Chocolate: myths and reality

Chocolate is different from chocolate – everyone knows about it. The composition, the ingredients, the look, all play a role, and the higher the quality and the lower the amount eaten, the greater the benefit. But there are many myths around this delicacy. In the struggle for the consumer, some throw mud at chocolate, while others exaggerate its “magic” effect.

Chocolate promotes weight gain

In chocolate, as in any other sweets, there are a lot of calories, and this despite the fact that there are practically no vitamins, fiber or minerals in the product. Frequent overeating of chocolate causes an even greater appetite and leads to excess weight.

The way out is to eat chocolate not to satisfy hunger, but for mood – a couple of squares.


Chocolate energizes

Of course, due to the fat and sugar contained in chocolate, you will have energy. True, not long-term. But magnesium and potassium, which are in chocolate, will help the nervous and muscular systems work.

If you need to cheer up for the next couple of hours, eat a piece of chocolate.

Chocolate is a stimulant

In part, yes, due to cocoa, it stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular system, but chocolate is not the leader in caffeine content, so if you need a source of night vigor, look for it in other products.

Chocolate is bad for teeth

Like any sweetness containing sugar, it is not advisable to keep chocolate in your mouth for a long time. But cocoa prevents the destruction of enamel, and also has an antibacterial effect. Do not be afraid of chocolate in panic, but rinsing your mouth after eating it will not be superfluous for anyone.

Chocolate is good for the heart

The polyphenols contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improve blood flow, relieve the heart from unnecessary stress. All this applies only to high-quality dark chocolate.

Chocolate is addictive

At one time there was a terrible hype, supposedly dependence on chocolate is akin to narcotic. But it was already mentioned above that caffeine in chocolate is negligible, theobromine, which is addictive, is also negligible. And as for cannabinoids (they are compared to marijuana in their action), if you master 55 tiles at a time, you may feel the “coming”.

Chocolate is bad for children

Partly yes – it has enough cholesterol, and children have less body weight with an equal appetite for a bar of this dessert. But in comparison with other sweets, chocolate is not the most dangerous product for a child’s body. Again, it’s all about quantity.

Do not eat chocolate if:

– you have problems with the digestive system, there are chronic diseases from the gastrointestinal tract;

– you often have a headache – the tannin contained in chocolate constricts blood vessels;

– you have problems with the heart or blood vessels;

– you are allergic.

And do not feed animals with chocolate – it can even lead to their death.

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