Woman’s Day presents the participants of our competition in the last category.
On November 9, voting will start to determine the winners and prize-winners in the last nomination of the regional stage of the ” healthy-food-near-me.com Choice” award. Recall that the competition is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Woman’s Day website. This large-scale federal project includes various nominations, which take place first at the regional stage – in large cities of Russia.
This time Woman’s Day invited Krasnoyarsk mothers to decorate our site with their gorgeous family photos and share the secrets of raising children. We encourage visitors to healthy-food-near-me.com to vote for the member that you like the most.
You can vote on page 5. Voting will end on November 19 at 12.00:20 Krasnoyarsk time. The results will be published on November XNUMX after verification.
The winners of the first, second and third places will receive pleasant prizes from our partners and will get into the federal tour, which will take place in December.
Results of the first nomination “Choice of healthy-food-near-me.com: the most successful Krasnoyarsk women”
Results of the second nomination “Choice of healthy-food-near-me.com: the most stylish Krasnoyarsk girls”
Results of the third nomination ” healthy-food-near-me.com’s Choice: Bachelors of the Year in Krasnoyarsk”
Results of the fourth nomination ” healthy-food-near-me.com’s Choice: Wedding of the Year in Krasnoyarsk”
Photographer. He is engaged in family, children, wedding and individual photography.
Children: Maxim (14 years old), Ivan (8 years old), Dmitry (soon 1 year old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: Much, starting with the instinct of self-preservation, which has literally risen to the skies, ending with a severely curtailed amount of free time. But hormones play less and less with each subsequent child. And the lack of time is a plus, you learn to appreciate it and spend it wisely. You will never go, for example, to the cinema for a film that is not very good, you will choose a performance or concert carefully. So only the best and only the useful. In addition, like any woman, becoming a mother, you learn to love, or rather, love covers you with your head. And when you have three children, then you are still learning to be fair, balancing between family and work, because everyone needs to pay attention, do a lot of things.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: Honestly, with difficulty. There is often not enough time. I have to work a lot at night, I do photo processing most often at night. However, this is typical of many photographers, it was like that before the birth of my third child. I love my work very much, sometimes I manage to draw strength from it, which is so necessary with a large family. But the family is also a source of inspiration. I give myself a weekend in my schedule – for trips, hikes and just for a while with my family, I do not take these dates, even if there are “tasty” orders. It is impossible to do everything in time, you just had to stop doing a lot of some familiar things, which, as it turned out, can be completely abandoned.
A child’s birthday is always: joy. I plan them with pleasure, they are not always large and noisy, often chamber with a family. Fortunately, there are a lot of options and opportunities now, and you don’t need to do everything directly yourself. And this is always a photo session. At all holidays I try to either take pictures myself, or invite another photographer, and recently also a videographer. Time flies incredibly fast, children grow up, so I want to preserve all these moments. For me, birthday is still my favorite holiday. I hope it will be the same for my children.
The main secret of education: We educate ourselves first, and then by our example. Well, balance, of course. But remember: there should be more gingerbread!
Deputy director of the Yenisey TV channel.
Children: Eve (6 years old) and Leo (4 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: The birth of children turned life upside down. Simple, corny, obviously, but life began to be divided into “before” and “after”. This is the very situation when you, “pampered” by your big ego, plunge into a reality that requires untold bestowal. Ready, not ready – nobody asks. And you learn to live differently: on the one hand, constantly reflecting, because you faced great responsibility, on the other, you receive an incredible dose of love, tenderness, happiness that covers your head, and with every new minute you understand that there is no greater rewards in life than motherhood.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: I am not sure that the balance of interests in relation to children and work in my life is observed harmoniously. I just know exactly what my main meaning of life is under any circumstances. At the same time, I have a lot of support in the person of my grandparents who are ready to hedge. For me, of course, this is valuable, because I do not have to choose. I understand how important it is to be self-sufficient and complete inside yourself: it is important for children too, so I learned to trust communication with them not only to myself. I think this is really important.
A child’s birthday is always: child’s holiday. I do not identify him with myself. While the children are young, this is a big positive day for our family, which sounds like “the most magical day of the year”. And we try to cultivate this magic so that happiness on this day takes on a simply cosmic scale.
