Christmas indigestion. We suggest how to fight overeating!
Christmas indigestion. We suggest how to fight overeating!

Christmas Eve – a lavishly laid table, fast meals all day, “the bowels of the march are playing” in the belly, so after the feast begins, we almost throw ourselves at dumplings, bigos and carp. When we happily reach for a piece for dessert, it appears: indigestion. We usually experience it as a result of eating too much food. Indigestion is accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain, drowsiness, irritability and a feeling of heaviness – all this will certainly not help to maintain the festive mood!

You are dealing with indigestion when you mainly notice the following symptoms:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Diarrhea,
  • Feeling of overeating, full belly,
  • Nausea and even vomiting
  • Abdominal pain,
  • Belching, heartburn.

How to avoid indigestion?

Above all, avoid fatty, heavy foods. However, different foods can be harmful for everyone, so you should take the time to get to the bottom of the problem and consider what causes your symptoms to worsen. Avoid foods soaked in fat and high in white sugar. Remember that hot spices and pepper, as well as some raw vegetables cause bloating, so exclude them from your diet if you want to prevent unpleasant effects.

The most recommended for stomach problems are herbs such as basil, dill, cumin and marjoram. Infusions of herbs – mint and St. John’s wort will also be good. Put away all carbonated drinks and eat slowly, take your time. Chew your food thoroughly, eat small bites. Avoid compressing the stomach after a meal, which happens, for example, in a crouched position or sitting with a hunched back. Also, remember not to eat right before bedtime! If following these methods doesn’t work, indigestion may indicate a deeper health problem that you should see a specialist doctor for.

When “after the birds” – home remedies for indigestion

The most obvious solution in such cases is the use of special, pharmacy preparations that are available without a prescription. Their composition includes agents that support the production of bile, which is used for better digestion. Other remedies you can use when there are no suitable medications on hand are:

  • Drinking warm water (in small sips), preferably two or three sips every few minutes. Drinking the whole glass at once will make your symptoms worse.
  • Drinking herbal infusions, e.g. z peppermint, fennel, cumin, St. John’s wort, coriander seed, marigold flower, ginger root powder.
  • Give up coffee, alcohol, cocoa and any carbonated drinks.
  • Move around, don’t sit still. Physical activity supports the functioning of the digestive system. Take a leisurely step.

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