Chokeberry tincture on vodka

Chokeberry tincture is a popular type of processing of a richly fruiting berry. Many recipes allow you to get the benefits of the plant in the form of sweet, spicy, strong or low-alcohol drinks. Homemade tincture is a simple, versatile remedy for healing and the basis for culinary experiments.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

The benefits and harms of tincture on chokeberry

The black fruits of mountain ash (chokeberry) exhibit many healing qualities, are able to heal the body as a whole and are applicable for the treatment of certain painful conditions. An alcohol-based infusion perfectly preserves the properties of chokeberry. When infused, useful substances go into solution, are preserved, acquire an increased concentration.

Effective tincture of chokeberry in the treatment of such conditions:

  1. Reduced immunity, susceptibility to infections, lethargy, chronic fatigue.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia, decreased clotting, other abnormalities in the composition of the blood.
  3. Lack of iodine, beriberi, the need for additional intake of potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, selenium.
  4. Apathy, depression, stress, sleep disturbances, decreased attention, memory, ability to concentrate.
  5. Elevated cholesterol, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathology, hypertension.
  6. Exposure to radiation, UV radiation, harmful environmental factors: gas pollution, chemical pollution of water, proximity to hazardous industries.
  7. Benign and malignant neoplasms of any localization.
  8. Decreased acidity of gastric juice, violations in the removal of bile.

The benefits of chokeberry tincture on vodka have been noted if a diet is necessary. The drink reduces appetite, which helps in the fight against excess weight. Chokeberry accelerates metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, which also contributes to weight loss.

External use of chokeberry tincture cleanses and heals wounds, disinfects, relieves inflammation, and promotes skin cell rejuvenation.

Possessing a strong effect, chokeberry tincture in some cases can be harmful. Contraindications to taking the drug:

  • personal intolerance to chokeberry;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract against the background of increased acidity;
  • increased blood viscosity with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood.

Alcohol compositions with chokeberry have a fixing effect. Use with caution if you are prone to constipation.

Attention! The harm of tincture with useful mountain ash can manifest itself with excessive use. The alcohol content and concentrated composition require limiting intake to 50 g per day.

How to make a tincture of chokeberry

In the tincture, the extraction of soluble substances from the berries occurs naturally, without heating and fermentation. Medical tincture (extract) is made on alcohol from 40 to 90% of the fortress. At home, moonshine or vodka is often used for the same purposes.

Medicinal properties, color and taste of the finished tincture directly depend on the quality of the raw materials. Carefully select not only berries, but also the alcohol base.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

Features of home-made blackberry tincture:

  1. The best raw material is a fully ripened, black berry, without spoiled and unripe specimens. Before the onset of winter cold, black berries contain the most useful substances, and bitterness is at a minimum concentration. Frost-touched fruits are the sweetest.
  2. For alcohol extract, you can use dried and frozen raw materials. Dried chokeberry is ground into powder before being placed in alcohol. The infusion time is doubled. Frozen berries are used in the same way as fresh ones.
  3. It is necessary to withstand the tincture of chokeberry at a temperature of about 20 ° C, protecting from sunlight. At lower temperatures, the release of beneficial compounds from berries slows down, and it will take more time to infuse.
  4. Chokeberry is very useful, but does not have a strong aroma or pronounced taste. The tincture is famous for its noble astringency and dense ruby ​​color. Alcohol-containing products on black berries are seasoned with spices to add flavor, and additional ingredients are added to the composition.
Attention! Sugar in the composition of drinks does not affect the process of dissolution of nutrients. Its quantity is arbitrarily regulated. Chokeberry tincture, prepared without sugar, can be taken by patients with diabetes.

Classic black rowan tincture

The traditional medicinal infusion of vodka on chokeberry is prepared without seasonings or sweeteners. The composition of the drink includes only alcohol and berries, taken in equal proportions. For a kilogram of sorted, washed, dried chokeberry, take 1000 ml of vodka, alcohol (diluted up to 40%) or moonshine.

