- Natalya Yezhova, director of the children’s model studio
- Ksenia Malgina, entrepreneur
- Tatyana Yarkova, soloist of the Perm Regional Philharmonic
- Lyudmila Yoltysheva, public figure
- Maria Fukalova, PR manager
- Tina Pepelyaeva, housing and communal services manager, confectioner
- Elena Bachuk, geodesist engineer and linguist-translator
- Evgenia Pashieva, director
- Natalia Kadochnikova, sociologist
Beautiful Permians manage to do dozens of things at the same time and always find a kind word for their children. Participants in the new competition admit that they do not consider themselves ideal mothers at all. But their sons and daughters are sure that their mothers are the best in the world.
We continue to celebrate the anniversary of the Woman’s Day website. Let us remind you: in honor of the 10th anniversary, in the spring the contest “’s Choice” was launched on the site. The project includes several nominations, which are held at regional stages in all major cities of Russia. And now the turn came to the category “Mom of the Year”. We represent Perm mothers who are not alike at all. Someone combines work and family, someone completely devotes himself to children and husband, and someone has to be a child not only a mother, but also a dad. Even their upbringing principles are different! Read the participants’ reflections on family and upbringing, flip through the photos and do not forget to vote on page 5 for the Perm that impressed you the most.
Natalya Yezhova, director of the children’s model studio
Children: Diana, 8 years old, Egor, 5 years old, Marianna, 3 years old, Arianna, 6 months.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “We met with my husband in Perm. It was love at first sight. Of course, having my first child changed my life a lot! I believe that after the birth of a child, a woman reveals herself differently, looks at the world differently. The view of the world, of oneself in this world is changing. Until the birth of my first daughter, I did not even think that I would be a mother with many children. But it was after her birth that I had a desire to have a large family, many children. Actually, my husband and I made these dreams come true.
Now I am surrounded by many children. My children are waiting for me at home, and at work – in the KIDS MODELS studio – 70 of my pupils, whom I also love very much. I appreciate the moments spent with them. I am very grateful to motherhood that it helped me find my calling and bring up both my own and other people’s children. “
How many children are you planning? “A child is a great happiness. I believe that the more children, the more happiness. It’s good that our grandmothers – my mother-in-law and my mother – help us. I would also like to have children. I don’t know how we will manage financially, but I would like five or six children. ”
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “The main principle of raising children (both mine and in the studio) is to love them. Listen, try to help. And understand. It is very important that the child grows up in love and understanding, so that he sees love and understanding between the parents. My beloved husband takes an active part in raising children, which is a rarity in our time. We work together and educate together. There is no separation of duties, we do everything together. “
Ksenia Malgina, entrepreneur
Child: Dima, 7 years old (first grader).
How did your family come about? What has changed with the birth of a child? “We met my husband at work. We do not part: this is how we work together. We still have one son – Dima. We have been waiting for him for a long time. Dad was the first to see Dima, then I saw him. Fortunately, there was no limit! My husband and I are two riders, and now a third rider appeared. Life has ceased to go monotonously, habits have appeared a lot, attending various events. Dima, of course, participates everywhere and even receives prizes together with his athlete dad! “
How many children are you planning? “Of course, we want another girl, or maybe another boy and a girl. Dima asks for a brother. We will try! “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “We really want to bring up a diversified person, so we attend a lot of circles, sections, sometimes it even becomes too much. Then we come up with something at home, for example, we have a synthesizer, where we learn notes and songs.
But in general, our basic principle is as follows – let him learn everything himself. We do not prohibit anything (within reason, of course). For example, he wants to jump over puddles – let him jump. This is so great! And what emotions Dima has at the same time, it is simply impossible to convey. He already makes soap himself, and then gives his handicrafts to his relatives. He himself wanted to do robotics – he was enrolled in a circle, he walks with great pleasure. And if he doesn’t want to do his homework, we conduct an experiment, offer options: either answer well in the lesson, or bring home bad grades. After such experiments, he himself tells how to proceed. He himself recognizes mistakes and corrects himself too. “
Tatyana Yarkova, soloist of the Perm Regional Philharmonic
Child: wonderful baby Danechka Yarkov, he is 4 years old!
