Chocolate helps with wrinkles

As British scientists have found out, with the use of just a few slices of dark chocolate with a high content of flavonols per day, all age-related processes in the body slow down. Chocolate is especially beneficial for the skin – when consumed, it not only prevents the appearance of wrinkles, but also reduces the risk of skin cancer.

As part of the study, all volunteers were divided into two groups: in the first, the participants in the experiment consumed dark chocolate with a high content of flavonols for 3 months, in the second – regular chocolate. As a result, it turned out that the skin of volunteers from the first group is better protected from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Scientists have also concluded that chocolate reduces the likelihood of skin cancer. However, such properties are possessed by exceptionally dark, bitter chocolate, rich in flavonols – antioxidants found in cocoa beans.

It has already been revealed that daily consumption of dark chocolate helps the body fight chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia. Also, chocolate significantly improves memory, relieves inflammation and improves the state of the circulatory system.

Based on materials from The Telegraph.

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