Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Tomatoes in oil for the winter are a great way to prepare those tomatoes that, due to their size, simply do not fit in the neck of a jar. This delicious preparation can be a great snack.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

The nuances of cooking chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

When harvesting a tomato for the winter with vegetable oil, it is important to choose the right ingredients and prepare them well.

  1. Tomatoes are the main component of this preparation. The appearance and taste of canned food will depend on their quality. The main requirement for them is that they are solid and do not lose their shape during heat treatment. Small vegetables are cut in half or into 4 slices. Larger ones can be cut into 6, and even into 8 slices. Before processing, vegetables are washed using running water. Be sure to cut the stem.
     Attention! The highest quality canned food is obtained from plum-shaped fruits with dense pulp.

    Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

  2. When preparing chopped tomatoes with onions for the winter, you need to use vegetable oil. It is preferable if it is purified, odorless.
  3. Onions for tomatoes for the winter are cut into slices with butter in half rings or slices. The main rule is that the pieces should not be small.
  4. Garlic cloves are usually cut into slices. There are recipes for making a salad for the winter from tomatoes, onions and butter, in which the cloves are put whole or crushed in a garlic press. In the latter case, the brine or marinade may become cloudy.

    Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

  5. To enrich the taste, greens are added to this blank. Many housewives are limited only to parsley and dill, but the range of spices can be much wider. Tomatoes go well with basil, thyme, cilantro. An interesting flavor ensemble is obtained by adding raspberry, cherry or currant leaves. All greens should be washed and dried.
  6. To prepare tomatoes with onion slices for the winter, they use the usual spices: bay leaves, peppercorns, clove buds, and sometimes mustard seeds or dill or coriander seeds.
  7. A delicious marinade is prepared with the obligatory ingredients – salt and sugar. These ingredients are needed in almost any recipe. And sometimes you can do without vinegar.
  8. The dishes in which canned food is placed are sterilized.
  9. After corking the container with chopped tomatoes with butter, the preservation is turned over and insulated until it cools.

    Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Tomatoes with onions and butter for the winter

This is the basic recipe. All the rest are variations with different additives.


  • 4,5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2,2 kg of onions;
  • 150 ml lean oil;
  • 4,5 Art. spoons of salt;
  • 9% vinegar – 135 ml;
  • sugar – 90 g;
  • 12 bay leaves;
  • Xnumx buds clove;
  • 24 peas of allspice.

If necessary, the number of ingredients can be changed while maintaining the proportions.

How to cook:

  1. Chopped vegetables, along with onion half rings, are placed in a bulk bowl, mixed gently. They need to stand until the juice stands out.
  2. Spices are laid out in jars with a capacity of 1 liter, distributing them equally. Pour in a tablespoon of oil, add a teaspoon of salt and sugar.
    Advice! The amount of sugar can be changed, depending on taste preferences, but it is not recommended to put less salt – canned food may deteriorate.
  3. Spread the vegetable mixture, lightly tamping it. Fill the contents with boiled water. The liquid level should be 1 cm below the neck. Cover jars with sterile lids.

    Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

  4. Sterilize preservation in a convenient way: a hot oven or a water bath is suitable for this. Sterilization time is a quarter of an hour.
  5. Before corking, add a teaspoon of vinegar to each container.

Tomato salad for the winter with butter and herbs

For 8 cans with a capacity of 1 liter, you will need:

  • tomatoes – 4 kg;
  • onion – 800 g;
  • garlic – 6 heads;
  • dill and parsley in a bunch;
  • 100 ml lean oil;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • vinegar 9% – 100 ml;
  • bay leaves and peppercorns.

Those who like spicy dishes can use capsicum. It is he who will add conservation to the point.


  1. Garlic cloves, spices, peppers and onions in rings, whole sprigs of greens, and slices of tomatoes are placed in a pre-sterilized container.
    Advice! The choice of greens is to the taste of the hostess.
  2. Boil to pour 2 liters of water, seasoned with sugar, salt. Vinegar is poured when it boils.
  3. Boiled filling is poured into vegetables, oil is added, sterilized in a water bath. Time – ¼ hour.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Tomatoes with onion, garlic and oil without sterilization

Tomato slices with onions are prepared according to this recipe without sterilizing.


