choreography training

Choreography is the art of ballet production. If you’ve always loved the grace and poise of ballet dancers, but haven’t had the opportunity to start dancing, it’s never too late to learn.

Difficulty level: For beginners

The art of choreography is grace, elegance and the development of strength to make difficult movements look easy. You don’t have to be a pro to develop a lean physique and muscle control. Instead, you can attend choreographic groups adapted to your age and fitness level under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Why do you need choreography training?

By doing choreography, you will not only learn how to dance, but also get a lot of benefits from it for physical and mental health. By practicing regularly and conscientiously following the recommendations of the coach, you can get all the benefits of learning ballet.

Even if you are an adult, you can enroll in a ballet class where you can learn how to dance like a pro. It is only important to start small by patiently doing the basic exercises described below. Each workout should be preceded by a warm-up and stretching. Also Read: Belly Dance Workouts

Reasons to start choreography training

  • Most types of ballet dances are great for cardio workouts. The exercises you learn will also help strengthen your body. It has been proven that when you dance ballet, you get a workout similar to lifting weights. The more you practice the dance, the stronger you become. This acquired strength will help you in your daily tasks.

  • Ballet not only strengthens strength, but also increases the capabilities of your body. Those who practice ballet claim that their body is capable of handling much more difficult and strenuous tasks than before. The art of dancing gives your body extra stamina.

  • When it comes to performing daily tasks, coordination is essential. Choreography classes are guaranteed to improve coordination. This means that you will have much more control over your own body, and you will notice that you are much better at handling complex motor skills.

  • If your body is not flexible, there are a number of problems that you may have to deal with in your daily life. The best way to increase flexibility is to practice ballet.

  • Choreography, like any dance art, gives a person self-confidence, makes him more active socially.

Basic choreography exercises

There are some great ballet exercises that will help you gain strength and improve your physique. Also Read: Body Ballet Dance Workouts

  1. Plie Stand behind a chair and gently place your hands on the corners of its back. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Rise up on your toes. Keeping your legs elevated, begin to squat down, bending your knees outward. Slowly bend as low as you can without losing your balance, and slowly rise up. Never drop your heels until you’ve completed a full set. Try to do 20 reps per set.
  2. Arabesque – Stand behind the same chair with your hands on the corners. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes outward so that your feet form a V-shape. Raise your left leg straight behind you and extend your left arm straight forward. Then take your left leg back and towards your right side. At the same time, raise your left arm above your head. Hold the position and then slowly release. Repeat the same with the right side. Alternately perform 20 repetitions from side to side.
  3. rear flight – Standing behind a chair, move so that the chair is on your right. Place your right hand on a chair. Lean forward at the hips while maintaining a straight spine. Take your right leg back and touch the floor with the tip of your toe. Bend your left knee as if you were lunging. Place your left hand on the floor in front of your left knee. Raise your back leg as high as you can without losing your balance. At the same time, raise your left arm straight out to the side. After 20 reps, turn around to do the same on the other side.

Recommendations for practicing choreography

  • Indications for training: – hypodynamia; broken posture; lack of flexibility in the joints.
  • Choreography classes are contraindicated in the following cases: – arthritis, arthrosis and other joint problems; dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system; serious violations of coordination of movements.

Choreography is one of the best art forms to help you become healthier and have better control over your body. Also Read: Salsa Solo Dance Workouts

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