Choosing the best hangover remedy – a review of drugs

Sometimes it seems that such an abundance of holidays was invented by manufacturers of hangover remedies – without exaggeration, there are now more of them than is required. Hangover pills are produced in a large assortment and are, as a rule, a combination of various components aimed primarily at the antitoxic effect.

We decided to analyze the anti-hangover drug market and, based on this analysis, you will be able to choose the best hangover remedy that is right for you. In general, all drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies can be divided into two large groups: drugs that prevent a hangover and “pills” that treat a hangover. This division is not always true, since most of the anti-hangover drugs sold in pharmacies and at checkouts in supermarkets have a “binary” effect, that is, they can both prevent and cure hangovers at the same time.

Hangover Prevention Drugs

You can also prevent a hangover with folk remedies, almost all of them are described in this article. Also in this sense, the right snack helps a lot. The following preparations are aimed primarily at the prevention of a hangover, so they should be taken before, on time or immediately after heavy drinking.

DrinkOff (DrinkOFF)

DrinkOFF is a drug produced by the Russian company Mertsana Service. It is available in the form of capsules and jelly in three different flavors. It is positioned as a means of preventing a hangover – it accelerates the metabolism of alcohol, then the rate of processing of the breakdown products of alcohol into harmless substances.

Composition: herbal extracts of ginger, licorice, eleutherococcus, mate, vitamins and antioxidants.

Opinion of doctors: an excellent remedy for preventing hangovers, as well as for mild to moderate hangovers. Suitable for young (under 40 years old) and healthy people who do not suffer from renal insufficiency, arterial hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcers, type A gastritis, thyroid disease and liver diseases in the acute stage.

How to use: for a person weighing 80 kg, it is recommended to take at least two to three capsules or one to two packages of jelly, and then, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Противопоказания: licorice root contained in the preparation, with prolonged use, can cause secondary stasis of bile and other liver problems.

Security Feel Better

Security Feel Better is a plant-based drug marketed as a hangover preventative. According to the manufacturer, the drug also helps to sober up quickly: 1 bottle of the drug removes 0,5 ppm of alcohol from the body in 45 minutes (usually the body takes about 4 hours to do this).

Composition: artichoke, B vitamins, angelica root, Yunnan tea leaves, ascorbic acid.

The opinion of the drinkers: an excellent tool that helps not only prevent a hangover, but also reduce its negative effect in the event of a syndrome.

How to use: just drink the contents of the bottle without drinking it or snacking. It makes sense to drink before the feast. It has a pleasant pear flavor.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

Alcohol buffer

Alco-buffer is a preparation based on milk thistle extracts and succinic acid salts. It is positioned as a means to prevent a hangover.

Composition: succinic acid, milk thistle extract.

Opinion of doctors: it makes sense to take only after cleansing the intestines.

How to use: before the feast, dissolve 3 tablets of 0,8 g in water and drink the solution.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

Antipohmelin (RU-21)

Antipohmelin (RU-21) is one of the few drugs that acts on the site of the conversion of alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde, that is, the drug slows down the formation of poisons, which allows the body to quickly cope with their processing. In the west, it is sold under the name RU-21. From the interesting: for a long time it was a secret “medicine” of the KGB officers (KGB Pill), which allows them to solder their interlocutors, and themselves remain on their feet.

Composition: glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate), succinic acid, fumaric acid, ascorbic acid and glucose.

Opinion of doctors: an effective tool that has no analogues.

How to use: a couple of tablets before the feast and 1-2 during each 100 ml of strong alcohol drunk and 250 ml of weak alcohol. With a hangover, you can drink 4-6 tablets.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.


Bison is a common remedy based on succinic acid to prevent hangovers.

Composition: succinic acid, bicarbonate (soda).

How to use: Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in a glass of water and drink the solution at bedtime after drinking alcohol. You can also drink the solution before drinking alcohol, which, according to the manufacturer, will increase your “norm” by 30-50%.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.


Zenalk is a herbal medicine made in India.

Composition: extracts of chicory, emblica officinalis, hebule terminalia, beleric terminalia, grapes, date palm fruit, andrographis paniculata.

Opinion of doctors: the drug is an antidote to alcohol, not its decay products.

How to use: 2 capsules half an hour before or during libations, 2 after.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.


Corrda is a common drug, which is a natural complex of biologically active substances obtained from grape raw materials. Replenishes the reserves of NAD coenzyme in the liver, which is oxidized in the liver during the processing of alcohol breakdown products.

Composition: flavodinda and polyphenols.

Opinion of doctors: Natural detoxifier, slow release action. The drug is suitable as a maintenance therapy for long-term withdrawal from hard drinking, but not as an ambulance for a hangover.

How to use: 2 tablets 30 minutes before the meal, up to 6 tablets on time. With a severe hangover, 2 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 1-2 days.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

Hangover remedies that cure

To understand how the following drugs work, we recommend that you read this and this article. Anti-hangover cocktails can be used as folk remedies for a hangover. This article provides 12 recipes for treating a hangover with improvised means.