The main secret of education: Hear and listen to children: they will tell everything themselves. In any situation, you need to talk. The more you say, the higher the trust, the more uplifting any pedagogical tasks.
Special correspondent of the Prima TV channel on maternity leave, blogger (@vasha_zharova).
Child: Maria (1 year and 10 months).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: With the birth of Masha, my world just turned upside down. I have always led an active social life: I worked on television for over 10 years, attended many cultural events, went in for sports, went to psychology trainings, city holidays, various master classes and meetings with friends … And suddenly my true love came – Lesha. We got married, and God sent us Mashenka, whom we love very much, who tested the strength of our relationship, pushed aside my social activity and arranged a reassessment of life values. I opened myself from a new side, so much strength, patience, tenderness, invention and positiveness still lurked in me! All this revealed motherhood and continues to reveal.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: I worked in the frame until I went on maternity leave, did a TV project for pregnant women and thought that with the birth of Masha, my television career would end. But life has shown something else: my daughter and I received an offer to star in a TV project about mothers. We did fitness with babies, did baby swims, inspired mothers on maternity leave not to sour and find strength for themselves, joint leisure and look at motherhood with joy! As a result, my daughter and I have already starred in three television projects: we helped viewers in choosing car seats, kindergartens, warm children’s clothing. Our last project was called shockingly – “I Spit on Everyone” – and was about the fact that a mother on maternity leave should not forget about her “want”, about her soul, so as not to lose herself, not to go into depression. I also maintain my blog on Instagram, actively study child psychology, and take part in marathons. We attend many children’s events in Krasnoyarsk, sometimes even write critical reviews about children’s centers. This is how a decree happens if mom is a fidget. My daughter, by the way, adores new places, is not afraid of the camera and new people.
A child’s birthday is always: Masha’s first birthday was very troublesome. I had a tea party in a photo studio, they made us red velvet dresses in the family look style. Hairstyle, makeup, gorgeous cake, number one meter high, balls, guests … As a result, I was so tired that the realization that soon Masha will have to arrange for two years makes her eyes twitch. Kidding! Although this is not visible in our photos from the celebration of the year, I think that all the mothers who have gone through such photo shoots now understand me. I will take into account the mistakes and will try to organize two years easier for myself and more fun for my daughter, who should already like it in the children’s center.
The main secret of education: To be close to the child, to be his secret support, to love just like that, not comparing with others, listen to your mother’s heart and trust him. Respect loved ones, then they will sincerely provide support, and this is very important for a mother on maternity leave. Remember your interests and dreams, love your husband. The family environment should be healthy, then the child will grow up calm and develop well. I’m not at all an ideal mother and I never will be, that’s not the point. The meaning is in inner harmony, to see the soul of your child and it is his talents to develop, to water your flower with love and attention. And work on yourself, train patience, show wisdom. I am still on maternity leave and do not seek to escape from Mashenka: I want to enjoy motherhood for a longer time.
LLC “Corporation Childhood”
Childhood Corporation is an association of creative, purposeful people. Our goal is the development and education of the younger generation. We have our own charter, laws, traditions, as well as a lot of interesting events! We help parents and their children in their studies, in choosing a vacation, in holding and organizing a holiday, and we also make the holidays and even the everyday life of children bright and cheerful!
Designer on maternity leave.
Child: Mikhail (1,2 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: A reassessment of values has taken place, priorities have changed. I began to take a more responsible approach to work and household issues. And the most important thing that has changed is the attitude to time. I began to truly appreciate and distribute it.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: Now it turns out to work in the evenings at home, my specialization allows me to do this without leaving the room. Plus, I have always dreamed of learning to sew and now I go to courses several times a week. Thanks to my husband and mother, everything turns out to be in time. They support me and help me both around the house and with the child.
A child’s birthday is always: the most important holiday. When I remember my birthdays as a child, I plunge into warmth, care and happiness. I dream that Misha remembers these days with a smile.
The main secret of education: one must always start with oneself. If you want your child to do exercises in the morning, you need to show this by example. This also applies to everyday habits and outlook on life. Children adopt our attitude towards life and other people. It seems to me that understanding this is very motivating to self-development. When raising a child, educate yourself!