  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 400 g onions;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • 280 grams of sugar;
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar
  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • peppercorns, bay leaves.

Subtleties of preparation:

  1. Cut dried tomatoes into slices.
  2. 3 cloves of garlic, large rings from half of the onion, a hot pepper ring, and tomatoes are placed in jars.
  3. Boiling water is poured in, kept, covered with lids, for 25 minutes.
  4. The filling is prepared by dissolving salt and sugar in 4 liters of water. As soon as the marinade boils, add vinegar.
  5. Replace liquid in jars with boiling marinade, add oil.
  6. Clog.
Important! Be sure to warm up, a blanket is suitable for this.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Chopped tomatoes with onions, butter and cloves

There are more spices in the tomatoes according to this recipe. Cloves, which are recommended to be added to preservation, will give the blanks a special taste.

For each liter jar you will need:

  • tomato slices – how much will go in;
  • onion;
  • 6 peas of pepper;
  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 25-40 ml vegetable oil.

Marinade (enough to fill 2-3 liter jars):

  • 10 sheets of laurel;
  • 15 clove buds and black peppercorns each;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 75 g;
  • 1 L of water;
  • 75 ml of vinegar 6% is added before pouring.

How to cook:

  1. Put spices and chopped onions in a container. Tomato slices and a couple of onion rings are densely spread on it to the top.
  2. Prepare the marinade from all the components, pour the contents of the jars into it.
  3. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour.

    Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

  4. Vegetable oil is added before corking.
    Advice! It is better to pre-calcine it.

Recipe for tomato slices with butter and horseradish, no vinegar

This recipe for tomato slices with vegetable oil is for those who love spicy.


  • hard tomatoes;
  • garlic head;
  • two small horseradish roots;
  • a piece of hot pepper;
  • 25 ml of vegetable oil in each jar;
  • beam cilantro;
  • coriander;
  • black peppercorns.


  • sugar – 75 g;
  • salt – 25 g;
  • 1l of water.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Advice! For those who prefer spicy preparations, the amount of hot pepper can be increased and sugar reduced.


  1. Horseradish is placed in the container, which must be peeled and cut into pieces, hot pepper rings, black peppercorns and coriander, a sprig of cilantro, garlic cloves, and tomatoes.
  2. Pour in boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid, dissolve the spices in it, let it boil, pour in the tomatoes, pour in the oil and cork. Do not forget to wrap them for a day, turning them upside down.

Tomato slices for the winter in oil with fragrant herbs

Fragrant herbs not only make the preparation tastier, but also enrich it with vitamins and minerals. Homemade fragrant delicious marinade will be drunk faster than tomatoes will be eaten.


  • Tomatoes – 2,8 kg;
  • onion – 400 g;
  • 40 g salt;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • vegetable oil, vinegar – 40 ml each;
  • peas of black and allspice pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • water – 2 l;
  • dill, parsley, celery sprigs, basil leaves.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter


Tomatoes will need to be freed from the skin.

Advice! For preservation according to this recipe, only very fleshy and dense tomatoes are chosen. A cruciform incision is made in the region of the stalk, blanched in boiling water for 1 minute, cooled in cold water, and cleaned. Tomatoes are cut into circles, about 0,5 cm thick.
  1. At the bottom of sterile jars, with a volume of 1 liter, two or three sprigs of herbs and one basil leaf are placed.
    Warning! Basil is a very fragrant herb. Therefore, so that he does not dominate the workpiece, you should not overdo it with him.
  2. Spread chopped tomatoes and onion rings. Greens are placed on top.
  3. For marinade, spices and spices are added to the water, except for vinegar. It is poured directly into jars of 10 ml. The same amount of vegetable oil is added after pouring boiling marinade.
  4. Sterilized for a quarter of an hour. Cork, warm up.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Chopped tomatoes in oil with currant leaves

This recipe is very simple. Vinegar is not used as a preservative, but ascorbic acid.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

  • dense strong tomatoes – as needed;
  • garlic – 3 lobules;
  • dill, parsley – on a branch;
  • ½ sheet of horseradish;
  • a leaf of currant or cherry;
  • black pepper – 5 peas;
  • 25 ml vegetable oil.

