- Yulia Mironova, fitness instructor
- Tatiana Peretolchina, choreographer
- Elizaveta Anikhovskaya, “Miss Yekaterinburg – 2016”
- Alena Senkevich, journalist
- Tatiana Firstova, Public Relations Specialist, Museum of Fine Arts
- Lydia Vorontsova, stylist, make-up artist, PR specialist
- Nvstikv – Nastika, singer
- Yulia Ustyuzhaninova, assistant manager
- Maria Gerasimchuk, child psychologist
Yekaterinburg women are not afraid of cold weather! That is why they remain charming even against the backdrop of severe Ural frosts. The heroines of Woman`s Day told how they remembered the winter-2017.
Yulia Mironova, fitness instructor
– The most amazing event this winter – I got on a snowboard! Before that I was skiing, but here I have completely different sensations: everything is different on the board, I like the control process itself, you can make turns. I have been skiing for a long time, there is no such adrenaline rush, and I love everything new! But I won’t give up skis either – it’s great when you have a choice. Moreover, I am just learning on the blackboard, but I feel like a conqueror of peaks!
Tatiana Peretolchina, choreographer
– Leaving the house early in the morning, I always walk along an ordinary brick house. Inconspicuous trees grow along the house. But one winter morning, when it was very dark, I was walking along my usual road and saw the rays of the lantern falling on the snow, which was beautifully located on the branches of a tree, next to the lantern. It was incredibly beautiful! I realized that beauty is always there, in the little things, and happiness, which we sometimes do not notice, is always there! From that day on, I began to smile for another minute more than usual!
Elizaveta Anikhovskaya, “Miss Yekaterinburg – 2016”
– Oddly enough, the brightest moments of my winter were quite ordinary events, such as a trip with friends to the city Christmas tree. By the way, this year she was extraordinarily beautiful. It is joyful to feel like a child and experience so much positiveness from the snow, slides and children around! Light show, lots of spotlights, lights – the feeling that you are in a fairy tale. I was absolutely captivated by this atmosphere of celebration and fun. Not without a slide. It was great! It is at such moments that you understand that happiness lies in simple things.
Alena Senkevich, journalist
– For a resident of the cold and harsh capital of the Urals, everything unforgettable in winter is associated … with the warmth and the sea. So I arranged a spring for myself, as soon as the first snow fell. It turns out that you can enjoy the sun not only over the hill, but also in your native friendly Sochi! May spring be in your hearts at any time of the year!
Tatiana Firstova, Public Relations Specialist, Museum of Fine Arts
– I love winter, especially when it’s freezing outside, and you have a warm jacket, hat and mittens! When you go to work in the morning at a brisk pace, the frost stings your nose, and you smile. All the most interesting events take place in the cold, as it happened in Yekaterinburg. This winter, the most unforgettable was the opening of the Autograph exhibition: more than 30 people gathered for the opening day at the collection of picturesque miniatures by Tatyana Brusilovskaya at minus 200 in the Museum of Fine Arts.
– The most vivid impression of this winter is a trip to Altai. She was completely spontaneous, I decided everything in a day, I just wanted to reset myself a little, gain strength – and I succeeded! The cleanest air, magnificent views and, of course, the center in which I lived did their job. Perhaps you have heard about the method of curative fasting? Perhaps this is an unforgettable adventure not only this winter, but my whole life. 10 days of hunger – and I feel like a hero! Needless to say, after such a trip, I not only feel great, but also receive an endless number of compliments!
And I love winter very much: I was born in December, and since childhood I have only the most anxious and pleasant memories associated with this time of year!
And of course, shooting in the image of the Snow Queen is very memorable to me! They say that this image suits me very much.
- Photo Shoot:
- Personal archive of Alina Sabirova
– This winter my friends and I rode snowmobiles. After two hours of skiing, when we were 40 km from home and no one was around, our snowmobile broke down. I had to walk several kilometers to find the cable and tow the broken snowmobile.
Lydia Vorontsova, stylist, make-up artist, PR specialist
– In general, I love winter for the beautiful snow that glistens in the sun, for winter fun and adventures and, of course, for the New Year. But there are two cases that have stuck in my heart for a long time. The first is related to sledding with an older brother on his back. We are flying in the forest, dodging the trees, picking up speed and then a pine tree grows in front of us. My brother and I fall on our side, all covered in snow, burst into laughter – only the sled has suffered. I remember then for a long time we had to explain to my mother what happened to them.
The second story is related to a winter hike, a tent and a stove. It all happened somewhere in the Middle Urals, in the evening. We go to bed, of course, there are two attendants who put firewood in the stove and monitor the heat. I only remember how we wake up from smoke and shouts: “We are burning! We are on fire! ” In what they were, in that and jumped out into the street. It turned out that the pipe was disconnected, and all the smoke did not go outside, but accumulated in the tent. We were assigned to other tents, and in the morning we tried to fix the burnt tent.
Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that winter is a great time when you can take pictures as if on a blank sheet, play with color, because everything is white.
Nvstikv – Nastika, singer
– As, probably, for the majority of artists, for me the most vivid and memorable moments are on stage. There were many performances this winter, one of the last being an open area in a shopping center, a marathon of love songs for Valentine’s Day. After this concert, I got such a return! Messages, comments, my photos and videos on the Internet with rave reviews from viewers. I think this is the main thing in our business. The experience of open platforms allows you to gather a large audience, meet, communicate with those whom you may already know from social networks, as active subscribers. And this is very inspiring! By the way, the next concert in this format is very soon – March 8th. Spring should be no less active than the outgoing winter!
Yulia Ustyuzhaninova, assistant manager
– Winter with cold weather and bitter frosts is the time to sit by the window, look at the snow flakes and reflect on the eternal. It’s a time of rest, but still it’s not without adventures and holidays. Of course, New Year is a warm, long-awaited family holiday. Yesterday we congratulated our men on February 23! My bright and effective appearance as a pirate is just an explosion of emotions! Under my command, men of all ages turned into real pirates. This is one of the last highlights, but definitely not the last. There is still Maslenitsa, March 8 and all life ahead!
Maria Gerasimchuk, child psychologist
– I love winter for its freshness and beauty, but, like all Ural residents, I cannot accept that we have eternal winter – from November to April. In the end, no beauty can save you.
And about the frosty adventures – I really liked caroling. It’s a lot of fun to walk around the village and collect sweets (and sometimes a bottle of champagne will be presented) in the costume of a master’s daughter – in a fur coat on the floor, a scarf and with the company of the same mummers. In general, winter in a village is an order of magnitude more fun than a city one: you can go skiing to the forest, get lost there, return to the night. Well, or check the strength of the ice on the river and fall into it.
Choose the Winter Girl 2017 in Yekaterinburg!
Yulia Mironova
Tatiana Peretolchina
Elizaveta Anikhovskaya
Alena Senkevich
Tatiana Firstova
Tasha Rubleva
Alina Sabirova
Lydia Vorontsova
Nvstikv- Nastika
Julia Ustyuzhaninova
Maria Gerasimchuk
Three winners of the vote will receive prizes:
1st place – Yulia Mironova – tickets to “
(Lunacharskogo st., 137, tel. 350-06-93. The best film premieres, special screenings, promotions)
2nd and 3rd places – Alina Sabirova and Lydia Vorontsova – Woman`s Day branded prizes!