How did your family come about? What has changed with the birth of a child? “On July 25, my husband and I celebrated the“ copper wedding ”(7 years of marriage), but together we are 14 years old since our student days. They fell in love for three years, were friends, and by the time they graduated from the Perm Musical College they fell in love. We can no longer imagine life without each other. As the saying goes, “the music connected us.” We are good together, we still discover something interesting in each other. We can chat and laugh for hours. We love to walk, go to theaters, listen to music, cook something tasty and, of course, we adore going to each other’s concerts! “
When our long-awaited boy Danechka appeared in 2013, our happiness knew no bounds! Life sparkled with new happy colors. We began to relate to each other with even greater trepidation and love. We are ready to shout to the whole world about how happy we are that there are three of us! “
How many children are you planning? “I’ll tell you a secret that we are planning another little girl. Then our family will become truly complete! “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “Love. As much love as possible. And the main thing is to remember that a child is a small person. He has the right to protection, to his own dreams, the right to freedom of choice. A child is a person. We try to build trusting communication with Danechka, this helps to create a sense of security. My husband and I are trying to make his childhood truly happy! “
Which of the participants, in your opinion, is best suited for the title “Mom of the Year”? Vote on page 5!
Lyudmila Yoltysheva, public figure
Children: Sergey, 19 years old, Stepan, 16 years old, Matvey, 5 years old, Mashutka, 3 years old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “We are Vadim and Lyudmila Yoltyshev. Our family has four children: three sons and a sweetheart daughter. Our family experience is 17 years. We met on September 1, and six months later, on March 23, we were already married. It was love at first sight! I became the mother of my first child at the age of 18. Now I look at my eldest son and think that, of course, starting a family at eighteen is very early. But if this happens, then, of course, we will help.
Our family has gone through a lot of difficult moments: lack of money, unemployment, illness of the middle son. In general, the whole set that falls to the lot of each family. Not everyone can stand it, but we are together, and this is great! With each child we learned to be parents, each time in a new way. After all, it is children who bring up parents in us. And together with them we learn to be a family, support, hope and support for each other. It so happened that from the very beginning of our family life, we shared all the difficulties only among ourselves. There was no help from our mothers and fathers, we tried to do everything ourselves, without the help of grandparents. But for our children, we will definitely be a support.
When the older sons were already old enough, we realized that we were consciously ready and could afford another child. But she couldn’t get pregnant. We underwent examinations, were treated for several years and were ready to decide on IVF, when suddenly a miracle happened – I became pregnant with Matvey. The entire gestation period was difficult in terms of health. The baby was born with cerebral hydrocephalus. It was a hard time for the whole family: sleepless nights, endless medical consultations, massages, injections and no guarantee that our baby can be a full-fledged human being. This is scary. But we believed, every day with tears in our eyes we lived through this pain and despair, supported each other and told our son that he was a great fellow, he is strong, he is the best and can overcome everything. We found a good doctor and put Matvey on his feet. Now he has some peculiarities in his development, but in general our son is the most wonderful, the smartest and most beloved. I know families in which husbands give up at such moments and leave the family. Not my husband! Thank him for his support. The most wonderful thing in this whole difficult story is when our Matyusha turned one and a half years old and he finally went, I became pregnant with Masha. God gave us another pregnancy and this is our long-awaited baby girl. Now I understand the whole idea and the words “there are no accidents”. Our youngest children learn from each other. Matvey reaches for Masha, she is a fighting girl. All in mom. “
How many children are you planning? “The number of children, unfortunately, is limited by my health. It was very difficult to bear the youngest son and the youngest daughter. But if God willing, there will be more children. “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “I think that there is no single recipe for raising children. Each child needs a different approach. Even with complete understanding and love for children, the result is always different. But our family already has its own traditions. We teach children to be compassionate and sensitive to the pain of others. Don’t pass by those who need help. Be honest and act conscientiously. And this is bearing fruit. I never insist on the choice of children, be it the choice of the sports section or the choice of a profession. I can suggest or tell my options. The choice is always up to the children. It is important to remember yourself when you are young. After all, wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive and love truly comes over the years. “
Maria Fukalova, PR manager
Child: son Andrey, 7 years old, first grader.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the birth of a child? “I got married at 19. My husband and I did not plan to have children right away. We enjoyed each other, traveled, worked hard. After a few years, we realized that we want to continue ourselves and our relationship. So in 2010, a beloved boy with mischievous eyes appeared in our family. For me, in one moment the world completely turned upside down. I still don’t understand how we lived without him! I love him madly. And I believe that children compensate for the character of their parents. Here I am a very serious, judicious person. The husband is also quite collected. And our son is a small lighter – not a minute on the spot, very cheerful and inquisitive. This year I went to first grade, additionally goes to two sections and asks for one more. I really want to help him open up opportunities. “
How many children are you planning? “Of course, we are planning more children in the near future. The son orders the brother, but that’s how it will turn out. “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “Children are a reflection of us. Therefore, you need to educate yourself first of all, and just love the children. By the way, this is a great reason to develop and control your emotions and behavior. For example, my son and I run several times a week: he is on a bicycle, and I am nearby. This is a necessary activity for a growing organism and I think it is a great example. “
Which of the participants, in your opinion, is best suited for the title “Mom of the Year”? Vote on page 5!
