Chokeberry varieties: description

Chokeberry varieties: description

The homeland of chokeberry or chokeberry is originally North America. Modern breeders have developed rowan varieties that bear fruit successfully even in the most difficult climatic conditions. And all this is due to the fact that in the XNUMXth century I.V. Michurin drew attention to this type of shrub and laid the foundation for the cultivation of chokeberry in Russia.

How to choose a variety of chokeberry?

The efforts of scientists are aimed at breeding hybrid varieties of chokeberry, which have a high culture resistance to frost and plant diseases. And also the main indicator of the productivity of the variety is its high yield and large-fruited.

Chokeberry varieties, due to their resistance to frost, can be grown in northern latitudes.

It is best to purchase one- or two-year-old seedlings. They must be strong and free from damage.

It is almost impossible to make sure of these qualities when purchasing seedlings by external signs. In this connection, experts recommend purchasing them only in proven nurseries, where you can also get advice from an experienced professional

The root system should be sufficiently developed, and the length of taproots should be at least 25 cm. The yield from two bushes is quite enough to provide the family with a useful berry.

The many-faced chokeberry – description of rowan varieties

The main requirement for choosing a variety of chokeberry is its suitability for local climatic conditions. The most popular and favorite gardeners are the following varieties:

  • Viking variety is a medium-sized shrub. It bears fruit well on loamy soils with a weak or neutral acidity level. The fruits have a diameter of about 1 cm. The yield and frost resistance of the variety are high.
  • The “Nero” variety is distinguished by its high decorative qualities. The snow-white flowers are decorated with red stamens, the shape of the bush is compact, its outlines resemble the shape of a vase. Fruiting well in semi-shady places, frost-resistant.
  • Hugin is a Swedish variety. Shrub up to 2 m tall, suitable for growing in central Russia. Differs in intolerance of strong pruning of branches. Often used to decorate landscaping.

Almost all varieties released for cultivation in Russia have stable and high yields. In addition, the culture is undemanding to the conditions of detention. If you are the owner of a garden plot, then be sure to make room for this very healthy and tasty berry.

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