Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection

Summer is a wonderful time, but the heat is far from always happy. Climate technology allows you to increase the comfort of life – it will maintain the temperature within the normal range, and it can adjust the humidity. But choosing an air conditioner is not so easy: there are too many offers on the market. How not to make a mistake when choosing, but not overpay?

Когда речь идет об охлаждении воздуха в помещении используются два термина — кондиционеры и сплит-системы. В чем разница? Кондиционеры — это общее название для систем охлаждения и вентиляции. В том числе так называют  и моноблочные (из одного блока) — оконные и передвижные (мобильные) устройства. Сплит-система — это конкретный вид оборудования, состоящий из двух или более блоков — наружного и внутреннего (нескольких внутренних).

Виды кондиционеров

A little about what air conditioners are for a house or apartment. There is a classification by the number of blocks. It can be considered the main one.

Air conditioners are of different types and types.


In monoblock air conditioners, all parts and devices are packed in one case. This type of climate technology appeared first and was once widespread, but today there are not so many of them – they are too noisy.

По способу монтажа моноблочные кондиционеры бывают:

  • Window – installed instead of part of the frame. In recent years, such units have lost their former popularity – they make a lot of noise, close part of the window, and their appearance is not the most attractive. Advantages: this is the most budget option that has productive cooling. A good economy option for a summer residence, an office or a small production facility.
    Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
    Install in the window – this was done a decade ago
  • Mobile floor conditioners. This is a fairly massive body on four wheels. Although these models are mobile, they are also tied to a window or ventilation system: the exhausted hot air is discharged there using a corrugated hose. That is, it will be necessary to provide some kind of insert with a hole of a suitable size in the window so that the corrugated sleeve can be brought out. Advantage – relatively low price and ease of installation. To organize the removal of exhaust air is the whole installation. Then turned it on and it works. If desired, you can take it to another room (if there is where to connect the hose).
    Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
    Mobile floor air conditioners – express option

Multi-block cooling systems

These climate systems are more modern, have wider functionality, work quieter (due to the fact that the most noisy devices are moved outside – outside the room). There are several types of such equipment:

  • Split systems. Consist of two blocks – external and internal. The main elements that produce noise are placed in the outdoor unit, therefore these installations are distinguished by a reduced noise level. There are other advantages: wider functionality, availability of service functions, the ability to remotely control, switch on for heating, maintain the set temperature. The disadvantage of split systems is the rather high price and complicated installation, which is performed mainly by professionals. If you need to choose an air conditioner in a small apartment – one or two rooms, a split system is a good choice. Suitable for a small country house.
    Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
    Split system consists of two blocks
  • Multi-split systems. They differ in the presence of two or more indoor units. These systems have been developed for air conditioning in large apartments, houses, cottages. Internal blocks are mounted in the necessary rooms. Each of them can have its own control panel, can maintain the set temperature in a particular room. Such systems have more complex control, their cost is even higher. But they can create the required microclimate in a large apartment, house, cottage.
    Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
    Multi split has multiple indoor units

В бытовых сплит системах (и «мульти» тоже) внутренние блоки могут быть трех типов: с настенным монтажом, потолочным, напольным. Из всех трех вариантов наиболее популярный настенный, хотя потолочный более эффективен, так как более равномерно распределяет потоки по помещению, не создавая резких контрастных зон по температуре.

There are also split systems channel, cassette, floor-ceiling, column. But all of them are characterized by high performance and complexity and are used in enterprises and large offices. They are rarely installed in houses and apartments.

If you need to choose an air conditioner for a house or apartment, you will have to limit yourself to four options – window, mobile floor or split systems of two types – with one or more indoor units. Although, in recent times, the vast majority choose split systems, as they can provide a higher level of comfort.

Deciding on power

Deciding on the type of equipment is far from everything. Next, you need to deal with the technical characteristics, select the necessary options, and only then proceed to the selection of a specific model.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
To choose the right air conditioner, you need to calculate its power

Let’s figure out how much cooling system you need. There are two ways to find out the required performance of an air conditioner: call a representative of a company that sells air conditioners or calculate it yourself. The calculation itself is elementary, but it will also be necessary to take into account the features of the house or apartment.

Расчет по квадратуре

Итак, при определении мощности кондиционера считают, что на 10 квадратных метров площади необходим 1 кВт мощности охлаждения. То есть, если вы планируете установить сплит систему только для охлаждения комнаты, находите ее площадь, делите на 10 и получаете искомую производительность.

Но, иногда, стоит найденную цифру увеличить: если дом, в котором вы живете панельный или кирпичный, без дополнительного утепления, его стены летом будут ощутимо нагреваться. Чтобы оборудование без проблем справилось с подобной нагрузкой, стоит добавить 20-25% от найденной мощности. Тогда не будет проблем с температурой даже в самые жаркие дни.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
First you need to find out how much power equipment is required

For example, a room of 22 sq. m. Dividing by 10, we get 2,2 kW. We are looking for such power or a little more when choosing a model.

The same principles are valid for calculating the power of equipment for an entire apartment or house. Only the area of ​​​​all rooms in which you plan to maintain the required microclimate with the help of this air conditioner is summed up. And after that everything is the same: divide by 10, add a margin if necessary.