Tina Pepelyaeva, housing and communal services manager, confectioner
Children: Maryushka, 11 years old, Nastasyushka, 4 years old, Vasilinushka, 1 year old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “I was a messy, out-of-the-box teenager. Due to a difficult childhood history, I did not have an example of a family. The husband, on the contrary, was born into a large friendly family in which everyone is ready to support each other. His mother and two older sisters are always elegant and delicate. And suddenly friends introduce him to me: African braids, pink locks of hair, daring, a little deprived of parental love … As I now think, my husband liked the rebelliousness and straightforwardness in me in the first place.
At first we “wandered” among friends, then we rented a room and began to learn to live in a new status. Since love settled in our hearts, the obligatory result was the appearance of Marya. I was 20, my husband was 22. By the time I was 27, we already had our own cozy apartment, car, dacha, dog and grown-up love Marusya. We decided that we had definitely gone through fire, water, and copper pipes, and that we could grow further. This is how the love of Nastenka and the love of Vasilinka appeared. And only then, when there were really many of us, we became oh-oh-very friendly family.
What has motherhood changed in me? I definitely became the mother that I missed. I dissolve into children. I’m ready to sculpt with them, run, worry, sleep in an embrace. I gave birth to happiness, girlfriends, loved ones, a gang, bad guys and I am definitely never threatened with loneliness. I became softer, more tolerant, my range of interests changed, my horizons expanded. Daily Tetris: how to organize your time in order to be in time everywhere. Circles, kindergartens, schools, analyzes, doctors, educational programs, theaters … But we are still dealing with this. I also love baking cakes very much, and mine know: if my mother spends an hour or two in the kitchen, she becomes kind and peaceful. “
How many children are you planning? “We have three daughters, but maybe we won’t stop there!”
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “Gave birth to girls – bathe yourself!” This, of course, is a joke that our dad sometimes likes to say. In fact, our children’s welfare comes first. We decided that we would do our best to organize a favorable environment for their development. Our girls know that there is a family, a rear on which you can rely, ask for advice, find support and ask your mother for a treat!
I have always lacked family, loved ones, care. These are the things that cannot be bought, which is why it was very important for me to find and save them. Children change me, I change them. The family always keeps in good shape. And if I fell ill or I just do not want to crawl out from under the blanket, they will understand me, bring tea with sea buckthorn and persuade me to take a walk.
Most importantly, I realized that children are not parents, not their ambitions. This is a sequel, but with its own unique talents and desires. Therefore, the child can be prompted, directed, supported, but in no case forced. I am proud of my children, they are my best project! “
Elena Bachuk, geodesist engineer and linguist-translator
Children: Ivan, 4 years old, Sofia, 4 years old, Gregory, 1 year old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted children and a family. I met my husband on the Internet, on a dating site, and everything started spinning quickly.
I took up the issue of raising children even before the birth of children – being pregnant. My diary was scheduled “from and to”: resource practices, yoga, water aerobics, museum visits with obligatory musical accompaniment. Therefore, I remember my pregnancy with such delight! “
How many children are you planning? “My husband and I dreamed of three. The plan is fulfilled! “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “I try to adhere to these rules: girls need to be praised and admired, even just like that, but boys should be praised only for specific actions! You need to keep their interest. For example, if children show interest in working in the kitchen, then I do not interfere with them, I give them a try to do everything.
