Christmas meal for children

Christmas menus for children

The New Year’s Eve tradition

Christmas Eve is inspired by the different customs of the French regions. In Provence, for example, the evening meal on the 24th took place after midnight mass. Tradition has it that we taste 13 Christmas desserts. These famous sweet dishes symbolized Jesus and the 12 apostles. In Alsace, New Year’s Eve has always been concocted with sausages, hams and blood sausages drizzled with white wine and it is still the case. Today, the evening of the 24th, tradition dictates that the family gather around a good, rather generous meal. Seafood, salmon, foie gras, turkey or capon, pastry log are served during a gargantuan dinner. Children, on the other hand, will snack more often, eager to open their gifts. To prevent them from getting bored at the table or having nothing to eat, we can plan a festive menu just for them, forgetting the classic “ham-shells”.


Christmas menus for children

Organizing a menu especially for toddlers is often a headache. Between those who are difficult, toddlers who do not yet eat everything, you have to be original. The ideal is to adapt the menu intended for adults in a kids version. And above all, keep it simple and fun. If you are a cordon bleu, choose the recipes beforehand and cook them with your children in the afternoon. A single watchword: we put everything on the decoration to make you want to taste the dish.

Christmas recipes for children: small bites and starters

We start by making a list of what to cook. For the aperitif, we plan savory bites. Children love to draw small amounts. Very easy to make, you can prepare them in advance. For example, you can make rolls with sliced ​​ham and cheese, cut small fruit balls, turn hard-boiled eggs into snowmen, etc.

Here is our selection of ideas for appetizers and appetizers specially concocted for toddlers!

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