Volume calculation

This method is more accurate, since it also takes into account the height of the ceilings, as well as the location of the rooms. It is considered in this case as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by the standard, and then adjusted for other heat sources. The standard is the following:

  • for rooms facing the north side – 30 W / m3;
  • if the walls face west / east – 35 W / m3;
  • if the wall is directed to the south – 40 W / m3.

A larger standard is selected in the corner room. Also, increased power is necessary with a large area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbwindows or if there are old wooden frames that do not provide tightness.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Для приблизительной оценки можно воспользоваться таблицей

Дополнительными источниками тепла для кондиционирования воздуха считаются:

  • Computer. If it is installed indoors, add 300-400 watts to the figure found.
  • Human. In general, this position is more often used when calculating air conditioning parameters in offices and industrial premises, but in a “densely populated” apartment it can also be important. For each person in the room, add 100-150 watts of air conditioner power.

Let’s give an example of calculation. It is necessary to choose an air conditioner for a south-facing room in which a computer is installed and one person lives permanently. The dimensions of the room are 4 * 3,5 * 2,7 m. We find the volume, multiply all the parameters of the room, we get 37,8 m3. We multiply the figure found by the standard: 37,8 m3 * 40 W / m3 u1512d 1512 W. Next, add a margin for extraneous heat sources: 400 W + 150 W + 2032 W = 2000 W. Rounding up, we get 2 W or XNUMX kW.

Main Specifications

To choose the right air conditioner, you need to know the main characteristics that reflect its efficiency and economy. You can do without these technical subtleties, but you will have to rely on the advice of a sales assistant, and they are not always objective. Therefore, it is better to figure it out on your own, especially since it is not very difficult.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
An example of the technical characteristics of split systems

Класс охлаждения или охлаждающая способность

In the technical specifications of air conditioners and split systems, you can see the line where it says “cooling capacity”, and then there are numbers from 5200 BTU / hour to 42700 BTU / hour. Let’s figure it out. BTU/hr is the British Thermal Unit and represents the amount of energy it takes for a device to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

In relation to air conditioners, this parameter reflects the cooling efficiency. The higher the cooling capacity (higher number), the more economical the split system will be (there will be less electricity costs).

Sometimes, instead of cooling capacity, the cooling class is indicated, and then there are the Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. This parameter also reflects the efficiency of work, but is considered as the ratio of heating power to power consumption. Also referred to as ERR or SERR.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Air conditioner energy efficiency classes and coefficients

If we talk about the letter designation, then class A is the most economical, class G spends the most electricity. As a rule, other things being equal, household appliances of class A and above (there are also A +, A ++, A +++) are more expensive. The difference is hundreds of dollars. Previously, while electricity was not so expensive, few people paid attention to this indicator – the difference expressed in rubles was not so great. Now, with the constant increase in the price of electricity, it is probably worth buying a more economical air conditioner – at certain intervals it can work for days, so this parameter is now quite important.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Don’t confuse these two ratios.

There is also a second coefficient – COP or SCOP. It reflects the efficiency of heating, defined as the ratio of the amount of heat released to the amount of energy expended. Naturally, in this case, the same rule applies: the higher the coefficient, the more economical the air conditioner will be in the process of heating (if such a function is available).

Noise level

В характеристиках обычно указывается два значения — максимальный и минимальный уровень шумов. Измеряется он при работе на минимальной и максимальной мощности.

An important characteristic, especially if the split system is installed in the bedroom. In this case, look for a very quiet air conditioner. For a bedroom, a noise level of 19-24 dB will be acceptable. The maximum allowable level in residential premises according to SNiP is 34 dB, so it is better not to consider those that do not fit this criterion.

Maximum communication length

Сплит системы состоят из двух или более блоков и между собой они соединяются при помощи воздуховодов и жгутов проводов, по которым передаются сигналы управления.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
The length of communications between the outdoor and indoor units is also normalized

In the standard version, the length of the duct is 5 meters, which is usually sufficient. But when installing in large private houses or cottages, more significant distances may be needed. The maximum length of communications is 42 meters. Such models cost much more, as well as the fee for their installation. To choose an air conditioner according to this principle, you will first have to at least roughly determine its location (indoor and outdoor units), measure the estimated distance (note that the route runs along the walls) and only then choose a model.

Additional functions

It is impossible to choose an air conditioner and not think about additional features. They allow you to increase the level of comfort, but the presence of each function increases the final cost of equipment. Therefore, the choice should be approached carefully.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
The list of features can be solid, but are they all needed?

Наличие пульта дистанционного управления

Today, probably, all models of split systems come with a remote control. It is understandable – the blocks usually hang under the ceiling and it is unlikely that anyone will like to climb there whenever it is necessary to change the mode of operation. So it’s hard to call this an additional function, but there are also models without remote control, so be careful. Choosing an air conditioner, and then realizing that there is no remote control is not the best discovery.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Наличие пульта ДУ может считаться обязательным

The remote control allows you to change all the parameters of the air conditioner and split system:

  • temperature;
  • fan speed;
  • direction of air flow (changes the position of the curtains vertically and horizontally).