Radio host “Humor FM”, director and host of events.
Child: Daria (7 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of a child: Everything. A meaning has appeared in life. When Dasha was born, I wrote a book of fairy tales about Daryushka, where I was able to express all my happiness to be her mother. And she, if I need to go somewhere for work for a few days, always stealthily takes my phone and writes down songs of her own composition for me, after which I bellow half the way, because basically there: “Mommy, do not be sad, we will soon together … ”And for me she is the most incredible gift in my life. That is why I called her Dasha, I always tell her: “You are a gift from God.” Now she reads this book herself. And, if I am not physically nearby, through her she can feel how I love her. And I love her to the sky and back! If not for her, I would not have understood anything at all. With her birth, for the first time, I felt truly happy for the first time. I also look at her and understand that she is the new me. I don’t know where this love comes from. It simply defies description, it cannot be explained. I just thank God for her. And with her birth something “hurts” in my soul all the time. And with her birth, I understood my mother … We always have fun together. We have a great duet.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: Do not know how. Somehow by itself. There are no other options. My work schedule and its educational and training schedule (we still have a school, a decorative studio, dances, a music studio and a violin class, chess, English) we combine with our eyes closed. Sometimes the eyes are afraid – the hands do. But this is a real thrill, when she is delighted, it turns out, and I managed everything. In the evening we come home and still have time to drink, glue something, or just turn on the disco. We love to light the disco at home together! In general, I cannot afford to relax. And to some extent I’m proud of it. Yes, we are mothers, we all get tired. But this tiredness is often pleasant. Moreover, we live together with her. And if I failed, did not have time – who will do it for me? And she wants everything, to be in time everywhere – and sometimes, tired, she pushes me off the couch and says: “Mom, get up! Let’s go, or we’ll be late. ” In general, she is my locomotive. A fighter with my laziness.
A child’s birthday is always: expected event. This is the happiest day and we always prepare thoroughly. Whatever she wants, I try to do it.
The main secret of education: You just need to love your child. And hear. Dasha often tells me a way out of this or that situation. Children are very sensitive, especially girls. If she casually says to me, “Mom, let’s go on foot,” then I probably will go on foot, even if I’m late. Since I have already checked more than once that if we go by car, something not very pleasant will happen. Well, here we are … Listen, listen, fully reckon with the opinion, accept her point of view and sometimes, stepping on her “I”, take and do as she suggests. I am her example. Everything she does, thinks, acts is my complete reflection. And if I was somewhere cowardly, cowardly, stingy, betrayed, showed aggression – there is no doubt that she will show it somewhere. Therefore, the sense of responsibility should be multiplied hundreds of times. I also try not to “ground” her in any way. If she wants to kiss, hug in line in the store – we will do it. Or she wants to sing a song, she will sing it. And I will not say “quieter, people are watching.” She is by nature a very compassionate girl, she has a good heart. It’s not like that for me, so she’s a thousand times better than me. Therefore, I often encourage her actions, for example, give money to those who ask for alms. It does not happen indiscriminately for her. She’s not a simpleton. Somehow she is able to discern who yes and who does not. You also always need to be given the opportunity to choose so that she feels responsible for her own choice. I often offer her options, and she chooses. If you choose, it means that you yourself are responsible. Yes, there are many secrets of education. Each parent has their own secrets. It is important to devote time to your child. And never compare him to anyone. Each child has its own character. So we live like this – two characters together.
Deputy director of the Uniset printing house.
Child: Jan (8 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of a child: The worldview has changed. We teach children, and they teach us. Easy to relate to life, easy to make acquaintances. Be curious, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Children have a huge heart. They love us sincerely.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: The son himself helps the balance of work and children by his independence. Himself to school, from school, he will warm up his own lunch … When I was smaller, I was with my mother at work. It seems to me that a mother should have a favorite job, hobbies, hobbies. For a child, the best teacher is the example of parents.
A child’s birthday is always: fun party!
The main secret of education: these are grandmothers. And we have no grandmothers, respectively, no upbringing.
Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resource Management, Siberian Federal University.
