Chronic fatigue: symptoms and treatment

There are no fantasies, no dreams, no desire, no determination, all the qualities and motivations that are usual for a person dissolve in the grayness of the surrounding world … Why such gloom, you ask, because yesterday she was the star of social events ?! But no, today it is already decimated by a disease that has not been studied so far, affecting the best of the best, the most intelligent, sensitive, responsive and demanding of themselves. Yes, we still know much more about the victim of the disease than about chronic fatigue itself. Bye.

“Gray skies, gray walls, gray life. Why is she, this life, needed? A life in which there is no joy, no success, no desire. There is nothing but the daily soul-exhausting need to raise your body and force it to go to work in order to perform simple and habitual actions that have suddenly become incredibly difficult and difficult. Everything around is perceived through a strange prism of disgust, fatigue, indifference and some strange, irrational, deep-rooted fear. I really want to drop everything, close the doors, crawl under the covers and not see anyone, nothing, close my eyes and fall asleep … Maybe in order to never wake up. It would rather be over. But you know that it will not end, no, this quiet hell will drag on forever, not allowing you to leave and leaving no hope … ”- writes a person diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Do you think: well, what else did they come up with in order to sit on sick leave longer? No, this disease has already been recognized by doctors, its causes, as the omniscient “Wikipedia” says, are associated with “neurosis of the central regulatory centers of the autonomic nervous system, caused by the inhibition of the activity of the zone responsible for inhibitory processes. The disease provoking factor is an unbalanced emotional and intellectual load to the detriment of physical activity. ” And of course, it strikes most of the inhabitants of megalopolises. Moreover, the trigger (literally – the trigger) can be any incident, from infection to a quarrel with a loved one. And, oddly enough, women aged 25 to 45 are more susceptible to this mysterious ailment.

Chronic fatigue can have flu-like symptoms.

Oddly enough, it all began with an epidemic in a small town in Nevada in 1984. That is, there are exceptions to any rule (remember about megacities). In general, such epidemics lead researchers of this strange condition to think about the viral nature of the disease. But so far these outlines of scientists have led nowhere. There are hypotheses – and nothing more.

For example, one of them. Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs in those people who have had the Epstein-Barr virus (herpes simplex virus type 4), which is associated with various diseases of the blood and brain during the transition to the active phase (as always, according to the law of meanness, the carriage of this virus is very common and passes asymptomatic). And also other viruses can serve as triggers, such as: herpes simplex virus type 6, cytomegalovirus (many also have it and does not interfere with life at all), mononucleosis, Kokasaki virus, hepatitis C, enterovirus, retrovirus … Researchers do not specify which of they can cause the state of mind we are interested in, but in vain, because, for example, the HIV virus belongs to retroviruses, and enteroviruses, which, by the way, also includes our friend Kokasaki, are in general countless! In general, the onset of the disease usually takes place in a flu-like delirium, then the “flu” recedes somewhere, but fatigue remains … But because of fatigue, it is not customary for us to give sick leave, you say. And you will be right in your own way.

And what if this “fatigue” does not go away for six months and is accompanied by a bunch of unpleasant symptoms like sweating at night, insomnia, arrhythmias and persistent tonsillitis with sore throats? But, according to doctors, all these symptoms are expressed a little bit: sometimes it pricks, then it pulls. So you can’t do without an examination by a knowledgeable specialist!

“Leading American psychoneuroimmunologists D. Goldstein and D. Solomon have proved that in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, there is a dysregulation of the central nervous system, mainly of its temporo-limbic region. This is quite plausible, since it is known that herpetic viruses infect this particular part of the brain, ”says the head of the immunocorrection laboratory at the State Scientific Center, Professor Nelly Georgievna Artsimovich. These are the studies that are needed to diagnose this blues! And – yes – chronic fatigue is not at all the case in which self-diagnosis can be dispensed with.

In the fight against chronic fatigue, dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, will help.

So what are the symptoms that plague someone with CFS? Constant unbearable fatigue, the inability to do something (or rather, it is very difficult to force yourself to do something), muscle and joint pain, sweating, sleep disturbances (morning or evening insomnia or intermittent sleep), distracted attention, inability to do anything focus, enlargement of the cervical or axillary lymph nodes, chronic colds, migraines.

Yes, and all this lasts and lasts … for weeks, months, sometimes years … Bed rest does not alleviate the condition, the harder it is to lie in bed … Yes, fatigue does not depend on stress at all, but it increases many times after physical work.

However, laboratory tests can neither confirm nor reject a suspected diagnosis. Therefore, the doctors decided to act by elimination. “To make such a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude other chronic diseases, including the above mental disorders: chronic hepatitis B and C, AIDS, herpes, tuberculosis, parasitic diseases, fungal infections, malignant tumors, neuromuscular diseases (multiple sclerosis), poisoning with heavy metals, pesticides, endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes), anemia, deficiency of vitamins of group B, C and E, lack of macro- and microelements magnesium, sodium, selenium, zinc ”, – says immunologist-infectious disease specialist Irina Dmitrievna Pavlova.

The fact is that all trigger viruses can live in the body for years without showing themselves in any way, however, with favorable factors, which include nutritional deficiencies, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of fresh air and sun, gives them an impetus to reproduce.

As for the treatment, there is also a complete disagreement and no consensus! Alas. From electroshock, suggested by specialists from the St. Petersburg Institute of the Human Brain, to those very adamantanes (familiar to you from the article about influenza vaccination). The fact is that, in addition to enhancing immunity, adamantanes also have some stimulating effect, namely: they contribute to an increase in the production of their own dopamine (a hormone of pleasure) without side effects and other waste products. Alcohol also stimulates the release of dopamine, but a hangover is guaranteed to anyone who has tried this route. Because alcohol uses the body’s reserves, which, naturally and naturally, eventually dry up, and adamantanes do not scoop, but stimulate their own production of new dopamine, which is why there is no hangover after them!

Electroshock is applied to completely lost characters … who will not take anything else! So the syndrome of chronic fatigue is not so terrible as it is portrayed. Lie around at home for a couple of months, swallow the pills – and everything will be removed as if by hand.

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