Cholecystitis: methods of treatment. Video

Cholecystitis: methods of treatment. Video

One of the diseases of the gallbladder, called cholecystitis, can deliver a lot of discomfort to a person who suffers from it. But do not despair, since the methods of treating this disease are quite diverse, including with the help of folk remedies.

This is a disease in which the normal outflow of bile is disrupted, and the reasons for this phenomenon can be varied:

  • gallstones
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • injuries

Improper diet, not too active lifestyle, problems with stool can also contribute to the development of the disease.

Distinguish between acute and chronic cholecystitis, the symptoms of which are different, as well as the method of treatment

Both types are characterized by painful sensations in the right side of the abdomen, the intensity of which depends on the individual course of the disease. Acute cholecystitis is also characterized by nausea and vomiting, sometimes chills and a rise in temperature. Chronic cholecystitis is accompanied by the presence of a metallic taste in the mouth, belching and indigestion.

The most dangerous consequence of cholecystitis is peritonitis, therefore, the disease cannot be started.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cholecystitis

Among the methods of treating cholecystitis, traditional medicine suggests using various recipes. The most popular is the use of a decoction of oats, for which it is necessary to pour 0,5 kg of dry matter with a liter of boiling water, insist for at least half an hour, strain and drink 100 g three times a day.

Another way of treatment is to consume three tablespoons of beet broth three times a day before meals.

To obtain it, the root vegetable is cut into small pieces and boiled until the juice from the beets begins to resemble syrup.

It is more pleasant to taste the treatment with a mixture of 1 kg of honey, 0,5 kg of chopped lemons and a glass of olive oil. You need to use this mixture in a tablespoon three times a day for 3-4 weeks. It is assumed that at least three courses of treatment should be completed per year.

Treatment of cholecystitis with herbs

To do this, 5 g of oregano herb are brewed in a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered two hours later and consumed 2 tablespoons before meals for half an hour three times a day.

For the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, yarrow is used, 2 tablespoons of which must be steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water, insist for at least an hour, strain and drink 30 g before each meal

In large quantities, an infusion of a mixture of herbs is used, which is required to be drunk twice a day in a glass. To obtain it, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of herbs of chicory root, smokehouse, juniper, dandelion. This amount is required to brew 200 g of boiling water, insist, strain and bring back to the volume of a glass.

Also interesting to read: thyme.

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