You need to educate yourself, not children. They are our mirror! When the older children went to the kindergarten, we learned that our family would grow even more, and we were incredibly happy about that. Now we have two sons in our family and a sweetheart daughter. Our children give us the opportunity to once again live childhood, and with each child we live it at a higher level. I am grateful to my children that they chose us! “
Child: daughter Daria, 14 years old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the birth of a child? “Life after the birth of a child changes dramatically. A child is a powerful incentive to develop as a person. It immediately becomes clear for whom to live, what to do. Initially, we had a complete family, but my husband and I broke up when my daughter was three years old. It turns out that I was the one who brought up Dasha. I had to be both mom and dad, and kind and strict at the same time. And this is not easy. But for my daughter, I tried to do everything: when she was little, she studied in developing studios, was fond of dancing. And now he is studying at one of the best schools in the city – the Diaghilev gymnasium. Her passion for dancing grew into a great love for ballet. Now Dasha is engaged in a choreographic studio and performs solo parts in ballet productions. By the way, it was the appearance of the child that made me think about improving the living conditions, work a lot for this. And Dasha and I coped with it – now we have our own apartment in the city center, where we made repairs together. “
How many children are you planning? “I’m going to get married and I want more children – a boy and a girl.”
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “Mutual understanding and trust. My daughter is a teenager, and for her age this is especially true. There are also misunderstandings, but we try to understand each other. For the child to listen, hear, and be heard. And also – respect and love. I would like my child to grow up as a full-fledged member of society, who would achieve certain success. Now Dasha is in the eighth grade and is faced with a choice of who to become. I am trying to help her in this, telling her about different professions. We solve these problems no longer at the level of mom-daughter, but as friends. Already at an adult level. “
Which of the participants, in your opinion, is best suited for the title “Mom of the Year”? Vote on page 5!
Evgenia Pashieva, director
Children: Mikhail Pashiev, a human Komodo dragon (from his own words), 5 years old; Artem Pashiev, also a human being – a Komodo dragon (because he does everything like a brother), 3 years old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “I was looking for an actor for one performance, and a friend introduced me to Dima, who agreed to the main role. We, of course, did not stage the play. But Dima really played a major role in my life, becoming the father of these two guys.
What has changed with the advent of children? Yes all. My whole life has changed. Fundamentally. We were not ready, although we really wanted children. For some reason, they don’t teach us this at school, and our parents don’t tell us a word about what it means to BE PARENTS. For example, with the birth of Temych, I suddenly realized that all my almost 30 years of life I had lived “in the wrong direction.” That being a woman is not only the presence of primary gender characteristics, but also something more. The attitude has changed. Wishlist has changed. The priorities and the measure of responsibility for one’s life have changed. The outlook on their parents and the awareness of many things that they did for us changed: walking in the winter with oilcloth instead of diapers, washing by hand, no toys on the shelves, etc.
The look at my older sister changed. When you have two children, you realize how often the older gets the younger for nothing. And how much does the elder do for the younger globally. Starting with the fact that he literally makes his way inside mom with his head. And outside, too: with the first, mom is constantly tense, because she knows nothing, she is in a panic because of any red spot. When all the “lessons” with the elder are completed, it is much easier for the second, because the mother is calm.
The general view of motherhood has changed. It would be better instead of chemistry we were taught all this at school!
How many children are you planning? “Three. I don’t plan, I just know from somewhere that there will be another girl, and she will teach me a lot. “
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “I asked Misha. He replied: “When dad is at home, he is in charge, when dad is not present, mom is in charge, when mom is not there, I am in charge, when I am not there, Temka.” Immediately Temka shouted heart-rendingly: “No-no, I’m in charge! And you are not in charge. “
But seriously, perhaps the main principle is this – that the child came into your already established life, and not you into his. I remember five years ago I mentally said goodbye to the theater and all my productions – I thought it would all end. However, two years later I was traveling with a three-month-old Temka to a festival in Tyumen. My children are constantly present in my life and take everything they can from it. They are constantly with me at all rehearsals. Thanks to this, they know Tsvetaeva by heart and obscene ditties. Mom is busy with rehearsals, so they grow up as very independent guys.
The upbringing process is a mutual process. Thanks to Misha, I boldly take in my hands lizards, snakes and other reptiles, from which I used to run in fear. And the Theme teaches me to be more feminine and speak quieter, because if I speak loudly, he will not budge. Our second very important principle is honesty. Sometimes very painful for all of us. I can tell my children that I am furious right now and it is better not to touch me. I don’t smile at them if I’m sad. I don’t play good mom with them. But if I feel guilty, I will immediately apologize to them. And they are the same.