Zorex (Zorex)

Zorex is a drug that accelerates the process of alcohol oxidation and protects the liver. It also effectively removes the decay products of alcohol, which are one of the root causes of a hangover. Available in capsules and effervescent tablets.

Composition: the main active ingredient is unitiol.

Opinion of doctors: see contraindications.

How to use: 1 capsule immediately in the morning, the second during the day, depending on how you feel. You can also take the capsule immediately after the feast, before going to bed. Capsules should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, without chewing.

Противопоказания: Zorex very often cause an allergic reaction, so you should think carefully before taking this drug.

Alka-Seltzer (Alka-Seltzer, Alkozelzer)

Alkoseltzer, one of the most famous hangover cures, has been produced since the 30s. Mainly fights the symptoms of a hangover, not the causes. The drug can be used both as a hangover preventive and as a remedy for it.

Composition: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), citric acid

Opinion of doctors: an excellent remedy for suppressing the symptoms of a hangover, but it should be considered solely as a temporary measure that gives the sufferer a resource for actively cleaning his body with more radical methods.

How to use: dissolve two tablets in water and drink either at bedtime after a feast, or in the morning, already with a hangover. The maximum allowable dose is 9 tablets. Between doses should maintain an interval of 4 hours.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.


Alkoklin – tablets or powder, which must be dissolved in water, based on glutargin. It works in much the same way as Zorex.

Composition: the main active ingredient is glutargin.

How to use: for prevention – 2 tablets or 2 sachets 1-2 hours before drinking. For treatment – 1 tablet or 1 sachet 4 times a day with a minimum interval of 1 hour.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.


Alka-prim is another well-known drug, the composition of which is almost the same as Alka-seltzer. Produced in Ukraine.

Composition: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (soda), glycine.

Opinion of doctors: A good alternative to Alka-Seltzer.

How to use: Dissolve 2 effervescent tablets in a glass of water and drink. With a severe hangover, you can take up to 4 such doses per day.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

Vega +

Vega + is a biologically active food supplement based on an extract of the peritoneal fluid of mammals (milk pigs), which promotes regeneration processes, removes decay products and toxins from the body, and has a pronounced detoxifying property.

Composition: ethanol extract of peritoneal fluid, monosugar, non-protein thiol compounds, cyclic nucleotides, vitamins B1 and B6.

How to use: 35-45 drops with an interval of 20-30 minutes until you feel better. The drug is compatible with almost all foods and drinks, except dairy. You can also take 35-40 drops during a feast.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

Get up

Preparation based on plant extracts. More suitable for withdrawal from hard drinking.

Composition: St. John’s wort, thyme, ginseng dry extract, wild rose, citric acid.

Opinion of doctors: In general, a well-balanced composition, but more suitable for long-term withdrawal from hard drinking, the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, than for providing first aid for a hangover.

How to use: Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water and drink after a meal before going to bed, or with a hangover in the morning.

Противопоказания: Read the leaflet.

good morning

Guten Morgen – is nothing more than dry brine in bags, which is much more convenient than a three-liter jar.

Composition: dried pickled cucumber concentrate, dill, cloves, garlic, black pepper, etc.

Opinion of doctors: like brine – a very effective hangover remedy, restores potassium and magnesium reserves.

How to use: dissolve in ordinary drinking water up to 200 ml, drink with a hangover.

Противопоказания: not.


Limontar is a mixture of succinic and citric acid. Produced by the domestic company Biotiki.

Composition: succinic acid, citric acid.

How to use: crush the tablet in a glass and pour water, add baking soda on the tip of a knife. One tablet can be taken an hour before the feast, during the feast, you can take one tablet with an interval of 1 hour. It is better to limit yourself to 4 tablets per day.

Противопоказания: read the leaflet, there are contraindications.


Composition: sodium formate, glucose, other.

Opinion of doctors: the composition of Medichronal includes sodium formate (sodium salt of formic acid) – a compound well known in the chemical, light industry (etching of fabrics and tanning of leather), construction (anti-frost additive in concrete). Its peculiarity is that in the absence of sufficient amounts of acetaldehyde, it itself has a toxic effect, so it is better to use preparations based on it, being confident in the severity of the hangover syndrome.

How to use: the contents of both powder sachets should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, drink the solution after meals. According to the manufacturer, relief comes in 20-30 minutes.

Противопоказания: see the opinion of doctors.


Piel-Alco contains in its composition the most important compounds of energy metabolism, which effectively relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Composition: vitamins B1 and C, glucose, calcium lactate, sodium pyruvate and magnesium sulfate.

Opinion of doctors: a good, balanced composition, but not an ambulance. The drug will work in conjunction with physical detoxification methods (i.e. cleansing the stomach and intestines).

How to use: 2 capsules before or 2 capsules after drinking alcohol.

Противопоказания: see the leaflet.

It is difficult to say which hangover cure is right for you, but the main thing to remember is that some of them cause side effects and can be even more dangerous than the hangover itself. Of course, hangover pills will help relieve some of the symptoms, but it’s better not to hope for a full recovery, but immediately start cleansing the body in more traditional ways. In general, it is better not to get sick, so – DO NOT BE SICK!

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