Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide

The right choice of platform and equipment makes remote work no less effective than offline. What options are needed for this and how they are implemented in practice, we analyze the example of solutions from Microsoft and Logitech

Remote work began to gain popularity long before the pandemic. In March 2018, an IWG study surveying more than 18 professionals from 96 countries found that 70% of employees work remotely at least one day a week.

The current situation has strengthened a long-established trend. Users around the world have appreciated the opportunities provided by the remote format and modern online services. It turned out that for effective interaction it is not at all necessary to be in one place. You can literally participate in meetings, hold consultations and interviews, work together on documents and solve many other tasks anywhere – at home over a cup of coffee, at your favorite summer house or in a taxi.

How to replace offline?

Of course, against the backdrop of self-isolation, many lacked personal contact. According to a Microsoft study two years ago, people of all generations prefer face-to-face meetings over emails, chats, and text messages.

However, users tried to compensate for the lack of offline communication with the help of video services. Now they are actively used not only for calling relatives, but also for a variety of formats of teamwork, including conferences, establishing new contacts and connections. For example, on the Microsoft Teams platform, which combines video, chat, calls, and teamwork tools into one service, users are twice as likely to turn on video than before the transition to remote work. And the number of video calls in March alone increased by more than 1000%.

Is telecommuting for the long haul?

Many companies are ready to continue working remotely after the end of the pandemic. So, Twitter has already allowed staff to stay away when the quarantine is lifted.

Most likely, such an opportunity will be in demand in other companies. After all, the remote format not only allows you to work from any convenient place and not waste time on the road. It also allows employees to choose more flexible hours. So, from March 1 to March 31, the average interval between the first and last use of Teams during the day increased by more than an hour. “This data does not necessarily mean that people are working longer hours. They just distribute the workload in a way that increases personal productivity or pays attention to personal tasks, ”explains Microsoft.

However, for the most comfortable and efficient work, companies and employees need services that bring the remote format as close as possible to offline. In order to achieve this and choose the most suitable solution, it is necessary to evaluate the platform according to a number of criteria.

What parameters to consider when choosing a platform for teamwork

  • Universalism

Often employees have to install many different applications on laptops and phones for different work tasks. This overloads both the device and the user’s attention. Therefore, it is better if the solution for teamwork is chosen as comprehensive and universal as possible. That is, it includes not only video communication, but also other communication formats, opportunities for collaborating with files and documents.

Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide
Photo: Microsoft

It is also desirable that the platform be suitable for the tasks that employees of different levels face, including ordinary specialists and managers. Then you do not have to buy several solutions and spend resources on their docking.

  • Number of participants

As a rule, companies use teamwork services for several purposes at once – from online interviews and face-to-face conversations to webinars, product presentations and large-scale video conferences. In addition, as a small startup or family business develops and grows, it can become a major market player. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately choose more flexible platforms that are equally suitable for communication with a different number of users. Some solutions allow you to broadcast simultaneously to tens of thousands of people – both regular team members and third-party users with guest access.

  • Ease of use

The more difficult it is to connect to an online event, the more likely it is that users will constantly turn to IT for support. And these are forced delays, failures and an unnecessary burden on IT specialists. The easiest way to avoid this is to meticulously study the manual and product reviews before downloading and buying. And if a user needs more than one or two actions to connect to a meeting, you should be wary. The ideal option is the ability to connect in one click via a link or from an application installed on the device.

Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide
Photo: Microsoft
  • Information Security

Free platforms and video add-ons to popular services often do not guarantee data security and cannot fully protect corporate information from leaks. A good solution for teamwork and video communication should have encryption functions at the stages of information storage and transmission, access control, multi-factor authentication, and also comply with the requirements for protecting personal data.

  • Content management

Screen sharing is a must-have for corporate conferencing service: it allows you to share an image from your device and provides a synchronous presentation of materials to all meeting participants. This option is available in almost all video applications – just like the call recording feature.

More advanced solutions make it possible not only to show documents, but also to collaborate on them during a meeting. To ensure that employees can access records and materials at any time, you will also need secure and convenient storage. It is desirable – with the function of access control and search. This will allow organizers to open recordings and materials to anyone who needs to work with them. And the employees themselves will not get lost in endless videos and documents.

  • Help with planning

Most teamwork apps use external calendars to schedule meetings and invite members. As a rule, to schedule an event, it is enough to link an email address to the service and give access to the calendar. But if you need to run a lot of meetings and keep track of schedule changes, this may not be enough. In this case, it is advisable to choose applications with a built-in option for planning events and inviting participants to them.

  • Intelligent features

The developers of conferencing platforms have provided a number of additional functions for users, including those using artificial intelligence. The simplest of these are background blur and noise reduction, which make working from home more comfortable. As a rule, this is enough for video calls as part of a small team.

Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide
Photo: Logitech

But when it comes to a large-scale meeting in a remote format, more advanced options come in handy. For example, artificial intelligence can take notes or keep transcripts during the event, automatically assign tasks to participants. And even independently switch the camera from the general plan directly to the speaker.

