Chocolate liqueur: 7 recipes at home

It is not difficult to prepare a delicate and tasty chocolate liqueur on your own. For the base, we suggest using light rum, sugar cane alcohol. Of course, if there are none, they can be replaced with cognac, vodka, edible alcohol or purified moonshine.

The strength of the alcoholic element should not exceed 40% -45%. For the rest of the ingredients, spend your money and buy everything of the highest quality: chocolate with a high cocoa content (60% or more), fresh low-fat milk, cocoa powder, hazelnuts.

chocolate syrup recipes

Chocolate liqueur with milk

Preparation time – 3 weeks.

Grated chocolate does not dissolve well during the infusion process on an alcohol-based basis. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, we recommend 2 options for solving the problem:

  1. Warm the chocolate infusion in a water bath after a week of exposure, placing the container for 20-30 minutes in a saucepan with water at 50°C-60°C, stirring the contents thoroughly;

  2. Melt the grated chocolate in a water bath from the very beginning, mix it with a pinch of vanillin and the required volume of the base, beat the resulting mixture with a blender.


  1. Dark chocolate – 100 g

  2. Alcohol base (rum, vodka, cognac, moonshine) – 750 ml

  3. Vanillin pinch

  4. Sugars – 500 g

  5. Milk – 200 ml

  6. Water – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Grate the chocolate bar on a fine grater or chop it in a blender.

  2. Pour the crumbs into a jar and add a bit of vanilla.

  3. Pour in the alcohol base and mix well.

  4. Close the container with a lid and place it in a dark, warm place.

  5. Shake the jar several times a day for 7 days.

  6. After the expiration of the prescribed period, remove the container with the tincture.

  7. Pour milk and water into a saucepan. Then pour sugar into the liquid and mix thoroughly.

  8. Bring the syrup to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.

  9. Cool the syrup to room temperature.

  10. Pour the syrup into the jar of chocolate tincture and shake the contents.

  11. Hide the filled container in a dark place for 2 weeks and shake it daily.

  12. When the right time is up, pour the liquor into bottles.

Important! Milk chocolate liqueur should not be stored for more than 2-3 months.

Before serving the drink on the table, it is enough to shake the bottle to dissolve the sediment. Filtration through a strainer or thick gauze is useless in this case, because chocolate is a delicacy that will not spoil either the look or the mood.

Quick milk chocolate liqueur

Cooking time – from 3 to 48 hours.

This drink is also called “Choco”. He will help out if welcome guests should soon come to you, and there is absolutely no time to insist on liquor. It is clear that it is better to withstand at least a few days after cooking, but it will quickly disperse even without aging.


  1. Milk – 500 ml

  2. Hot chocolate sachet – 2 servings

  3. Cocoa powder – 100 g

  4. White rum – 100 ml

  5. Food undiluted alcohol – 100 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour cocoa and chocolate into a saucepan.

  2. Fill the powder with milk.

  3. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.

  4. Let the liquid cool to room temperature.

  5. Add rum and alcohol, stir.

  6. Pour into a beautiful original container. If necessary, the drink is stored for 2-3 months in the refrigerator.

Chocolate liqueur with hazelnuts

Preparation time – 6-10 weeks.

For this recipe, you will need vegetable glycerin. It is not harmful, natural, will give softness to the liquor. It can be bought in special shops for winemakers or in online cosmetology stores. This component improves the consistency of the drink, prevents the cocoa powder from settling.


  1. White rum, vodka or cognac – 700 ml

  2. Sugars – 300 g

  3. Water – 150 ml

  4. Cocoa powder – 3 tbsp. l.

  5. Food glycerin – 1 tsp.

  6. Vanilla – 1 pod

  7. Unroasted hazelnuts – 230 g

  8. Almond extract (optional) – a couple of drops

Method of preparation

  1. On a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 160 ° C-180 ° C, bake the hazelnuts for 12 minutes.

  2. Cool the nuts, wipe them with a clean towel, peeling them from the skin.

  3. Coarsely chop the hazelnuts.

  4. We put the nuts and vanilla in a jar, fill it with an alcohol-containing base and close the lid.

  5. We insist in the dark and cool for 1-4 weeks.

  6. After the allotted time, we filter the liquid.

  7. We squeeze out the extract with a press of hop nuts.

  8. We mix the resulting tincture.

  9. Add cocoa to the liquid and mix thoroughly.

  10. We put the container in a dark, cool place for another 1-2 weeks.

  11. When the right time has elapsed, we filter the liquid through a coffee filter or thick gauze folded in several layers.

  12. Making simple sugar syrup.

  13. After cooling, add it to the vanilla-nut infusion.

  14. Pour into a container containing vegetable glycerin and (optionally) almond extract.

  15. Close the lid, shake and keep the liquor for another 4 weeks.

Homemade chocolate liqueur without milk

Preparation time – 1 week.

This drink can be stored for several years.


  1. Sugar – 3 cups

  2. Black bitter chocolate – 300 g

  3. Vodka, brandy or moonshine – 1 l

  4. Water – 300 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Grind chocolate on a fine grater. Pour the resulting mass into a jar and fill with vodka or other alcohol base.

  2. Close the container with a lid and hide in a warm, dark place for 1 week.

  3. Shake contents daily.

  4. After the right time, cook a simple sugar syrup.

  5. Cool liquid to room temperature.

  6. Pour the syrup into the jar of chocolate tincture and mix everything thoroughly.

  7. In order for the chocolate to dissolve better, put the container in a water bath (approximately 60 ° C) for 10-15 minutes and mix the mixture thoroughly.

  8. Then pour the liquor into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Mozart liqueur recipe

Preparation time – 2 weeks.


  1. Chocolate extract – 2 tsp

  2. Vanilla extract – 1 tsp

  3. Vodka, rum or cognac – 350 ml

  4. Sugar syrup – 120 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour sugar into the water and bring to a boil, stirring the liquid.

  2. Let the syrup cool to room temperature.

  3. Pour vodka into a half-liter bottle.

  4. Add extracts and simple sugar syrup.

  5. We mix the contents, put the container in a dark place for 2 weeks.

  6. Filtering liquid.

  7. The resulting liquor is stored in a cool and dark place.

Classic chocolate liqueur


  1. Sugars – 300 g

  2. Water – 180 ml

  3. Vodka – 750 ml

  4. Cocoa powder – 125 g

  5. Vanillin pod – 1 pc.

Method of preparation

  1. Prepare sugar syrup, then cool.

  2. In a large jar, put a vanillin pod cut along, add cocoa and pour in vodka and 250 ml of sugar syrup.

  3. Close the jar, shake, leave at room temperature for 14 days.

  4. Shake the jar every 2-3 days.

  5. Strain the liquor through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle, cork tightly, let it brew for 30 days before drinking.

Chocolate liqueur based on dark chocolate


  1. Dark chocolate – 150 g

  2. Sugars – 100 g

  3. Water – 250 ml

  4. 45 degree alcohol – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the crushed (grated) chocolate into alcohol and keep for 1 week in the refrigerator.

  2. Then boil sugar syrup, cool, mix with chocolate alcohol and strain through a cloth.

  3. Pour the finished liquor into bottles, cork. Store in a dark, cool place.

Relevance: 30.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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