Chondrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

What is chondrosis?

Chondrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chondrosis is an insidious and not fully understood disease. According to the definition adopted in official medicine, pathology is accompanied by degeneration in certain areas of cartilage tissue into bone. For a very long time, it was believed that back pain and limited mobility of the cervical vertebrae are related to age-related changes, which are almost impossible to get rid of, just as it is impossible to turn back the clock. However, modern medicine, in addition to the depletion of cartilage and bone tissue with age, has discovered new causes of pain in the spine and has developed new methods and methods of treating chondrosis, allowing you to forget about the symptoms of this disease for a long time.

Causes of chondrosis

It was found that the cervical muscles are also involved in the development of the pathological process in chondrosis. The short muscle fibers that connect the processes of the vertebrae in patients suffering from this disease are very tense, which contributes to the appearance of muscle clamps.

The cause of chondrosis, therefore, is prolonged sitting in one place, a rare change in posture during sedentary work, prolonged tension of the same muscle group. Muscle hypertonicity can be caused by sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow for several nights in a row and even cold showers if a person takes it without special preparation.

Also, stress and emotional upheavals can serve as the cause of chondrosis. Muscle clamps can be the result of chronic stress or fear, a kind of reaction of an adult to constantly arising psychotraumatic situations.

Chondrosis also develops against the background of metabolic disorders, vascular diseases. Risk factors are also overweight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar.

Symptoms of chondrosis

Symptoms of chondrosis are severe pain that limits mobility, a feeling of unpleasant heaviness and tension in the lumbar region or cervical spine.

Pathology can be manifested by pain in the muscles, as well as radiating pain from the internal organs. So, chondrosis of the cervical region may be accompanied by visual impairment, tinnitus, headaches and dizziness. With the pathology of the thoracic spine, there are difficulties in breathing, pain in the region of the heart. Lumbar chondrosis is sometimes manifested by a violation of the functioning of the digestive tract and the genitourinary system.

[Video] Neurologist Burdasova O. – How to distinguish chondrosis from osteochondrosis:

Spinal traction, or traction, is used to relieve pain, increase the space between the vertebrae, and restore the physiological curves of the spine.

Reflexology against the background of other methods can increase the effectiveness of treatment, relieve pain, help normalize sleep, balance the psyche, help fight overweight and bad habits.

Treatment with drugs is prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease in order to relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and stimulate metabolic processes.

Despite the fact that each of the above methods is considered highly effective on its own, a stable therapeutic effect can only be achieved with an integrated approach to the treatment of chondrosis with the obligatory training on specialized equipment, which allows the patient to form a full-fledged muscle corset.

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