These three words have a very important, special meaning, and they should sound in a special atmosphere, at the right moment. A declaration of love is not handed out left and right, like candy. In order to pronounce it, they prepare for a long time and carefully. We offer several ways in which you can express the depth of feelings.
There are many ways to confess your love. After a magical day spent together, prepared in advance or spontaneously. You can tell everything in a letter so that the moment of recognition is permeated with the spirit of romance.
At the end of a wonderful day spent together
Don’t be too solemn, be spontaneous. As the old proverb says: “When you’re ready, you don’t look for words.” For some people, confessing their love is a test, but sooner or later they have to do it. If you feel that the right moment has come, speak without hesitation, listen to your heart, let your mind rest.
Having confessed your feelings, do not expect an instant response. Sometimes the readiness for love and recognition in it does not come at the same time in partners. Do not see this as a lack of reciprocity, do not be impatient. Give the opportunity to the beloved (th) to mature before the reciprocal step.
In a letter describing feelings
Sometimes shyness interferes with making a love confession. This obstacle is quite surmountable. The way out is to entrust feelings to an old, but still not obsolete method. Grab a pen and paper and express your feelings in writing.
To say these words is not to show weakness
The message can be concise and contain only three words, or it can be lengthy, the choice is yours. The main thing is to free your heart from overwhelming emotions, give free rein to your imagination and feelings. But the sincerity of what is written is more important than stylistic delights.
A written confession is one of the most beautiful proofs of love for the second half.
Give an appropriate gift
Who better than you to know what your beloved will like! It is not necessary to give something expensive, the main thing is that the present is to your liking and is presented with sincerity. It can be a handmade item, jewelry, a box of your favorite chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, a box with an engagement ring. Design the scene of giving and recognition so that it becomes an unforgettable experience for both.
Saying “I love you” is not a sign of weakness. This is the highest degree of trust of one person to another. You trust the intimate part of the soul to someone who is dear to you. Do not be afraid to love and be loved, show feelings without fear.
Источник: The magazine for singles