Chlorophyll – properties, health effects, dosage, side effects, price

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Chlorophyll is a compound that makes vegetables and fruits green. It is responsible for the photosynthesis process taking place in plants, the products of which are carbohydrates and oxygen. When consumed by humans, it provides many health benefits. It strengthens immunity, supports the functioning of the intestines and allows you to get rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth. In what products can you find it? Check!

  1. Chlorophyll is an ingredient that can support the body, especially when we want to improve immunity or lose weight
  2. Chlorophyll can be found in fruits, vegetables, algae, but also in dietary supplements
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Chlorophyll – What is it?

Chlorophyll is an organic compound found in plants, vegetables, algae and photosynthetic bacteria. It gives the plants a characteristic green color. Chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis, it allows plants to draw energy from sunlight and turn it into oxygen and carbohydrates. It also provides our body with many benefits.

There are two types of chlorophyll in plants: chlorophyll a – blue-green and chlorophyll b – yellow-green. All plants contain one of these two varieties. Both are fat-soluble compounds that have antioxidant properties.

When we consume chlorophyll, it travels through our body in micelles, which are fat-containing molecular groups. Although studies have not been able to prove what the minimum amount of fat is needed to metabolize chlorophyll, it is believed that small amounts of healthy fats can help the body process it during meals.

Chlorophyllin is semi-synthetic, water-soluble, and fat-insoluble, and is commonly used as an additive to drugs or food colors. Although chlorophyll is a natural compound found in plants, chlorophyllin is a supplement that is taken with meals. For over 50 years, chlorophyllin has been used to treat wounds that heal slowly or smelling because it acts as an internal deodorant.

Chlorophyll can be found in green vegetables and fruits, algae, large amounts of chlorophyll can also be provided by appropriate supplements.

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Chlorophyll – what are its properties?

Chlorophyll has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and regenerative properties. Chlorophyll has also been proven to have anti-cancer properties. A study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology shows that it can protect against small amounts of carcinogenic substances. This compound also strengthens our immunity, improves blood clotting, and lowers sugar levels.

Chlorophyll is a strong antioxidant, protects our body against free radicals and slows down the aging process. You can order 500ml liquid chlorophyll today.

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Chlorophyll also supports those who want to maintain a healthy weight – it reduces appetite, supports the functioning of the intestines, cares for the bacterial flora and reduces the risk of constipation. By eating plenty of green vegetables, you’ll help your body maintain an acid-base balance.

Chlorophyll also helps to get rid of bad breath (it is found in many toothpastes) and prevents inflammation in the mouth.

Chlorophyll to cleanse the body

The main component of chlorophyll is sodium-copper chlorophyllin obtained from alfalfa and mulberry, the structure of which resembles hemoglobin.

Chlorophyll supplied to the body increases the production of oxygen. As a result, the cells are oxygenated, and the processes of detoxification in the body run more efficiently. It should also be added that chlorophyll has been shown to increase the liver’s natural ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. This process is known as detoxification. One study in the livers of humans and rats nearly thirty years ago, published in the journal Carcinogenesis, introduced these properties of chlorophyll. In particular, this study found that chlorophyllin, the cuprous sodium salt of chlorophyll, is able to fight liver damage and potentially liver cancer by making the detoxification process more effective.

If you want to support your body, Nature’s Sunshine liquid chlorophyll can help. You can buy a package containing 476 ml on Medonet Market now at a new, lower price. Also try Nº1 Chlorophyll DETOX – cleansing and detoxification of the body. The package contains 500 ml of liquid.

Chlorophyll to strengthen the body

Natural chlorophyll reduces the acidity of the body’s internal environment and prevents the multiplication of microorganisms and fungi. Additionally, it has properties that strengthen the immune system.

Liquid chlorophyll increases energy and improves mood.

Do you want to reduce stress and gain energy? Take advantage of the Medonet Market offer, where you will find DuoLife Chlorofil, containing 750 ml of liquid chlorophyll.

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Chlorophyll for hemoglobin deficiency

Liquid chlorophyll can be the so-called “blood builder”. This means that it has the potential to increase the number of red blood cells and improve their quality.

