Chocolate is healthy but only if it meets these conditions

Chocolate is healthy but only if it meets these conditions


No added sugars, with a high percentage of non-alkalized natural cocoa and as little processed as possible. This is the perfect chocolate

Chocolate is healthy but only if it meets these conditions

That he is a companion of sorrows and joys, a refuge (warm or cool), a whim that we allow ourselves not without a certain amount of conscience, it is clear. Chocolate, with few exceptions, is a constant in our food life from a very young age. More than half of us (our studies say so, but if you don’t believe me, ask your circle of friends) regularly include chocolate in their shopping cart and a third make sure it is no added sugar. Because, make no mistake, chocolate gets a bad press. It is said to be careful with him, that he is fattening, that he is not healthy, that he sticks to the molars …

Let’s forget prejudices and go to what matters: cocoa is healthy, and not only that, but it is loaded with healthy fats, fiber, magnesium, zinc, potassium and vitamins of group B. It also contains Flavonoids, theobromine, caffeine (stimulators of our endorphins), and anandamide (a compound that activates brain receptors that cause pleasure and mental clarity). With all that, who doubts that it is a powerful ally of happiness? Cocoa helps to relieve pain, reduce stress and stimulate positive feelings, in addition to being, according to popular belief, a mild natural aphrodisiac due to its stimulating properties.

It is a seed as natural as a tomato or a corn on the cob. Legend has it that when the first adventurers brought it from America, it was not liked at all in Europe, because like coffee, it was strong and bitter, so they began to mix it with different things that disguised its flavor, such as milk or large amounts of sugar, and that’s where the product derived from cocoa originates: chocolate.

Cocoa is not chocolate

No, we should not confuse them, since while the first is, as we say, beneficial to the body, the second may not be so much. Because if we talk about tablets, chocolates, chocolates or even ultra-processed cocoa powder, we must clarify that they are usually loaded with sugar and other components that have little to do with this product in its most natural version, and all those benefits may be turning into harm. Let us therefore make sure to always look at the labels and ingredient lists, paying special attention to the amount of added sugar or sweeteners (which are not as healthy as they appear).

As a general rule we must always look for the product to be natural cocoa, not alkalized (It is a process in which it dissolves better and lowers the acidity level, but it also loses more than half of its Antioxidants (according to the Cacao Observatory), which do not have added sugar, and that it is processed as little as possible (look for “bio” versions and with few ingredients added to cocoa, which must always be present, we repeat, in a very high percentage).

In the market we can find healthy versions sweetened with a natural ingredient such as chicory fiber instead of the scary refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.

You can include it in your diet either as a dessert or a snack, as it is a food rich in healthy fats and fiber, it is very satiating and will avoid those peaks of energy need that make you eat more frequently. It is also a good ally of the concentration, so a good time to include it in your diet is in the morning, before studying or working.

You already know his versatility in homemade biscuits, cakes or cookies, mixed with fruits, seeds or nuts. But you can also incorporate it into savory stews or main meals, do you want some ideas? A poultry stew with beer and powdered chocolate; oxtail with cocoa sauce; onion soup with cocoa; Zucchini spaghetti with tomato sauce and dark chocolate grated… The options are as many as your creativity and your palate allow.

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