observe the culture of intimate life, and seek medical help in trusted clinics with a good reputation.

In addition, hepatitis B is currently vaccinated: vaccination is included in the vaccination schedule for children, but adults who did not receive a “useful shot” in childhood can apply to medical institutions for a vaccine.

Popular questions and answers

Can you get hepatitis in a tattoo parlor?

About 20-30 years ago, this was all the time. Since tattoos were stuffed in unsanitary conditions with the help of improvised means, one needle was often used for several people. Now this is practically impossible. Tattoos are treated like art: a lot of money is spent on it, high-quality tools, disposable consumables are used, everything is processed like in an operating room. Therefore, doctors now practically do not encounter cases of infection with hepatitis in tattoo parlors.

Is it possible to know for sure how a person got infected?

No, It is Immpossible. We had a case: a man went to court with a claim in relation to dentistry, believing that he was infected with hepatitis there. When the judge received an affirmative answer to his question “do you live sexually”, the decision was unequivocal: to dismiss the claim. Since there is a possibility that the infection occurred sexually, and it is unrealistic to prove the opposite.

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