The process of preparing a classic tincture:

  1. Berries do not need to be crushed. Whole fruits are poured into glassware and poured with vodka.
  2. Keep the mixture in the dark at a temperature of + 15-25 ° C, shaking every few days.
  3. The tincture is completely ready in 60 days. It is drained, filtered, poured into clean bottles.

Chokeberry, left over from cooking, is able to give many more useful substances. It is kneaded a little and pour 1 liter of vodka. The secondary tincture will be milder in taste, but will require more thorough filtration.

Tincture on chokeberry on moonshine

Homemade extracts are often made with homemade alcohol. Chokeberry recipes on moonshine require attention to the quality of raw materials. Suitable for home production, high-purity alcohol is not stronger than 60%.


  • blackberry – 1 kg;
  • moonshine – 1000 ml;
  • sugar – up to 300 g.


  1. Washed, dried fruits are poured into a container for infusion and poured with alcohol.
  2. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Tightly closed dishes are placed in a dark place.
  4. Shake the composition every 5-7 days.

After 3 months, the drink is filtered, and the berries are thrown away. The infusion process can be extended up to 4 months. To improve the taste, you can infuse moonshine on chokeberry with the addition of cloves, cinnamon, lemon, leaves of berry crops and other aromatic additives.

Homemade tincture of chokeberry on alcohol

Taking food or medical alcohol as a basis, you can get a concentrate that is not inferior to the pharmacy version in quality. Such a homemade tincture will be high, which will require dilution before use.

Preparation of extracts from chokeberry on alcohol:

  1. Glassware is filled with black berries to 2/3 of the volume.
  2. Add alcohol to the top.
  3. Insist at least 20 days.
  4. Squeezed, filtered, poured into dark glass vessels.
Advice! The resulting elixir of chokeberry is externally used for pain in the joints, as a rub for a cold. For rubbing and lotions, the composition is not diluted.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

Strong alcohol or moonshine on chokeberry, made according to the proposed recipe, should be diluted with clean water before ingestion.

Chernoplodka on vodka

At home, it is convenient to use store-bought vodka to prepare tinctures from chokeberry. For the recipe, choose a proven alcoholic product without fragrances.

Vodka and black berries are taken approximately equally (per 1 kg of fruit per 1 liter of alcohol). Sweeten the tincture to taste. Traditionally, 500 g of sugar is added to the indicated number of components.

The manufacturing process differs from previous recipes for moonshine and alcohol only in the aging time. The tincture should be drained from the sediment and filtered after 40-50 days of infusion, and then kept for another 10 days to ripen the product.

Recipes for vodka are universal; on their basis, you can prepare tinctures from chokeberry with cherry leaves, any spices, citrus fruits. Both sweet drinks and pure extracts are distinguished by a thick ruby ​​color and a characteristic tart taste.

Homemade chokeberry tincture with cloves

Clove has a strong, spicy aroma. A few spice buds are enough to give a new flavor to a blackberry drink. An additive to moonshine recipes is especially appropriate.

Quick recipe with cloves:

  1. For 500 g of chokeberry, 300 ml of moonshine (vodka, diluted alcohol) will be required.
  2. The berries are ground with 2 cloves. If desired, sugar is added to the composition and stirred until the crystals dissolve.
  3. The thick mixture is insisted for several days.
  4. The crushed raw materials are poured with alcohol in a wide-mouthed vessel.
  5. Keep covered, stirring every few days.

You can taste the tincture after 15 days. The best consistency and taste is achieved by aging for 60 days.

Comment! A thick filter is used to separate the pulp. In recipes with whole chokeberry berries, a few layers of gauze are enough.

Blackberry tincture with cherry leaves

You can enrich the taste of homemade alcohol not only with spices. Black chokeberry with cherry leaf and vodka acquires an unusual aroma. The saturated ink-red color of the tincture, the characteristic astringency are well combined with the taste of summer berries.