Red blood cells contain a molecule called hemoglobin, which has a very similar chemical structure to chlorophyll. Due to this almost identical composition, chlorophyll can be an effective treatment for patients with hemoglobin deficiencies such as anemia.

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents using a form of chlorophyll to treat anemic patients found that its use could improve symptoms of anemia. Another study in the same year, published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, suggests that chlorophyll-rich grass drinks may be used to treat hemoglobin deficiencies due to chlorophyll’s antioxidant activity and its molecular structure resembling red blood cells.

Chlorophyll for the effects of aging

Topical chlorophyll can act as an anti-aging agent. A 2016 study published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology found that applying a chlorophyllin-containing gel to the skin reduced the signs of photoaging, which is aging from sun exposure. The study included skin samples from four healthy women and lasted 12 days.

The results of the study showed that skin treated with chlorophyllin improved in a similar way to skin treated with tretinoin, which is a prescription cream that has been shown to help with skin aging. The authors suggest that the combination of chlorophyllin and tretinoin could be an effective way to reverse the signs of photoaging of the skin.

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Chlorophyll to reduce tumors and cancer cells

The results, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology in 2012, suggest that chlorophyll has the ability to reduce the size of cancerous tumors in an animal model. Researchers were able to conclude that chlorophyll reduces liver tumors in fish by up to 12 percent and stomach tumors by up to 000 percent from a study of a population of over 64 rainbow trouts. However, it is unclear whether chlorophyll would have the same effect on humans. While advocating the regular consumption of chlorophyll-rich green vegetables for significant cancer chemoprevention, the authors of the study carefully stressed that the dosages used in fish research would be of questionable relevance to humans.

It should be noted that although relatively non-toxic, chlorophyll can be harmful in large amounts.

Since liquid chlorophyll is consumed, researchers hypothesized that a supplement would be most beneficial in protecting against digestive-related cancers. A 2007 review published in Nutrition Research concluded that chlorophyll derivatives and a diet rich in chlorophyll have the potential to prevent colon cancer. In turn, when testing human colon cancer cells in a 2009 study, scientists found that a chlorophyll derivative is an effective treatment.

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Chlorophyll for skin healing

Chlorophyllin has shown a possible effect in reducing inflammation and bacterial growth in skin wounds.

A 2008 review of the wound care research published in Wound Management & Prevention included several studies on papain-urea-chlorophyllin ointments. While individual studies have found this ointment to be more effective than other treatments, reviewers note that larger, better-controlled studies are required to confirm these results.

Chlorophylline may also be effective in other skin conditions as shown by the results of two pilot studies. A pilot study is a small-scale initial study that is carried out before a larger study or trial. A pilot study published in The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in 2015, which involved 10 people with acne and large pores, noticed improvement in skin condition after applying a topical chlorophyllin gel for 3 weeks. In another pilot study in the same year and published in the same journal, 10 people also participated, it was found that applying topical chlorophyllin for 8 weeks improved sun damaged skin.

In another 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers compared the use of a combination of topical chlorophyll and phototherapy with phototherapy alone to treat acne. People who received the combination had fewer acne lesions, less severe acne, and less oily skin than those who did not. However, 24 of the participants were of Asian descent with darker skin types, so the results may not be suitable for everyone.

Chlorophyll for weight loss

Several small studies have been conducted to determine if chlorophyll promotes healthy weight loss in humans. A 2013 study published in the journal Appetite in overweight women found that chlorophyll supplements in combination with a high-carbohydrate meal increase satiety while regulating the levels of hunger hormones. The researchers concluded that supplementing high-carbohydrate meals with chlorophyll can reduce body weight over time.

An earlier study in rats had a direct effect on food intake. A 2009 study published in Phytotherapy Research found that rats reduced their food intake when supplemented with chlorophyll. Scientists concluded that long-term suppression of food intake prevented weight gain.

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Chlorophyll for body odor

Although chlorophyllin has been used since the 40s to neutralize certain odors, research is outdated and showing mixed results.

A recent 2004 study published in the journal Life Sciences on people with trimethylaminuria, a condition that causes a fishy smell, found that chlorophyllin significantly reduced the amount of trimethylamines.

As for the claims that chlorophyllin reduces bad breath, there is little evidence for this.

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Chlorophyll to support immunity

Chlorella is a South Korean algae that is a rich source of vitamins and trace elements such as B vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and iodine.

