Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

Chokeberry can be safely called a storehouse of health – the concentration of substances useful for our body in berries just rolls over. We will dissolve all these vitamins and microelements in a water-alcohol solution, like doctors of the past, and then, through moderate consumption, increase immunity, fight hypertension and other unpleasant ailments. And all this will be called tincture of chokeberry!

Chokeberry, aka chokeberry, is perfectly revealed in tinctures and liquors. This is a very weighty argument in favor of this plant, which is so loved by summer residents. Unpretentious in care, it blooms beautifully in spring, and in early autumn gives a good harvest of berries. I have already talked about the benefits of this berry in an article about chokeberry wine. Today I will tell you a few recipes for chokeberry tincture, which can be prepared at home without any hassle. Get comfortable.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

Blackberry tinctures are best prepared in late autumn, after the first frost, when the berry is juicy and fully ripe. As an alternative, you can use dried berries, which are enough to take exactly half as much. But fresh chokeberry is always a priority. Before preparing any drink from chokeberry, it must be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled and small berries, which, as a rule, are bitter. As an alcohol base, vodka is usually used, alcohol diluted to 40-50% or purified moonshine of double distillation, preferably fruit or berry. Also a classic combination is rowan on cognac.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshineDid you love the blackberry? We have for you as many as five recipes for amazing liqueurs from this berry, including the one with cherry leaves.

And then there are three recipes for refined, balanced liqueurs, the recipes of which you will find in this article.

Simple tincture of chokeberry on vodka

Preparing is simple, but the result is a great drink.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

  • 1 kg chokeberry berries
  • 1 liter of vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%
  • sugar to taste

Sort the berries and wash well. Pour into a jar of the desired volume and pour vodka. It is desirable that vodka covers the berries by at least 1 cm. If desired, add sugar – from 300 to 500 g, but the pure tincture itself is easy to drink. With sugar, the drink is more for the weaker sex. The jar needs to be shaken well and put in a dark, cool place for 2 months. It is advisable to mix the tincture every 3-4 days. After 2 months, strain the drink through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Let rest for a week or two and serve.

The berries can be poured again, while the second infusion is in no way inferior to the first and will turn out even softer and richer.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

You can try to add any spices to your taste to the infusion. The taste of chokeberry goes well with cloves and cinnamon, for example. You can also add some cherry or blackcurrant leaves. Instead of vodka, you can use any other alcoholic base, but without an aggressive, dominant flavor that will interrupt the taste of the berry. Cognac, as already mentioned earlier, fits perfectly.

Tincture of chokeberry with lemon on alcohol

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

  • blackberry berries as needed
  • 500 ml alcohol 40-50%
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 3 large lemons

Sort and wash the berries, put them in a three-liter jar up to the shoulders. Add a glass of water, a glass of sugar and the juice of three lemons. Pour alcohol, close tightly and put in a dark, cool place for three weeks. Periodically, the jar needs to be shaken so that the sugar dissolves completely. After insisting, drain through a colander and strain through a fine sieve. Let rest for two weeks and start tasting. An extract is welcome.

Chokeberry tincture with honey

An interesting recipe that gives a very fragrant, tart (not sweet) drink. For a richer color and taste, oak bark is added, which you can get yourself or buy at a pharmacy. The tincture goes very well with tea – just add 1 tablespoon to a hot drink. Do not forget about the properties of chokeberry to lower blood pressure!

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

  • 2,5 cups chokeberry
  • 1 liter of vodka/alcohol/moonshine/cognac 40-50%
  • 3 tablespoons fragrant honey
  • 1 pinch prepared oak bark

Wash the berries, sort and put them in a jar. Honey, if it is candied, it is better to melt in a water bath and add to the chokeberry. Rinse the oak bark with running water and throw into a jar. Pour in vodka and insist in a dark, cool place for as long as possible, ideally 4-5 months. Shake the jar once a week, but it is advisable to leave the last month alone so that the honey completely settles to the bottom. After infusion, the drink must be carefully drained from the sediment through several layers of gauze and filtered through a cotton filter. Pour into bottles and let rest for 2 weeks before tasting.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine

Chokeberry is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It contains a lot of iodine and various minerals. The fact that it is included in many vitamin complexes says a lot. I will not argue that chokeberry tincture has the same beneficial properties. But if you know the measure, then there will definitely be a positive effect. Drink only the best, subscribe to the updates of our magazine, do not get sick and have a good autumn!

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