A popular recipe for “cherry” chokeberry liqueur:

  • aronia berries – 250 g;
  • cherry leaves – 1 cup;
  • citric acid – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka and water – 250 ml each;
  • sugar – 250

The process of preparing chokeberry tincture with cherry flavor:

  1. Berries and leaves are washed, sorted, placed in a wide cooking container.
  2. Fill with water, bring to a boil. Insist until cool (if possible – up to 8 hours).
  3. After adding sugar and acid, boil the mixture for 20 minutes.
  4. The decoction is decanted, the berries are carefully squeezed, both liquids are drained together.

Vodka is introduced into the cooled composition, the tincture is bottled. The liqueur is ready to drink immediately, but it is better to let it mature for 30 days.

Blackberry tincture with honey

The product of beekeeping adds density and aroma to the tincture of black ashberry, making it even more useful. To make a honey elixir, you will need a glass container with a capacity of at least 2 liters.


  • washed chokeberry berries – 3 cups;
  • liquid honey – 1 cup;
  • vodka – 1 l.

The fruits are poured into a clean jar, honey is added, alcohol is poured in. Keep the composition in a dark place for at least 4 weeks, shaking regularly. The finished elixir is filtered and bottled. Use the composition inside, for compresses, rubbing. The amount of honey in the recipe can be supplemented with sugar, if you want to get a sweeter product.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

How to make Black Rowan Orange Vanillin Tincture

Citrus taste combined with vanilla fits perfectly into the recipe for fragrant chokeberry tincture with cherry leaves. The dessert taste of such a drink after 90 days of aging resembles Amaretto.

Components per 500 g of chokeberry berries:

  • vanillin powder – 1 tsp;
  • orange (juice + peel) – 1 pc.;
  • cherry leaves – 40 pcs.;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 2 glass;
  • water – ½ l;
  • vodka – 1 l.

Cooking process:

  1. The rowan is boiled with water for about 15 minutes.
  2. Cherry leaves are placed in a container, pour orange zest.
  3. Warm up the mixture for another 2-3 minutes. Cool, squeeze well, filter.
  4. Sugar, vanillin are introduced into the fragrant broth. Continue to heat until boiling, then pour in citric acid, add orange juice.
  5. The syrup is removed from the heat and cooled completely.

After mixing the filtered dessert base with vodka, it is left to ripen. After 3 months, the chokeberry tincture is re-filtered, poured into glass containers, tightly corked.

Sweet tincture on chokeberry

Thick homemade blackberry tinctures with added sugar go well with cinnamon. Dessert tincture is well enriched with citrus flavor by adding lemon zest.

For 1 kg of sorted black rowan fruits, it is enough to add ½ tsp. cinnamon and zest of one lemon. The ingredients are poured into a jar, topped up with diluted alcohol or vodka to the shoulders. Insist 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature.

Recipe for blackberry tincture without the addition of alcohol-containing drinks

Black rowan is characterized by its preservative properties. It contains a lot of disinfectants, and there are few yeast cultures on the surface of the fruit. Therefore, natural fermentation is slow and the product may not reach the desired strength.

To remedy the situation, special yeast cultures or unwashed raisins are introduced into home-made compositions with chokeberry.

Preparation of a simple non-alcoholic infusion of chokeberry:

  • 1 kg of unwashed berries are kneaded by hand or crushed with a blender;
  • the mass is transferred to a jar, covered with sugar (3 kg), add 5 pcs. raisins, mix;
  • the neck is tied with gauze and the container is taken into a room with a temperature of up to 25 ° C;
  • daily mix the composition with a wooden spoon, waiting for active fermentation;
  • after the appearance of foam, a water seal of any design is installed on the jar or left to mature under gauze;
  • after the end of the bubbling of the mixture with the release of gases and foaming, the solution is filtered.