And the third principle is to see the child. That is, support in what he likes. If Misha loves reptiles, and I do not, then I honestly tell him about it, but for the first anniversary I give (closing my eyes) live aquatic frogs. With Temka it is more difficult, since he is the younger one and “everything is like his brother’s.” Only at the age of 25 I realized that I can listen to the music that I want, and not my older sister, and wear the things that I want, and not those that my sister wears. Temka, like Mishka, loves reptiles and hard rock. It is still very difficult to see him behind this copying. But we have our whole life for this.
I created an Instagram page especially for the guys, where I post their photos, write down their stories. This is my hello to the future. “
Natalia Kadochnikova, sociologist
Children: Elizaveta, 9 years old, Evelina, 6 years old.
How did your family come about? What has changed with the advent of children? “We met my husband seventeen years ago at a disco. I was fifteen, he was twenty-one. They got married five years later. They thought about the wedding so that it took place on the eve of my diploma (so as not to change documents later). Everything was perfect in our story: our parents gave us an apartment, two years later the first child was born, two years later – the second. With the birth of girls, our life has changed dramatically. The life script began to develop around children, they play major roles in our story. We live for them and try to give them as much as possible. The eldest daughter Elizabeth has been swimming since birth, achieved success in sports, and constantly travels to competitions. The youngest Evelina is passionate about gymnastics. “
How many children are you planning? “I would like another boy.”
What is the main principle of raising children in your family? “Love and understanding. And the main thing is that the children are healthy, develop physically and eat right. I follow this carefully. No matter how banal the phrase “Health is the main thing!”, But it is so. Money cannot buy it. Therefore, we go in for sports, ski, skate, bicycles, rollerblades and scooters! There are a lot of sports equipment in our house. I also want to give children education to the maximum and the opportunity to travel around the world, study other countries, learn new things and see interesting things. Therefore, I work hard for the well-being of children. It is very important for my husband and me to create financial foundations for our children for their future, to provide them with a minimum of housing. After all, it is much easier to start in life when you have a foundation in life. We know this by ourselves. “
Which of the participants, in your opinion, is best suited for the title “Mom of the Year”? Vote on page 5!
All the participants are wonderful mothers, it is very difficult to single out one of them. Nevertheless, we invite you to vote for the Perm that impressed you the most. For the one whose approach to parenting you liked the most.
All participants are listed alphabetically. To vote for the one you think is the most worthy of the Mom of the Year title, just click on her photo. In the mobile version, scroll with the arrow on the right to the participant you need and also click on the photo. If in the mobile version you have only one photo, scroll with the arrow on the right to the one you need and click. Everything, your vote is accepted! Voting takes place within the framework of the federal project “Choice”.
Three participants, for whom the most readers of the site will vote, will be awarded with gifts. In addition, the three winners will advance to the federal stage of the Choice project, where they will represent Perm.
UPD: The voting was closed on November 17 at 18:00. We will announce the results on November 20.
UPD from November 20: Dear participants and their fans, we have summed up the voting results.
1 place Natalia Yezhova took over.
2 place from Lyudmila Yoltysheva.
3 place – at Tina Pepeliaeva.
Congratulations to the winners! In the coming days, we will contact each of you to present gifts – sets of books and magazines, tickets to the Tuki-Luki theater, certificates for participation in the quest and certificates for cosmetics.
In addition, we decided to present an incentive prize – a set of books – to the participant, who just barely had enough votes to get into the coveted top three – Elena Bachuk.
Who will become the “Mom of the Year” in Perm? Vote!
Lyudmila Yoltysheva
Ksenia Malgina
Elena Bachuk
Maria Fukalova
Tina Pepelyaeva
Natalia Yezhova
Tatiana Yarkova
Evgeniya Pashieva
Natalia Kadochnikova
Ksenia Lushchenko
The Woman’s Day editorial staff has the technical ability to track the injection of votes, including from mobile IP-addresses, which, of course, will be subtracted from the total number of votes (honest votes from mobiles are taken into account). By the decision of the editorial board, a participant can be removed from the vote for cheating votes. Also, the editorial board reserves the right not to enter into debates about the decisions made and the results of the competition.
Olga Yakuncheva, Evgeniya Zapolskaya