  • Integration options

For efficient and uninterrupted operation of the software, it is desirable to integrate it into the company’s software environment. Therefore, before buying a platform, you should make a list of programs and applications that you are used to working with and learn about the possibilities of using them with a conferencing solution. The system should be friendly at least to your operating system and document formats familiar to the company.

Another important point is compatibility with the equipment. Devices from different manufacturers may react differently when connected to platforms. Even the most advanced solutions sometimes conflict with each other, and this leads to a decrease in the quality of communication, failures and overload of technical specialists.

Example solutions: MICROSOFT TEAMS

The platform combines tools and applications for all workflows of any employee in one account – from a line specialist to a CEO.

The solution provides simplicity and uniformity of use:

  • One-click connection
  • Intuitive interface
  • Support for interactive screens and whiteboards
  • Coverage up to 10 thousand participants

Regardless of the devices used, the software gives participants a sense of presence:

  • Screen sharing and content sharing options
  • Wireless Streaming
  • Raise your hand during a meeting

The platform is based on the principles and mechanisms of corporate-level information security:

  • Classification and control of access to information
  • Proactive protection against intruders and malicious content
  • Directories and administration of users and devices
  • Logging and logging in accordance with the policy of the client company

Smart platform features with AI elements increase the quality and productivity of meetings:

  • Interactive assistants
  • Intelligent Shooting/Capture
  • Automatic protocols, subtitles and real-time translation
  • Transcripts with search

The application supports users at all stages of the conferencing and collaboration life cycle:

  • See you – preparation of the agenda and draft documents, selection of dates and participants
  • During a meeting – chat and notes, joint editing of documents, recording and saving to the cloud
  • After the meeting – meeting materials can be saved, searched and accessed

Flexible scenarios and extensive integration options enable a seamless transition:

  • Partner and Equipment Certification Programs
  • Over 250 integrated apps and services
  • Support for classic and new devices
  • Integration with corporate infrastructure based on Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint and other solutions.

What to look for when choosing equipment

The effectiveness and quality of teamwork depends not only on the platform, but also on the right equipment. Three years ago, more than 96% of conference rooms were equipped with just projectors or displays and audio connectivity, according to Frost & Sullivan. With this approach, a significant percentage of users miss out on opportunities for meaningful interaction, experts point out. What’s more, well-equipped conference rooms are used about five times more often than old-fashioned rooms.

For effective work at remote conferences, in addition to the appropriate platform, it is desirable to have several devices:

  • displays (monitors or plasma screen)
  • microphones and cameras
  • speakers
  • codec that captures and displays content, encodes and decodes audio and video

The requirements for video conferencing equipment are basically the same as for the platform – convenience, reliability and security, quality and availability of additional functions. But there are a number of specific parameters that you should pay attention to.

  • Room size

Solutions for broadcasting from a private office or a small meeting room are very different from those needed for conference rooms designed for 30-50 and, even more so, 100 people. And it’s not just acoustics, camera capabilities and the number of devices. A well-thought-out wiring and fastening scheme is also important: it seems like a trifle, but it is she who causes the most problems for technical services.

Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide
Photo: Logitech
  • Sound processing

Solutions available on the market complement the noise reduction features found on conferencing platforms. Modern microphones and codecs can automatically detect and remove background noise such as the sound of footsteps, keyboards, or the rustling of papers.

  • Video quality

The usual 720p resolution, which used to be the maximum for many services, is no longer considered high. For example, on YouTube, the HD label now only appears for 1080p and above. In turn, conference cameras are capable of transmitting video not only in the HD standard, but also in Full HD (1920 × 1080 pixels) and 4K (4000 horizontal pixels).

Choosing solutions for remote work: a detailed guide
Photo: Logitech

At the same time, in pursuit of high-quality image and sound, you should not forget about the available Internet speed. 4K footage requires a dedicated channel of at least 15 Mbps, ideally 25 Mbps.

Example Solution: LOGITECH Conference Systems

Logitech is a partner in the Microsoft Team Meeting Rooms program, which brings together certified manufacturers with experience in rapidly deploying video conferencing systems. The company has developed sets of equipment for rooms of various sizes – from small offices to large conference rooms. Logitech collaborative boxed solutions for Microsoft Teams include everything you need for video conferencing.

  • Modular audio system allows speakers and microphones to be positioned anywhere for extended coverage and optimal acoustics
  • The image is transmitted in HD and Ultra HD formats – with high definition and color reproduction, minimal optical distortion
  • The systems are supplied with ready-made mounting kits and have recommended mounting options that allow you to accurately and efficiently position the equipment.
  • Conference room cameras have pan, tilt, zoom and auto control functions
  • Logitech Tap Touch Controller for Video Conferencing lets you connect with one touch and share instantly
  • For small offices and private offices, there are desktop solutions and all-in-one portable designs that deliver high-definition audio and video.

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