The tincture should be left to ripen in a cool place for up to 60 days, then drained again from the sediment and strained. Non-fortified natural drinks should be stored in a cellar or room with a temperature not exceeding + 14 °C.

Tincture of chokeberry and cherry and currant leaves

The leaves of shrubs and fruit trees give blackberry tinctures a berry flavor, although they are prepared in late autumn, when the season is over. Cherry and raspberry leaves can be harvested ahead of time and used dried. But fresh raw materials give the best results.

The composition of the tincture:

  • black mountain ash – 1 kg;
  • currant and cherry leaf – 20-30 pcs. everyone;
  • alcohol or moonshine (more than 70%) – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 0,5 l.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

The process of making the tincture:

  1. Syrup is made from berries, water and sugar. Boiling time – 15 minutes.
  2. Leaves are laid and heated for several minutes.
  3. Leave the mixture to infuse and cool.
  4. The berries are slightly kneaded to release the juice.
  5. The mixture is poured with alcohol without filtration, with leaves and fruits.
  6. The exposure time of the infusion is 2 weeks.

The real product is filtered, squeezing out plant materials, and packaged in sterile bottles.

Chokeberry on vodka with cherry, raspberry and currant leaves

Garden aromas in combination with chokeberry always give a good result. The best combination of flavors for tincture is the classic trio of raspberry, currant and cherry. The leaves of all crops are taken equally, observing the proportions of the recipe for 1 kg of chokeberry:

  • leaves (dry or fresh) – 60 pcs.;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 500 ml.

The preparation of the infusion completely repeats the previous recipe. The water in the composition serves only to better release the aroma of the leaves. The smaller it is, the stronger the product will be. An increase in the rate of liquid and sugar by 2 times, with the same technology, results in a drink that resembles liquor.

Tincture of 100 leaves of chokeberry

A simple method that recommends taking berries not by weight, but by count, guarantees a proven result. A tincture of cherry leaves and chokeberry will always have the same strength, taste and color.


  • 100 chokeberry berries;
  • 100 cherry leaves;
  • 0,5 l of water:
  • Xnum l vodka;
  • cup sugar;
  • package of citric acid.

Syrup from water, chokeberry and sugar is boiled as standard, trying not to digest the leaves. Citric acid (no more than 15 g) is poured before turning off. The cooled mass is strained through gauze and mixed with alcohol. The mixture can be considered a tincture only after 15 days, when it is re-filtered and poured into storage containers.

Blackberry vodka: recipe with star anise and cinnamon

The introduction of various spices into recipes makes tinctures different from each other and adds new, oriental notes to the medicinal composition. The taste and thick aroma of star anise very favorably emphasizes the astringency of chokeberry, but its use requires caution.

Do not add more than 2 star anise stars per 1 liter of vodka. The combination of these products in a higher concentration is excessive in taste and can cause headaches.

Star anise and cinnamon can be added to the recipe for a basic tincture of chokeberry with cherry leaves, honey, any sweetened drinks. Overlapping flavors can be seen with cloves or cardamom.

Chokeberry tincture at home with prunes and spices

Spicy taste and viscosity gives the tincture prunes. To prepare such an alcoholic drink, you will need to insist the composition twice: first, a classic alcoholic extract from chokeberry is prepared, then an even more aromatic drink is made on its basis.


  1. 3 g of washed prunes, 100 g of sugar, cinnamon, star anise are placed in a 300-liter jar.
  2. Pour the jar of chokeberry tincture to the top and close the lid.
  3. In the dark, the mixture is defended for up to 30 days, stirring at least once a week.

The tincture is drained from the fruits and sediment, filtered and bottled for storage.

