Chokeberry: useful properties of chokeberry. Video
Chokeberry, also called chokeberry or chokeberry, is an unusual plant suitable for true connoisseurs of natural body support. The beneficial properties of chokeberry are still being discussed both in the medical field and in the horticultural sphere.
Aronia: useful properties of chokeberry
The history of the chokeberry
Having a rich vitamin composition, chokeberry quickly became a popular dessert and a welcome assistant in strengthening the immune system. However, the value of the blackberry was revealed no more than a century ago. Brought from North America, the wild berry has caused a lot of trouble for breeders, stubbornly unwilling to adapt to the local climate. But over time, black fruits, like beads covered with wax, have already been used in cooking and in home treatment. And it is no coincidence, since aronia in translation from Greek means “help”.
Black rowan berries (as it is popularly called) have a slightly astringent, sour taste. Ripening by September, they become more juicy, and if the berries have hung on the bush until frost and have not fallen off, then they will be sweet and especially useful, having absorbed all the auxiliary substances. It is noteworthy that chokeberry helps already in the garden, getting rid of weeds and giving the soil the opportunity to “rest”, that is, it does not impoverish it.
Each rowan berry contains about eight grains-seeds, which add brightness to the taste and carry many useful substances.
The pulp of black chokeberry, together with the seeds, was actively used as a scrub for the skin, cleansing it of dead cells and giving it a blush.
A simple berry or a pantry of vitamins?
chokeberry is a lifesaver for those who want to maintain health, keep youth and be in good shape. Each berry allows you to abandon the pharmacy complex of vitamins, adequately filling the need for basic and rarely obtained substances. First of all, mountain ash is rich in: – ascorbic acid; – carotene (and vitamin A itself); – vitamins P, E and group B. And sugars (mainly fructose and glucose), which contain at least 10%, are especially important for those suffering from diabetes mellitus and allow replacing “harmful” sweetness with natural.
As for the macro- and microelements that have settled in the berries of black chokeberry, their quantity and variety cannot be ignored. Copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum, tannins, iodine and fluorine in seemingly simple berries are truly a find of a hostess who cares about the good health of her family. And the high content of pectin is not only useful, but also gives the mountain ash a unique aroma and tart taste.
Despite the richness of the contained substances, chokeberry contains no more than 1,4% acid in terms of malic acid, therefore it practically does not cause allergies and satiety.
The effect of the chokeberry on the body with its periodic use will give odds to specialized medical preparations both in the number of supported processes and in the intensity of the impact. The fight against atherosclerosis, the maintenance of the vascular system and the condition of the heart muscle are in the first place in terms of the effect of berries on health. The chokeberry also has a beneficial effect on digestion, promoting the production of gastric juice. A decoction from the leaves of the plant is used as a choleretic agent.
Iodine actively supports the thyroid gland, and all components taken together stabilize the nervous system, saving it from stress and, as a result, from premature aging. In addition, blackberry increases blood clotting.
Black chokeberry acid rejuvenates, lifts the face and activates blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues, which gives a well-groomed and rested look
Only this berry can boast of a unique ability to combat skin diseases: eczema, rashes, diathesis are not afraid of it. And also berries do an excellent job with stomatitis, whiten teeth and strengthen enamel.
Of course, the use of blackberry must be balanced. An excess of it is harmful for patients with hypertension and undesirable for people suffering from high acidity of the stomach. Individual intolerance to berries is also present, but in rare cases.
The optimal dose for consumption is considered to be no more than 100-150 g of fresh berries per day (for an adult). It is preferable for children to give chokeberry not in pure form, but after cooking in order to avoid allergic reactions.
What to make from chokeberry?
A talented cook will not puzzle over what to cook from the available berries, especially if chokeberry is at hand. For the winter, it is customary to harvest jams, preserves, juices from it. From these delicacies, you can make marmalade in the future. You can mix the berries with sugar and send them to the freezer to make jelly later. You can even cook compote from blackberry, but it is better to add other ingredients to it, for example, black currant and a little cherry.