Choosing means for eyelash growth: oil, masks. Video
Eyelashes like Malvina – fluffy and long – the dream of many women, which can easily become a reality. Both special and improvised means will help to grow eyelashes to heaven. However, this business has its own nuances.
How to accelerate the growth of eyelashes: oil, masks, products
Home remedies for rapid eyelash growth
Oil so that the eyelashes become long and thick, they should be pampered more often with oils, masks and compresses. Oils are especially popular. This is because they are easy to use. Many people have heard about the benefits of castor oil for stimulating the growth of eyelashes. However, do not write off sea buckthorn, almond and peach oil. An important nuance – they should only be natural. These oils are best applied overnight, preferably warmed up a little before use.
Do not oil all lashes, it will be enough to apply it only to the ends. Otherwise, your eyes may look puffy in the morning. After a week, you will already notice the first results of using the oil: the eyelashes will become darker and denser, and after a month they will also become much longer.
For the convenience of applying oils and masks to the eyelashes, you can use a cotton swab or a brush from used mascara. The latter must be thoroughly rinsed beforehand.
Masks – Masks will help you grow thick eyelashes quickly. To do this, they must be done every other day for a month. You can take any oil as a basis. The best option is castor, burdock or almond. They can be used individually or as a mixture. Aloe juice, cognac or vitamins E and A should be added to the oil base. The latter must be used with caution, since vitamins can cause an allergic reaction.
Try the simplest lash growth mask. To do this, take a couple of drops of burdock or castor oil and the same amount of cognac or aloe juice. Mix everything and apply to lashes. Keep this mask for no more than an hour. After that, it should be removed from the eyelashes.
Compresses based on herbal decoctions are a very effective remedy for eyelashes. It will be enough to do them once a week. Compresses made from chamomile, cornflower and calendula are especially good. These herbs can be easily found at the pharmacy. To prepare a compress, take equal amounts of cornflower, chamomile, calendula and make an infusion or decoction from them. The easiest option is to prepare an infusion: for this, pour boiling water over the herbs, let them stand for 10-20 minutes and cool to 35-40 degrees. Then it is necessary to moisten cotton pads with the broth and cover the eyelids and eyelashes with them for 20 minutes. After the compress, you can lubricate your eyelashes with almond oil.
If there are no herbs at hand, you can make compresses from ordinary tea leaves. It not only lengthens the eyelashes, but also soothes the delicate skin of the eyelids.
Special products for enhancing eyelash growth
Not so long ago, a miracle remedy for stimulating the growth of eyelashes appeared on the cosmetic market. It contains peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils. However, the main component of such a stimulant is prostaglandin. It is he who enhances the growth of eyelashes to incredible sizes.
Like hair, eyelashes have a resting and growing stage. Stimulants increase the duration of the growth stage, therefore the cilia grow longer by 10-20%
In theory, everything looks cloudless, but in practice, the use of such funds entails a lot of side effects: redness, inflammation and irritation of the eyes. This is because prostaglandin helps to increase blood circulation. On the one hand, this leads to an increase in the growth of eyelashes, and on the other, to the proliferation of capillaries on the skin of the eyelids. For this reason, a vascular mesh can form on the eyelids, which is almost impossible to get rid of. However, the quick result in the form of stunningly long eyelashes in a short time covers all the disadvantages of these funds. If you do decide to grow lashes with a stimulant, use it with care.
Read on: how to increase blood pressure with herbs.