Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Some people love autumn for its riot of colors and extraterrestrial charm, others find it unbearable to look at the annual dying of nature, but no one will argue that in any garden in autumn there is always something to do for tireless hands who are ready to do everything so that in spring the garden will come back to life again. and pleased with freshness and beauty. A rustling and multi-colored carpet of fallen leaves is good only in sunny and calm weather, and with the advent of rain, slush and strong winds that swirl and throw all this beauty onto nearby buildings, the sight of fallen leaves ceases to please the eye. Moreover, if you remember that plant debris in its original form is the best refuge for the numerous enemies of the garden, you will want to remove it as soon as possible. And it is best not only to remove, but also to recycle so that it can still serve as a garden.

Not so long ago, units that were simple in their design appeared, which can make it easier for the gardener not only to clean the garden from plant debris, but also to process it. That is, at the output you get ready-made material for mulching beds or building a compost heap. Popular rumor called such units garden vacuum cleaners by analogy with home devices. But after all, both the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe surface to be treated and the amount of garbage outside the home are completely incomparable with home conditions, so the work of garden vacuum cleaners can be carried out not only on the basis of electricity, but gasoline internal combustion engines are also used for these purposes. It is worth noting that models of garden vacuum cleaners with gasoline engines have existed for a long time, but due to their features, they were used mainly by professionals when cleaning large objects: parks, streets and squares. But a garden vacuum cleaner with a chopper for private use is still a novelty, which, nevertheless, is quickly winning the hearts of gardeners and summer residents.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Modes of operation

The most popular models among users are equipped with a complete set of parts that allow garden vacuum cleaners to work in three modes.

  • Blow or fan mode creates a strong directional jet of air that allows you to blow a variety of plant waste into one pile, sweep debris from paths and roofs, and even light a fire in the stove.
  • The suction mode resembles the operation of an ordinary vacuum cleaner. Usually it is used after the plant remains have been grouped into separate piles. To suck in dispersed debris, it most often has too little pipe surface area.
  • The shredding mode is especially useful for those gardeners who use the principles of organic farming in their area. There is no need to purchase a separate mechanism – a garden vacuum cleaner is able to grind the sucked-in garbage itself, and at the exit, a ready-made homogeneous mass is waiting for you, which you can use to obtain organic fertilizers.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Comment! This function, by reducing the volume of waste, allows you to collect more garbage in one operation.

Garden vacuum cleaners – what are they

There are quite a few classifications of garden vacuum cleaners. For example, according to the method of use, all such units are divided into:

  • Manual;
  • Knapsack;
  • Wheeled.

An ordinary summer resident or the owner of a small personal plot of 6-10 acres will be interested, first of all, in manual vacuum cleaners. Since both knapsack and even more so wheeled models of garden vacuum cleaners are more likely to be professional equipment designed for cleaning large areas.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Hand vacuum cleaners

These units are relatively small in size and light in weight – from 1,8 to 5-7 kg, so that the lightest of them can be controlled with just one hand. For ease of use, they are usually equipped with a comfortable handle, and those heavier than 4 kg include an additional adjustable shoulder strap, which makes it easy to transport the garden vacuum cleaner to any distance. Usually manual models are quite easy to operate, all mechanisms are clearly switched on and off, and components are removed and changed.

But they are not very suitable for cleaning areas over 10 acres, since both the garden vacuum cleaner itself and the filled garbage bag will create too much stress on the back. And if the plant waste bag is small, then it will have to be shaken out or changed too often.

In addition, since when designing such garden vacuum cleaners, manufacturers initially proceeded from relatively small volumes of cleaning, the power of the motors used in manual models is incomparable with other vacuum cleaners. Although manual garden vacuum cleaners can use both electric and gasoline engines. Models with an electric motor have only one drawback – attachment to an outlet and an electrical cord, which can be inconvenient in some cases. Otherwise, they are silent, light, easy to operate, and safe for the environment.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

An example of such a unit is the garden vacuum cleaner Worx wg 500 e. Despite its low weight of 3,8 kg, it successfully combines all three main functions of a garden vacuum cleaner, and you do not need to use any tools to switch from one mode to another. Everything happens just by simply touching the switch.

The electric garden vacuum cleaner with a chopper Worx wg 500e has 7 modes of air flow speeds, which allows you to adjust the blowing and suction speed so as not to pick up anything superfluous from the garbage. Thus, the power can vary from 2,5 to 3 kW.

The maximum air flow rate is 93 m/s, the volume of the fabric bin is 54 l, the ratio of grinding plant residues is 10:1.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

There are also cordless models among garden hand vacuum cleaners. They are convenient in that they can work without an electric cord. But their power, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. In addition, there are only a few models that successfully combine all three functions of a garden vacuum cleaner: suction, air blowing and chopping. In the vast majority of cases, manufacturers of cordless garden vacuum cleaners are limited to only one function – blowing, due to which these units are most often referred to simply as blowers.

Attention! Among other things, the duration of work on one charge of cordless garden vacuum cleaners is also small and ranges from 15 to 60 minutes for different models.

Gasoline garden vacuums are considered more powerful and mobile than electric ones, but their manual options are still comparable in performance and power to electric counterparts. The main disadvantage of gas-powered garden vacuum cleaners is the noise and vibration during operation. And exhaust gases also do not improve the overall picture. But you can afford to move with him to any most remote corner of the garden and not be interrupted for recharging.

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

A good example of a manual petrol garden vacuum cleaner is the Champion GBV 326S. Despite the gasoline engine, this model is not very noisy, perhaps due to the low engine power of 750 watts. Nevertheless, she quite copes with the tasks assigned to her by blowing off foliage, sucking it in and grinding it.

A special feature of this champion gbv 326s chopper blower is the rather large pipe diameter, which reduces the problems associated with clogging it with leaves. The weight of this model is 7,8 kg, which is not so much for gasoline vacuum cleaners. Well, the included shoulder strap further facilitates the work performed.

Customer Reviews of Electric Garden Vacuum Cleaners

Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Customer reviews of garden vacuum cleaners with grinding are rather positive. Many point out that, despite a good idea, the assembly and execution of vacuum cleaners often do not justify the hopes placed on them.

Oleg, 48 years old, Samara
In principle, I liked the idea itself, and I bought a garden vacuum cleaner – 3 in one – so that I no longer fool around with cleaning the site in the fall. As a blower, I think it could work better, but as a vacuum cleaner it does its job quite well. True, long branches often clog the pipe, but everything seems to be easily removed and cleaned. The best part is that you pour the contents of the bag directly into the compost and you don’t know the worries.
Igor, 32 years old, Dmitrov
I was surprised that the engine is quite powerful, it easily lifts even small clods of clay and stones. True, there is no protection against overheating, and small particles enter the engine. After several hours of work, the engine warped, I had to disassemble and straighten the seats. And in general, I am satisfied with the work, although I expected better.
Tatyana, 39 years old, Tula
I really enjoyed working with it, all modes work great, though I don’t use it when it’s wet. And it’s light, soft, and comfortable. And in winter, even the snow from the porch was quickly cleaned with it. And then even to the roof got. In general, I’m satisfied.


Chopper blower: review of models, reviews

Many recent inventions do not always meet the expectations of consumers, but you need to remember that each thing is designed for a certain type of work. And if it doesn’t suit you, then someone else may really like it.

Powerful blower with chopper.

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