Alcohol tincture of chokeberry with lemon

A very rich infusion is obtained from an increased amount of black berries. To balance the taste, lemons are introduced into the composition, their acid neutralizes excess astringency.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

The ingredients are taken not by weight, but by counting for a 3-liter jar. Prepare a tincture with lemon as follows:

  1. The jar is filled with black berries just below the shoulders.
  2. Add a glass of sugar and water, squeeze the juice of three lemons.
  3. Add 0,5 liters of vodka (diluted alcohol or moonshine with a strength of about 50%) to the vessel.
  4. Insist 3 weeks, shaking the jar every other day.

The tincture is drained, the raw material is squeezed out and thrown away. The composition must stand for another 2 weeks before final filtration and bottling.

Black rowan tincture on cognac with oak bark

A drink with a noble cognac taste from chokeberry turns out to be densely colored and fragrant. To enhance the effect, add a little dried oak bark, crushed into powder.


  • blackberry – 300 g;
  • honey – 2 st. l .;
  • oak bark – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • Cognac – 500 ml.

Preparing the tincture is very simple: after mixing all the ingredients, leave the blank for aging. After 60 days, strain the composition and you can start using.

Advice! Candied honey is pre-dissolved in a water bath to a liquid state.

Tincture on vodka from chokeberry and red mountain ash

Both berries are called mountain ash because of their external similarity, but these cultures differ in origin and properties. Their combination in one drink expands the beneficial effects of the infusion.

To prepare alcohol extracts from mixed raw materials, it is enough to replace half the norm of chokeberry with red mountain ash. The further process does not differ from the recipes described above. Since red berries contain more bitterness, it is preferable to choose recipes with citric acid.

Dried black rowan vodka tincture

Properly dried chokeberry retains all the beneficial qualities of fresh berries and is quite suitable for homemade alcoholic beverages. Using such raw materials, follow several rules:

  1. Before preparing the extract, dried chokeberry is ground in a mortar or coffee grinder.
  2. The number of berries taken by weight is reduced by 2 times from the original recipe.
  3. The term of infusion of the product is extended to 4 months.

Otherwise, follow the general recommendations for cooking.

Moonshine from chokeberry

Moonshine can not only insist on chokeberry, but also completely prepared from berry raw materials. Preparation begins with the preparation of mash, which is subsequently distilled, obtaining alcohol of various concentrations and degrees of purification.

Braga from chokeberry


  • crushed berries of black mountain ash – 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg;
  • filtered water – 5 l;
  • yeast: dry – 50 g or pressed – 250 g.

Unwashed raisins (100 g) can be used to support the fermentation process. In this case, yeast is not added.

Place all ingredients in a large saucepan, mix thoroughly. Set aside the container, covered with a cloth, for a week. Braga from chokeberry is stirred every day to destroy the film on the surface, which interferes with fermentation.

How to make moonshine on black rowan

After a week, but not before the wort stops foaming, sediment settles to the bottom of the pan. Braga can be carefully drained, strained and used for distillation. Blackberry moonshine can be made from fresh or frozen berries, and you can also use the leftover jam.

Rules for the use of tincture of chokeberry

Blackberry tincture should be taken as a medicine, avoiding overdose. The therapeutic effect is manifested when the dose is not more than 50 ml of tincture per day.

The daily rate can be divided into several doses and drink a tablespoon before each meal. Chokeberry has contraindications and can cause side effects in some diseases. Therefore, before taking tinctures for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka

Regular meals of blackberry infusions

Extracts on alcohol without additional ingredients have an unlimited shelf life, provided the bottles are in a dark place. The optimum temperature is not higher than + 18 ° C.

Sweet alcoholic tinctures from chokeberry can be stored for up to 3 years. The best place is a cellar or refrigerator. Tincture from dry raw materials is stored no more than 90 days after filtration.


Chokeberry tincture is not just a delicious alcoholic drink, but also a medicine. It helps to maintain immunity, restores strength, cleanses the body. The strong effect of alcohol extract requires careful use. In order to benefit from chokeberry, and not harm, you should take the drug in small doses.

chokeberry mash

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