  1. Also read: Chlorella is an unusual algae native to South Korea

Chlorella also contains a lot of chlorophyll, more than green plants. Thanks to this, it strengthens immunity.

If you want to improve the condition of your body, try the health power of Chlorella. The Hanoju capsule formulation can be found at Medonet Market.

Chlorophyll – further research

Liquid chlorophyll is believed to have far more health benefits than has been studied so far. A significant body of research suggests that topical chlorophyll has many benefits, but research into liquid chlorophyll is lagging behind.

Other health benefits of liquid chlorophyll that require further research include:

  1. Improves digestion;
  2. Relieves constipation;
  3. Reduces inflammation, especially in arthritis;
  4. Anti-aging benefits;
  5. Prevents body odor;
  6. It reduces yeast infection in Candida patients.

Chlorophyll – side effects

When introducing a new supplement into your routine, it is important to consider possible side effects. The side effects of taking liquid chlorophyll are mild. They are mainly associated with digestion. Since chlorophyll is a natural pigment and not a man-made compound, it is believed to be non-toxic. Mostly liquid chlorophyll is a safe and mild supplement.

The digestive system begins in the mouth. Since liquid chlorophyll is ingested through the mouth and passes through the digestive tract, this is where most of the side effects occur.

Some of the reported mild side effects include:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Gastrointestinal cramps;
  3. Diarrhea;
  4. Discolored stools;
  5. Vomiting.

These symptoms usually occur when liquid chlorophyll is ingested in excessive amounts or on an empty stomach.

See also: What does yellow stool mean?

Chlorophyll – contraindications

Existing research suggests that side effects from consuming chlorophyll are rare. However, there is insufficient research to determine whether liquid chlorophyll is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Chlorophyll supplementation will never replace a varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

It’s worth adding that chlorophyll supplements can also inhibit some prescription medications. In particular, they may interfere with the effects of medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight. Taking chlorophyll along with photosensitizing medications may increase your risk of sunburn and sun damage.

Chlorophyll – dosage and preparation

Liquid chlorophyll is taken by mouth. It comes in liquid or powder form that mixes with water or other liquid. Chlorophyll can also be taken in tablet form. Liquid chlorophyll is an available supplement that can be purchased at many health food stores, online, and over the counter at local pharmacies.

Liquid chlorophyll is also commonly found in smoothies and juices. It is also commonly found in powders mixed with other vegetables like spirulina, wheatgrass, and chlorella. There is no recommended daily allowance for liquid chlorophyll. Dosages vary depending on the liquid chlorophyll supplement, but the average dose is 100 mg per serving. Liquid chlorophyll can be successfully administered even to young children, but after prior consultation with a doctor.

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Chlorophyll – sources

Chlorophyll is rich in plant-based foods, but the highest concentration is found in green vegetables.

Chlorophyll and spinach and green leafy vegetables

Spinach has a high concentration of chlorophyll, about 24 milligrams per serving. This vegetable is easy to prepare as it can be eaten raw or cooked in a variety of ways. Other leafy vegetables contain 4 to 15 milligrams of chlorophyll per raw serving. They include:

  1. Bok choy (Chinese cabbage);
  2. Salata;
  3. Botwinkę;
  4. Green cabbage;
  5. Flax cabbage;
  6. Swiss chard;
  7. Seaweed;
  8. Turnip;
  9. Parsley;
  10. Kale;
  11. Mustard.

Chlorophyll and other vegetables

Other green vegetables are good sources of chlorophyll and also contain up to 15 milligrams per serving. They include:

  1. Broccoli;
  2. Cucumbers;
  3. Green beans;
  4. Asparagus;
  5. Pores;
  6. Brussels sprouts;
  7. Peas.

Chlorophyll and fruits, nuts and seeds

Small amounts of chlorophyll are present in green fruits such as kiwi and green grapes. There is also a small concentration of chlorophyll in green nuts and seeds such as pistachios.

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Chlorophyll – price

High-quality liquid chlorophyll costs about PLN 50 to PLN 90 for a 400-500 ml bottle. This capacity is enough for about two months of supplementation. Chlorophyll concentrates in drops are also available. Their cost ranges from PLN 30 to PLN 40.

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