Everyone can experience temporary fatigue – not always the symptom should cause concern. The problem arises when the feeling of fatigue does not go away or occurs too often and is difficult to justify. Such a symptom should be consulted with a doctor, as in some cases it indicates a disease or other pathology. What can cause fatigue?
Nap during the dayContrary to appearances, a nap in the middle of the day is a great idea – according to specialists, a short sleep is associated with effective regeneration of strength, improvement of brain function and reduction of fatigue. However, if the nap is prolonged, it can increase fatigue. How it’s possible? During half an hour of sleep, the body is in the REM phase – longer sleep introduces the brain into the deep phase of NREM sleep, from which it is harder to get up and quickly return to normal, daily activity.
Diseases of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland is an inconspicuous organ that has a significant impact on the entire body. May make you jittery, hungry or drowsy. Chronic fatigue is one of the key symptoms of hypothyroidism – the disease is suspected especially in patients suffering from memory disorders or unjustified weight gain.
DepressionFew people know that constant tiredness and drowsiness can indicate depression. The disease, called the “epidemic of the XNUMXst century”, is also manifested by weakness, mood swings, loss of joy of life and interests. Depression leads to a gradual limitation of daily activities. Symptoms of this kind require specialist consultation.
Magnesium deficiencyMagnesium deficiencies are often at the root of constant fatigue. The element plays many important roles in the body and participates in a number of processes affecting its proper functioning. Magnesium deficiencies are associated with fatigue, irritability and concentration problems.
Sleep apneaSleep apnea, or incessant snoring, causes daytime sleepiness and irritability. It is shown that 3 to 8 percent suffer from it. the entire population. Apnea requires treatment, as it can threaten the health and even life of the patient.
AlcoholSome people reach for several servings of alcohol a week to help them fall asleep. And although sleep may come faster after a drink, the body does not feel rested in the morning. Why? Alcoholic beverages only allow you to fall into light sleep and do not allow the brain to enter deep REM sleep. The consequence is fatigue and drowsiness the next day.
DehydrationFatigue, weakness, drowsiness, headache and problems with falling asleep may indicate dehydration of the body. A small supply of fluids will lower blood pressure and lead to cerebral hypoxia. Remember to stay hydrated – it is best to drink still mineral water.
CystitisFatigue, along with the accompanying drowsiness, can cause inflammation of the bladder. The disease is treated with antibiotics, which eliminate the feeling of fatigue and other troublesome symptoms.
Diseases of the cardiovascular systemPermanent fatigue and sleep problems are the domain of “heart patients” – patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Patients under specialist medical care can count on appropriate treatment that will help minimize severe symptoms.
High physical activity, overtrainingPeople who choose to exercise with too much intensity may complain of fatigue. Physical effort not adapted to the individual capabilities of the body causes fatigue. Therefore, before undertaking a specific activity, it is worth consulting a doctor and advising what effort is recommended for us.