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • 0,65 g of ascorbic acid.


  1. All the ingredients are placed in jars, a sprig of dill is placed on top.
  2. Make a marinade, boil, pour the contents of the jars. Pour in oil. Let it brew for about 7 minutes under the lid. Roll up.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Recipe for tomatoes with butter “Lick your fingers” with mustard seeds

Tomatoes “You’ll lick your fingers” with sunflower oil and mustard seeds have a unique and unforgettable taste.

In a 1 liter jar:

  • tomatoes – how much will go in;
  • garlic 3 cloves;
  • mustard seeds – 2 teaspoons;
  • two peas of allspice and a sprig of parsley;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. a spoon.

For the marinade:

  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide;
  • sugar -3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons (9%);
  • water – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Peppercorns, garlic cloves, mustard seeds, parsley sprig are placed at the bottom of the jars. Fill it with tomatoes.
  2. Boil the marinade for 4 minutes and immediately pour the tomatoes.
  3. Now they need sterilization for a quarter of an hour in a hot oven or water bath.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Tomato slices with butter, onions and carrots

Tomatoes according to this recipe are prepared by double pouring, they do not require further sterilization.

Products per liter capacity:

  • Tomatoes – 0,5 kg;
  • 1 bulb;
  • half a carrot and hot capsicum;
  • sprigs of parsley;
  • allspice peas – 5 pcs;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  • salt – 0,5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 1,5 teaspoons;
  • vinegar – 1 tbsp. spoon (9%);
  • 5 L of water.


  1. Lay layers of hot pepper rings, onions, carrots, parsley sprigs, tomato slices, peppercorns.
  2. Pour boiling water over, stand for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the water, prepare the marinade on it, adding everything except vinegar. It is poured into a jar along with oil. Boiling marinade is added there and corked.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Recipe for chopped tomatoes with butter and Bulgarian pepper

According to this recipe, awesome tomatoes in oil for the winter are obtained. Pepper additionally enriches the workpiece with vitamins and gives it a special taste.

Ingredients for 6 liter jars:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • 6 large bell peppers;
  • three onions;
  • vegetable oil – 6 tbsp. spoons.


  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar – 6 teaspoons (9%);
  • water – 2,4 l.

How to cook:

  1. Half the onion, chopped pepper and tomato slices are placed at the bottom of the container.
    Important! Banks for this workpiece can not be sterilized, but they must be washed thoroughly.
  2. Prepare the marinade from all the ingredients. After boiling, pour the contents of the cans into them.
  3. Sterilize by placing in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Roll up hermetically.

Chopped tomatoes with butter for the winter

Sweet tomatoes with garlic and butter

Due to the large amount of garlic, the marinade in this preparation is a little cloudy, but this does not affect the taste at all: everyone will like spicy garlic and, at the same time, sweet tomatoes.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • sweet pepper and onion – 1 kg each;
  • garlic – 5 heads.

For the marinade:

  • water – 2l;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar essence (70%) – 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  1. All ingredients are placed in a sterile container, placing in layers. Garlic should be on top.
  2. Boil the marinade, which is prepared from all the ingredients. Banks fill them up.
  3. Sterilize preservation in a saucepan with hot water for a quarter of an hour, if the volume of the jar is 1 liter.
  4. After rolling, turn over and wrap.

For more information on cooking tomato slices in oil, see the video:

TOMATOES: preparations for the winter. Slices in oil – 7 cottages

How to properly store tomatoes in oil

The best place to store such blanks is a cool basement. If it is not there, conservation can be kept in the apartment, but without access to light: on the mezzanine or in the closet. If the lids are swollen, do not use the contents of the jars.


Tomatoes in oil for the winter are a great way to preserve even the largest tomatoes, which are not suitable for ordinary pickling. Tomatoes prepared according to different recipes will delight the owners in the winter with their unique taste, and will be in place, both on a festive and everyday basis.

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