Child: Yana (9 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of a child: I began to appreciate life more. I used to be gambling: alpine skiing, carting, mountains. With the birth of my daughter, the value of life has increased. I began to appreciate not only the ability to speed up, but also the ability to slow down. I remember I didn’t go to a professional conference, because my daughter asked me to stay with her and see how spring streams make their way over the ice …
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: It is possible to combine. Although before the birth of my daughter, I was a classic workaholic, passionate about my work. When I was six months pregnant, I went on three weeks of business trips. I remember waking up in Kemerovo in the morning, but I can’t put on my shoes – my legs don’t fit in, they are swollen a lot. And I have a training for the whole day planned: 30 people are waiting for me … and I conducted the training in a business suit and slippers of the branch director’s wife. The birth of a daughter balanced me. I became less gambling and more harmonious. She officially came out of the decree when she was three years old. Although the Moscow HR director insisted that I go to work in my daughter’s six months, I refused. In the decree, she supported her professional tone by teaching at the institute and participating in the TIM “Biryusa” and other projects. When it is difficult to make a decision, I ask myself: what and who will be influenced by my decision now and in the future. And then I ask my heart.
A child’s birthday is always: surprise for the daughter and the realization of her secret desires.
The main secret of education: this is love for a child, sincere curiosity and admiration for the formation of his personality, a very delicate work of educating oneself, the opportunity to better understand about me, children and how this world works. They say that I have a brave and kind girl. She combines a variety of traits and hobbies: she reads “Harry Potter” and knows all the stray dogs of Akademgorodok, she has been walking herself since she was 5, but in the evening I will definitely sing her a lullaby and massage her back, heels and pens. I dreamed that she would dance on the floor, while she rides a horse and at the same time can cry over a dead bird, and then fight with the boys “to restore justice.” I have an amazing daughter! We went to her 3,5 years old in an Indian village, and she enthusiastically remembers domestic elephants, while she can admire the beauty of the architecture of Europe.
Freelancer, blogger.
Children: Ilya (9 years old), twins Vika and Nastya (4 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: Everything! Life turned 180 degrees. I was independent – I was in no hurry to run away from someone else’s birthday, stayed late at work, spent weekends with friends, spent my earnings only on myself, did not know the name of the pharmacists of the nearest pharmacy … Yes, a lot! With the advent of children, the universe began to revolve around them – the world has changed dramatically. I remember a week or two after the birth of my oldest child, I fed him during the day, put him to bed, and went to the shower myself. I washed myself slowly, turn off the tap and hear the harsh cry of a baby. Frightened and wet, I run out of the bath, grab Ilya in my arms, shake it, and myself think: “Now what – I have no right to wash when I want ?!”. The period of breastfeeding seemed especially difficult for me – it was possible to move away from the children for a maximum of two hours. Perhaps it would be easier if grandparents lived in our city, who could replace my husband and me for at least a couple of hours. In the early years of the twins, they had to hire a nanny. When I held Vika at my chest, Nastya went into the arms of the nanny, and vice versa. And a month after the birth of Vika and Nastya, the four-year-old son broke his arm, so he did not leave me a single step. I was terribly exhausted, always sleepy and constantly thought about the refuseniks: “If my children, a month old, react to other people’s hands and smell in this way, they calm down only with me, then how the abandoned ones suffer…”. Even now this thought does not let me go.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: As a tightrope walker – if the work begins to outweigh, then the house is poured into things. A mountain of unfinished linen, plasticine on the floor, scrambled eggs or dumplings for dinner … If children outweigh, for example, get sick, then when they go to work – sidelong glances from their bosses, overdue cases. But this was the first year after my second withdrawal from the decree – in May I was laid off. I think my sick leave played an important role in this. I make less money on freelancing, but I have a lot of freedom with my time. The biggest plus is that I do not need to ask anyone to go to the kindergarten for a matinee, to conduct a routine examination of the child or urgently take him to the dentist.
A child’s birthday is always: I would like to say – a holiday! But no, stress. For me, of course, not for children. It’s a holiday for them – gifts, cakes, congratulations. Parents, on the other hand, need to do a lot of organizational work – to figure out where to spend this day, call the parents of the invited children, cook or buy refreshments, collect, spend … Many times on this bright day you have to smile, but the happiest moments are the first and last : in the morning, when the whole family hugs, kisses the birthday person or birthday girls, and in the evening, when the front door closes for the last guest. Everything succeeded – you can exhale.
