Chopped chicken cutlets: how to fry? Video
Chicken meat is appreciated by housewives not only for its availability, but also for the fact that it can be used to prepare a variety of recipes. One of them, quite simple to prepare dishes, but having an excellent taste, is chopped chicken cutlets in a frying pan.
Chops made from minced chicken meat can be made in several ways, and they will taste differently.
Traditional recipe for chicken fillet cutlets
This is the simplest recipe, for making cutlets according to which take: – 0,5 kg of chilled chicken fillet; – 50 ml of milk; – 100 g of white bread; – 1 egg; – 1 onion; – vegetable oil for frying; – salt to taste …
If you are going to fry minced meat cutlets, rinse the chicken fillet and cut into 0,5 cm pieces. Free the bread from the crusts and soak in milk. When it’s soaked enough, squeeze the bread out of the milk and roll it through a meat grinder along with the onion. Combine the meat with egg, salt, and bread and onion mixture. The consistency of the minced meat will not turn out too thick, so pour it into a frying pan with a tablespoon of hot vegetable oil, frying on both sides according to the principle of frying pancakes. Do not stew the cutlets under the lid, otherwise they will not have a crust.
To make fillets easier to chop, place them in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. This will help shape the tender meat and make the process easier.
The original recipe for chicken cutlets in batter
This recipe has some differences from the traditional one, in the process of preparing the minced meat itself for frying. To make such chopped chicken cutlets, take:
– 0,5 kg of chicken fillet; – 2 eggs; – 2 heads of onions; – 3 tablespoons of sour cream; – 3 tablespoons of flour; – 200 g of mushrooms; – salt, black pepper; – 1 clove of garlic; – 30 g of vegetable oils.
Rinse the mushrooms, cut into slices and fry in vegetable oil along with chopped onions until all the liquid released during cooking evaporates from them. If there are no champignons, you can use oyster mushrooms or any other mushrooms, not forgetting that forest varieties are prepared longer than those grown in greenhouses. Prepare a sauce that will act as a batter from a beaten egg, salt, pepper, sour cream, flour and garlic, passed through a press. Mix the meat cut into small pieces with batter and mushrooms. Place the chicken cutlets in a skillet with hot oil and fry on both sides. After that, transfer the cutlets to a saucepan, on the bottom of which add a teaspoon of sour cream and a little water and continue to cook the meat over low heat for another 10 minutes. Keep in mind that this recipe does not provide for a crispy crust on cutlets, since stewing will make it softer.