Это минимальный набор, может быть еще целый ряд функций, но в том случае, если модель их поддерживает.

Auto mode

Useful option. Allows you to set the desired temperature, and in some models, and humidity, and forget it. Further, the split system itself will turn on and off when the parameters deviate from the specified ones.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Auto mode is one of the most requested features.

Такое оборудование гораздо удобнее и экономичнее, чем то, которое надо включать и отключать с пульта принудительно.

Чем отличается инверторный кондиционер

Инверторными называются кондиционеры, которые могут плавно менять параметры работы: мощность охлаждения и скорость работы вентиляторов. В отличие от обычной технологии, когда оборудование имеет два режима работы: или работает на 100% мощности или отключено. Это дает три неоспоримых преимущества:

  • the temperature is maintained with greater accuracy – up to 1 degree;
  • позволяет экономить электроэнергию;
  • more rare and smooth shutdowns/switchings on extend the working life of the compressor.
    Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
    Visual demonstration of temperature differences

Если вам необходимо выбрать экономичный кондиционер в квартиру или дом, вам стоит присмотреться к инверторным моделям. Они хоть и стоят дороже обычных, зато «мотают» меньше электричества (экономия может достигать порядка 30%).

Another plus of inverter air conditioners is a wider operating temperature range. Some models can operate at -35°C, the upper limit is also higher – up to +45°C. This may be important in some regions.

Режим обогрева

There are air conditioners that can work not only for cooling, but also for heating. This feature is useful in apartments connected to district heating. If necessary, you can heat up in the off-season, when it is already cool outside, but the heating has not yet been turned on. In this case, air conditioning with heating is a very necessary thing. This mode is sometimes called “winter / summer”.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
The heating mode is useful in the off-season. We recommend choosing an air conditioner with the ability to work for air heating, if the apartment is connected to centralized heating

If your choice fell on a model with the ability to work on air heating, pay attention to two parameters in the technical specifications: power in cooling mode and power in heating mode. In cheap models, they are unequal and can show from 20% to 60% of cooling. That is, such models of full heating will not provide you. In more expensive models, the percentage looks better, in some it even reaches 100%. But they belong to the premium class, which is reflected in the cost – they are more expensive by $ 100-200.

There is one point: split systems cannot work at low temperatures. Most often, their operating range is up to -5°C. So this is really an option for the off-season. In winter, it simply will not work.


A useful feature, especially if you are not at home all day. It allows you to turn on or turn off the air conditioner at a specified time. You can set the turn-on time half an hour before your arrival and you will enter an apartment or house with a normal temperature.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
The time of switching on and off the split system is set from the remote control

It is also possible to turn off the air conditioner on a timer. This may be needed in the evening. Automation will turn off the device at the appointed time and you do not have to get up, interrupting your sleep. In general, if you value your own comfort, you should choose an air conditioner with such a function.

Sleeping mode

If the nights in the region are so hot that the air conditioner cannot be turned off at night, the “sleep” mode will come in handy. It translates the equipment to reduced power, the fans rotate more slowly, respectively, the noise level decreases.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Sleep mode reduces power and reduces noise

This mode can be useful if the air conditioner is not inverter. In general, a good feature, but only for those units that you plan to install in the bedroom.

Ozonation and ionization modes

Озонирование и ионизация призваны сделать воздух в помещении чистым, свободным от бактерий и более полезным. Сама идея хороша, но для этих операций существуют отдельные устройства. Как водится, специальные агрегаты работают более эффективно, а встроенные в кондиционер они используются очень редко, зато стоимость поднимают существенно.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Ionization and ozonation – useful, but not necessary


The dehumidification mode allows you to remove excess moisture from the air, because with high humidity, the heat is less tolerated. The function can be useful if you choose an air conditioner for a small apartment. In this case, the kitchen is located close to the living rooms and cooking or even tea can significantly increase the humidity in the rooms as well.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
“Short” list of additional features

Also, this mode is useful in regions characterized by high humidity in the summer. It allows you to live in more comfortable conditions.

Вентиляция и очищение

Режим вентиляции (fan на английском) есть во многих моделях сплит систем. Он позволяет «закачать» с улицы свежий воздух, но без охлаждения. Вентилирование может происходить с разной интенсивностью — может быть от 2 до 8 скоростей вращения вентилятора. В принципе, без этого режима можно обойтись, если есть у вас фрамуга, форточка или возможность открыть окно.

Choose an air conditioner for an apartment, for a house, power selection
Filters can be different

In some models, paired with the ventilation mode, there is a purification. The air coming from the street passes through the filter system, being cleaned of allergens and dust particles. This mode is necessary for allergy sufferers, it allows them to survive the worst time for them with minimal discomfort. So if someone in the family suffers from allergies, it is advisable to choose an air conditioner with ventilation and purification.

Auto restart

Наличие этой функции позволяет восстанавливать настройки, которые были перед отключением электропитания. Оборудование включается самостоятельно при появлении питания. Эта опция может быть полезной, если в регионе часто отключают электричество.

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