Chocolate hair color: how to achieve the desired color? Video

Chocolate hair color: how to achieve the desired color? Video

Today, chocolate hair color is in trend because of the fashion for naturalness and naturalness. In addition, not every woman decides to radically change her image, to become a blonde or a brunette. But the neutral shade of chocolate is perfect for a gradual transformation.

Who is chocolate hair color suitable for?

Shades of chocolate are the compromise between blues and blond strands that suits most women. The only limitation is age. The point is that dark tones age a little. If in 20-25 years it only adds brightness, then in 35-40 it becomes undesirable. So when crossing a certain age line, it is better to forget about dark strands. But if you are young enough and confident in yourself, the color of chocolate is exactly what you need!

Hair color “milk chocolate” looks very advantageous with dark skin

Chocolate hair color works best with dark skin and brown or green eyes. If you are the owner of fair skin and gray or blue eyes, you will have to apply bright makeup, otherwise your face against the background of a chocolate shade risks being expressionless and impersonal.

How to choose a chocolate shade of hair in accordance with your color type:

  • if your color type is “Autumn”, choose shades with a reddish or reddish tint
  • for the “Winter” color type, shades with a gray or black sheen are suitable
  • for the “Summer” and “Spring” color types, it is advisable to take light shades, for example, the color of milk chocolate

How to get real chocolate color: subtleties

Getting chocolate hair color is not at all difficult, you just need to follow a few rules.

Before dyeing your hair, you should consider the following points:

  • the ideal chocolate tone of hair can turn out light brown on light brown and light strands
  • on previously dyed and bleached hair, an unpredictable shade may turn out
  • on too dark hair, the chocolate tone will be invisible
  • it is desirable to switch to a new color gradually
  • conduct a test dyeing of one strand of hair in advance and note the time it takes to get the shade you need

When dyeing hair in chocolate color, it should be borne in mind that light strands will have a shade more similar to the one shown on the paint package. But on dark curls, especially those previously dyed, the color of chocolate does not always turn out to be expected.

To achieve a noble cold tone without reddish and reddish reflections, you need to choose shades of paint from a palette of either “black” or “hot” chocolate. True, the result may be too dark a color, sometimes even with a black tint. It is important not to overexpose the paint on the strands so as not to end up becoming a burning brunette. Of course, a few washes will help you lighten your hair, but the mood will still be ruined.

When dyeing blond hair in chocolate color, it should be borne in mind that when they grow back, the roots will look untidy

In this case, you will need to constantly tint your hair. For brunettes looking for a chocolate hue, a hair wash is required. On dark strands, the paint can only give a shade of dark chocolate, which will become noticeable only in the light.

If you do not want to burn your curls (which will lead to their brittleness and dullness), do not trust your hair with cheap paint. You should not save on the health and appearance of hair, the process of their restoration is too laborious. It is best if a hairdresser chooses a chocolate-colored hair dye for you – this is his job and he knows how not to harm your curls. If you want to dye the strands at home, choose a dyeing agent from the reviews of your friends or on the forums.

Natural remedies for dyeing strands in chocolate color

It is not only synthetic dyes that can give your hair the desired shade. Basma, henna, coffee, cocoa will safely dye the strands into a chocolate color.

To make a natural chocolate-colored paint with a chestnut shade with your own hands, you will need:

  • ground natural coffee – 3 tbsp.
  • 1 glass of water
  • henna – 1 sachet

The amount of ingredients for making natural dye depends on the length of the hair.

Pour 1 cup boiling water over the coffee and cook for 5 minutes. Cool to 50 degrees and mix with henna. Then stir thoroughly until smooth without lumps. Apply the dye to your hair and wrap your head in a plastic bag and a towel. Wash off the paint after 2 hours.

The second color method is suitable for dark hair.

To make your own dark chocolate hair dye, you will need:

  • print – 1 package
  • henna – 1 sachet

Dissolve the ingredients with hot water.

To make the color more even and saturated, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture.

For additional nourishment of hair, 1 tsp can be added to the dye composition. honey, castor / olive oil, or a small amount of hair balm.

Apply the resulting mixture to the strands for 2 hours. Hair should also be wrapped in a bag and towel. The dyeing time can be adjusted depending on the desired hair tone. The darker the chocolate shade you want, the longer you need to keep the mixture on your hair.

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