Chocolate wine: concept, brands, methods of cooking at home

Chocolate wine is a mixture of chocolate and red wine, in fact, it is a wine-based liqueur. Creamy, vanilla and fruity notes are felt in the finished drink. Dessert to complete a gourmet lunch or dinner. An unusual alcoholic drink is suitable for a festive table or will cheer you up on a cold winter day.

History. Chocolate wine appeared in England in the XNUMXth century. Both claret (any dry red wine of the Bordeaux type) and fortified port were taken as the basis.

The classic method of making was as follows: 750 ml of red wine was brought to a boil, set on fire and allowed to burn out the alcohol. Then the fire was reduced and the drink continued to be boiled until its volume was reduced by about five times. At the same time, a chocolate mass was prepared: crushed bitter chocolate bar was poured into a glass of hot milk, this mixture was brought to a boil, stirring constantly. The boiled wine was slowly poured into the milk-chocolate mass, stirred, brought to a boil again, then whipped until smooth and cooled.

Easy Chocolate Wine Recipe

The advantage of this method is that ignition and boiling can be dispensed with.


  • red wine – 50 ml;
  • cognac – 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder – 100 grams;
  • fresh milk – 100 ml;
  • egg yolks – 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon, other spices and spices – to taste (optional).


  1. Mix red wine and cognac. Add cinnamon and other spices to taste.
  2. In a separate container, mix cocoa, milk and egg yolks, beat.
  3. Combine wine with milk billet, beat into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Serve chilled.

Chocolate wine: concept, brands, methods of cooking at home

Hot homemade chocolate wine

More like mulled wine, a great option for warming.


  • black bitter chocolate – 1 bar;
  • water – 4 tablespoons;
  • red dry wine – 400-500 ml;
  • cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, pepper, cloves – to taste.


  1. Melt bitter chocolate in a water bath and dilute with water.
  2. Mix chocolate with wine. Optionally add spices: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, pepper, cloves, etc.
  3. Heat up to 60-70 ° C so that the drink becomes hot, but does not boil, otherwise it will significantly lose its taste.
  4. Pour the chocolate mulled wine into cups and serve hot or warm.

Chocolate wine: concept, brands, methods of cooking at home

Famous brands of chocolate wine

Chocovine. Dutch chocolate wine with a strength of 14%. Made on the basis of the Cabernet variety, it has a deep “silky” taste. There are also versions with tones of raspberries (Raspberry), roasted coffee beans (Espresso).

Chocolate wine: concept, brands, methods of cooking at home
One of the famous representatives

Rubis. Spanish wine from the Tempranillo variety, 15% abv, rich “velvety” bouquet with hints of dried fruit.

Red Decadence. The taste is felt tones of black cherries, blueberries, plums, bitter chocolate. Manufactured in the USA, Washington State.

chocolate shop. 12%, another representative of the Washington galaxy, the bouquet mixes tones of dark chocolate and black cherry, cocoa nuances are felt.

Cocoa Vino. 14%, blend of red wine and milk chocolate. A mint version is also available.

Cocoa Di Vine. 14%, vanilla and caramel tones are felt in the bouquet.

Rapidan River Chocolate. Made on the basis of the Merlot variety, notes of dark and white chocolate, hazelnuts appear in the taste.

Choco Noir. California variation, fortress – 14%.

One of the distinguishing features of these and similar brands is that they all belong to the budget segment, the cost of one bottle of chocolate wine varies between $8-20.

Pseudo-chocolate wine

Some red wines have delicate chocolate notes without the addition of chocolate, but only due to tannins or aging in a toasted oak barrel. For example, such flavors can be recognized in bouquets of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and other varieties.

How to drink chocolate wine

In the classic version, the drink is served in wine glasses chilled to 14-17 °C. Snack on ice cream, desserts or fruits.

In some cases, an ice cube is thrown into the glass, served at room temperature or slightly heated. Typically, manufacturers indicate on the label the optimal method of serving.

Chocolate wine: concept, brands, methods of cooking at home

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