The main secret of education: I don’t have it. I am a very insecure and self-doubting mother. It always seems to me that I need to deal with children even more, play with them even more, love them even more. I have a liberal upbringing style, I allow my children a lot, while they understand that the more freedom, the more responsibility. Probably because we have three children, they are all independent. The oldest child, from the second quarter of the first grade, goes to school alone, to the pool. Cleans his room, goes shopping at the nearest supermarket. I don’t serve milk from the refrigerator or a spoon from a drawer to a nine-year-old boy. Yes, and for four-year-old girls I do it less and less – you can do it yourself, so do it yourself. The teacher in the kindergarten says that Vika and Nastya are the first in the group to dress for a walk and help the rest of the children to gather. But, you know, the hardest thing, it turns out, is not to teach how to dress, but to teach to listen and hear others. There are five of us in the family, in the evening everyone wants to share their impressions of the day, to talk, so you can often hear the children shouting to each other: “Don’t interrupt, I’m talking now!” Noisy. When my husband and I get tired, and some of us start to lose our nerves, we use a password: “Dear, isn’t it time for us to drink some tea?” We cool down in the kitchen over a cup of hot tea. And how can you be angry with children for a long time? They also filled life with meaning. It is such a happiness to listen to the stamping of barefoot little feet on the floor, to inhale the smell of sleepy babies, to listen to the lisping arguments of babies about life, to watch children directly laugh …
Press secretary of the Dobro24.ru charitable foundation.
Child: Vladislav (10 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of a child: I realized that the world is imperfect, and my task is to make it better for the most beloved person on Earth.
Work and children – how to maintain a balance of interests: The balance of interests is difficult to maintain, like any working single mom. But, as it seems to me, my son and I have several rituals that do not allow the thread that binds us to break, but only strengthen the connection:
1. Say “I love you” the maximum number of times a day – not because you need to, but because you want to.
2. Never fall asleep after quarreling.
3. Share moments of exuberant fun, love of cinema and experience.
A child’s birthday is always: genocide for adults.
The main secret of education: I asked my son: what do you think is the secret of my upbringing, that you turned out to be so wonderful? He replied: honesty and fun.
Methodist of the Roev Ruchey Park of Flora and Fauna on maternity leave.
Child: Ivan (2 years old).
What has changed in your life with the birth of children: Everything! I have been waiting for a long time to become a mother. I worked a lot and all this time had nothing to do with children, it so happened that there were no kids around me. It turns out that being a mom is a completely different pace, different priorities. Everything is different here! But I won’t say that mom’s life is monotonous. There are days full of happiness when you feel incredibly needed, meaningful, full of love. But it happens that you want to sink into the ground from fatigue or push the capricious child to her husband for an hour or two and unwind a little. So don’t be bored! Work and children – how we manage to maintain a balance of interests: Vanya and I often go for a walk to Roev Ruchey, because I really miss my friends and a little work, and the child really likes to look at animals, especially he made friends with the chimpanzee Anfisa. Park huskies and Samoyed huskies, of course, cause incredible delight in his son, and these are exactly the dogs to which you can safely bring the child, allow him to stroke, they are very kind. You just need to make sure that the baby is not pushed in a fit of joy …
The decree is the time for creativity. I got carried away with the confectionery business, or rather, I was able to continue my long-started hobby. Vanya helps, but I like it better when, during my culinary exploits, he walks with my dad, then I can immerse myself in the creative process.
A child’s birthday is always: When a child is still very small, then this is a holiday primarily for his parents. It’s time to realize that the next stage has been passed, to think about how much has happened in a year, how the baby has changed, how much we were able to do and how many interesting and important things we have ahead of us!
The main secret of education: patience and love. This is really what you need in the first place. If initially patience is not very much, it comes with experience. And love, it is in each of us, and our children are those to whom you can open your heart wide open.
Attention! Dear representatives of the support groups of our wonderful members! We stand for fair and open voting and reserve the right not to enter into debate on the fact of summing up the voting results. The editorial office has the ability to track technically cheated votes. They will not be counted in the final count. Good luck to everyone!
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