Chocolate wine: a review of manufacturers + 3 recipes at home

The creation of new flavors in winemaking is usually associated with fresh trends from Western Europe. However, the first chocolate wine appeared long before its distribution in European countries.

The birthplace of an unusual drink is considered to be New England (today – a territory in the northeastern United States), where it gained popularity even before the XNUMXth century. Of course, the taste was completely different. This wine was made from port wine, sherry, chocolate and sugar.

7 chocolate liqueur recipes

Major producers of chocolate wine

The drink is becoming more popular, the number of manufacturers is increasing, and the assortment is expanding. If at first chocolate wine was limited to only a few items, today connoisseurs have a choice.

  1. Chocolate Shop

    The American producer offers a sumptuous “pairing of rich red wine with velvety dark chocolate” and promises an unforgettable experience for fans of the sweet treat. Fortress: 12,5%.

    The drink kicks in with tantalizing notes of black cherries and cocoa that give way to subtle hints of vanilla and bird cherry.

    The final chord is a long wine aftertaste.

    It is better to drink chilled, you can add an ice cube to the glass.

  2. Cocoa by Vine

    The Dutch plant presents a whole collection of “wine chocolate” packed in original tubes and sealed with real Portuguese corks.

    The manufacturer claims that the wine of different years has a unique taste that is not repeated.

    Light wine contains 14% alcohol and is a good addition to desserts and ice cream.

    It tastes like chocolate milk, which is set off by berry, vanilla and fruit notes.

    Serve chilled, can be used as a base for cocktails.

  3. ChocoVine

    The drink was developed in the Netherlands, but sold mainly in America. The manufacturer uses a combination of delicate Dutch chocolate and rich French wine.

    In addition to the classic version, ChocoVine produces a drink with bitter chocolate, raspberry and creamy vanilla flavor. The alcohol content is 14%.

    Wine goes well with ice cream. The creator does not recommend mixing the product with other drinks, however, cocktail lovers successfully ignore the warning.

    In terms of taste characteristics, the wine is similar to the legendary Irish liqueur Baileys.

13 coffee liqueur recipes

Ways to get “chocolate” alcohol without cocoa

It is curious that ordinary wine under certain conditions can also acquire an unusual taste.

  1. With the help of maceration (infusion of wine must on the hard parts of the berries), you can get a product with a delicate chocolate or coffee aroma. This is due to the phenolic substances secreted by the grape seeds and skin.

  2. Some grape varieties (cabernet, merlot, sauvignon, and others) have a light chocolate flavor on their own.

  3. Steeping in an oak barrel that has undergone a special firing can also give the drink the desired aroma.

And in conclusion, a few options for cooking at home.

Easy Chocolate Wine Recipe

The easiest way to cook. The drink is consumed warm, it has a warming and relaxing effect.


  1. Bitter chocolate (cacao content not less than 65%) – 100 g

  2. Dry red wine – 0,5 l

  3. Water – 4 tbsp. spoons

Method of preparation

  1. Place chopped chocolate in a container with a thick bottom, pour in water.

  2. Melt over low heat.

  3. Gradually add the wine to the mixture, remembering to stir.

  4. Keep the resulting drink on the stove for 2-3 minutes before boiling.

Exquisite chocolate wine recipe

Such wine is often offered on New Year’s Eve on European streets. It is recommended to drink hot from small cups.


  1. Dry red wine – 1 l

  2. Water – 2 glasses

  3. Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons

  4. Sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons

  5. Bitter chocolate – 1 bar

  6. Cinnamon – ground (2 teaspoons) and sticks (2 pcs.)

  7. Nutmeg – 1 teaspoon

  8. Zest of one lemon

Method of preparation

  1. Dissolve cocoa in warm water.

  2. Heat water, add sugar, pre-chopped chocolate, spices, diluted cocoa.

  3. Bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes.

  4. Reduce heat, pour in wine.

  5. Hold on the stove for 5 minutes without letting it boil.

milk chocolate wine recipe

A festive recipe that allows you to get a thick drink with a rich taste.


  1. Skimmed milk – 1 cup

  2. Cognac – 100 ml

  3. Cocoa powder – 10 tbsp. spoons

  4. Dry red wine – 250 ml

  5. Cinnamon – a pinch

  6. Egg – 1 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Separate the egg yolk and mix it with milk.

  2. Pour cocoa, beat the resulting mixture with a whisk or mixer.

  3. Combine wine and cognac, add cinnamon.

  4. Pour the milk chocolate mixture into the alcohol.

  5. Shake the drink until thick foam.

2 chocolate syrup recipes

Relevance: 07.08.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouths, Wine brands, Wine recipes

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