Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: How to Fight? Video
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a new problem that affects the young and active part of the population of developed countries. However, there is a recipe for overcoming this problem: for this you need to make only a few changes in your usual life.
How to get rid of tiredness
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Causes and Symptoms
Chronic fatigue syndrome in developed countries is gradually turning into an epidemic. The risk group includes young people aged 20–35 who are actively pursuing a career. 65% of them are women. Moreover, it was noticed that those ladies who do not have a family and children suffer from this syndrome more often.
The main signs of chronic fatigue are as follows:
- unreasonable lethargy and apathy for a long time
- persistent headaches, worse in the evening
- absent-mindedness, weakening of memory, decreased performance
- emotional changes – tearfulness or, conversely, irritation
- sleep disorders
- decreased libido
- migratory joint pain
- in especially advanced cases, the temperature is elevated in the range of 37-37,3 ° С
Often the causes of chronic fatigue are increased loads and lack of sleep with the addition of a viral infection. Scientists have come to the conclusion that infection (in particular, the herpes virus) plays an important role in the occurrence of the long-lasting symptoms of this syndrome. Due to the general weakening, including the protective functions of the body, are reduced, and this gives the virus the freedom to infect the nervous and other systems of a person.
In one study, a group of volunteers were given antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins, as a result of which chronic fatigue syndrome was almost completely cured
However, it should be borne in mind that even if you have most of these symptoms, this may not necessarily indicate that you have the syndrome. Therefore, do not rush to see a doctor: they say, I have chronic fatigue, what should I do? Perhaps this is just a short-term reaction of the body to increased stress, and soon everything will work out.
In any case, before you run to the pharmacy for any medications, you should try to overcome your unwell with natural methods. Of course, I really want to buy a pill, after drinking which you will get rid of the annoying question: how to get rid of fatigue? But do not forget that any drugs are artificial substances, and therefore for the health of the body it is better not to abuse them. Moreover, there are non-drug ways to actively combat fatigue.
Very often, chronic fatigue syndrome comes to people who are engaged in intellectual types of work. And as you know, the best rest is a change of activity. Moderate exercise perfectly tones the body, helps to overcome stress and take a break from mental work. In addition, physical activity contributes to additional saturation of the brain with oxygen, and in fact in large cities most people suffer from oxygen starvation.
When fighting chronic fatigue, swimming, running, yoga, fitness and the like will be appropriate. Such exercises are aimed at developing endurance, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system, the weakness of which itself contributes to rapid fatigue.
But exercises with weights should be avoided, as well as excessive efforts, since the result will be the same: a feeling of incessant fatigue
2. Camping and a minimum of electronics
Scientists recently conducted an experiment in which people suffering from constant sleepiness were left to live in tents in the wild for a month. They did not have any of the benefits of civilization, including mobile phones. The results were striking: for all participants in the experimental group, the sleep and wakefulness regimen leveled off relative to the solar cycle. That is, people got up at dawn and went to bed at sunset. At the same time, the participants in the experiment felt great, and the drowsiness was gone. This led scientists to the idea that artificial lighting knocks down the natural mechanisms of sleep regulation, which causes constant sleepiness in some people, and insomnia in others.
Therefore, try to spend weekends and vacations in nature, excluding communication with artificial lighting sources as much as possible (this also applies to laptops and mobile phones)
And on weekdays, if possible, take a walk in the park before bedtime and turn off all electronics two to three hours before bedtime. This will saturate the body with additional oxygen and prepare it for sleep.
If you have a hobby, try to make time for it regularly. If there is no such hobby, just try yourself in different types of art. Now there are many centers where adults are offered training in drawing, music, dance, various crafts and handicrafts. Surely some of this will captivate you. The fact is that when a person is engaged in the business that he likes and where he can be realized creatively, this does not take away his energy, but, on the contrary, helps to restore the lost one. In addition, doing what you love will lift your spirits, reduce emotional stress and give you pleasure. Give yourself some time, let it be just an hour a day, two or three times a week, but at this hour it will be just you and your hobby.
There are special areas of massage, such as shiatsu or amma, which focus on energy points. Amma is especially popular among Japanese businessmen – it perfectly relieves stress after a hard day and, as experts say, restores the movement of vital energy.
Thai foot massage is also suitable for getting rid of chronic fatigue.
The best thing, of course, is to visit a specialized massage room, where you can relax, and a professional master will work on your body. However, you can activate the corresponding points yourself. After a hard day at work, massage the points located on both sides of the nail bed of the little finger, as well as near the nail hole. Actually, any anti-stress massage will do. It is good if it includes elements of acupuncture.
At first, you may be intimidated by the prospect of squeezing all these activities into your already busy day. However, you should not be afraid: if at the first stage you think about how to carve out a minute for yourself, then soon you will have free time to add some more pleasant activity. The secret is simple: someone who feels good is capable of more productivity, therefore, in less time you will easily achieve more results.
See also: Why a dream.