Choose a picture and find out how best to spend the coming weekend

Self-programming, intuition or signs of the Universe? How psychologists, astrologers and esotericists do not explain the accuracy of forecasts for individual images. But the secret of such simple tests lies, first of all, in the individual mood, internal contradictions and the subconscious expectation of certain events. In addition, we tend to unconsciously remember even minor events that are firmly deposited in our memory.

Trust your own feelings

Do you want to know how best to spend the coming weekend with benefit and pleasure? Are you ready to take a little test that will make your subconscious and intuition put together a unique puzzle? Then get ready to choose!

An important condition for passing visual tests: obligatory abstraction from external stimuli and the fastest possible reaction. There is no need to think for a long time about the choice, based on the visual range, since the interpretation of each particular picture may differ significantly from its content. So let’s get started…

Choose a picture and find out how best to spend the coming weekend

Choose a picture and find out how best to spend the coming weekend

Choose a picture and find out how best to spend the coming weekend

Choose a picture and find out how best to spend the coming weekend


Those who chose the image of city streets and skyscrapers as their favorite picture clearly need a long and passive rest. The absence of vivid impressions for a long time makes itself felt, throwing images that are meager in colors to the imagination. Despite the depressed state, the supporters of the urban landscape still have enough strength and desire to communicate. If on the eve of the weekend you are suddenly offered a country trip or passive rest in the country — do not refuse! Silence, peace and tranquility in the circle of people close and well-known to you is exactly what you need now. Weekend plans can and should include a river walk, a picnic in nature or a long-awaited fishing trip.


Are you impressed by the pastoral charm of the forest landscape? All clear! Contradictions are ripening inside you, which make you plunge into difficult thoughts every day. Work has become a burden on you, and your inner circle annoys you with its taking out … Emotional exhaustion should not be ignored — it may well develop into real apathy, after which it will be very difficult to recover. Schedule visits to crowded places for the weekend, you don’t need to be alone with your thoughts now. But do not rush to take friends and relatives with you for a walk or shopping! Enjoy this time alone and who knows, maybe new people and new experiences will appear in your life.


A stormy water stream impresses many, but if you liked this particular picture, then your inner life needs an immediate update! Stop hiding from reality within four walls, refer to blockages at work, refusing to hang out with friends. Spend this weekend in a noisy company, watch your favorite movie, have a pajama party or a cooking competition. An active and full of impressions weekend is exactly what you need now to put your thoughts and feelings in order.


The sea has always been considered a symbol of impermanence and variability. It was also infinity, stretching to the horizon. If you chose this image, you absolutely should spend the coming weekend in a cozy family circle. You sorely lack the support of loved ones, you are disappointed and ready to let despondency into your heart. Spend two days playing with the kids, hanging out with the parents, looking through family albums, and making fond memories. You will feel how the world around you will become friendly and open again, and all problems will inevitably dissipate or their solution will become obvious to you.

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