Chlorella – properties, dosage, side effects of use

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Chlorella is an unusual alga that comes from South Korea. It belongs to the so-called «Superfoods» (superfoods), which are groups of food products with unique health properties. It is a real vitamin bomb – it contains, among others chlorophyll in large amounts, amino acids and folic acid. It is most often used in a powdered form as an ingredient in fruit and vegetable cocktails, but it also works great as an addition to desserts, sauces, soups and pasta. Another way to supplement Chlorella is by taking pills that can be purchased at organic stores.

Health properties of chlorella

Chlorella is a rich source of vitamins and trace elements. It provides the body with B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and E, amino acids, chlorophyll, omega-3 fatty acids and nucleic acids. It also contains numerous minerals – iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and iodine. Particularly vegans and vegetarians, as well as people who are slimming or struggling with anemia should include it in their diet. Pregnant women should consult a physician before taking any preparations containing this algae. Sometimes it is indicated because it reduces the risk of anemia, proteinuria, edema and hypertension associated with pregnancy.

To the exceptional properties of chlorella belongs primarily to detoxification. It has the ability to bind and remove harmful substances – toxins from the body, heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead), alcohol, nitrates, pesticides and other chemicals present in the polluted environment. Chlorella works like a natural shield that prevents harmful substances from penetrating deep into the body. For this reason, it is also recommended for people who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration of the liver and supports its proper functioning.

High in content chlorophyll has a beneficial effect on immune system. Try Nº1 Chlorophyll DETOX – cleansing and detoxification of the body, which you can buy at an attractive price at Medonet Market.

Chlorella contributes to the increase in the production of white blood cells responsible for the fight against bacteria and viruses. Has antibacterial propertiesand thus speeds up the healing of wounds. It can also be beneficial for people who struggle with bad breath or excessive sweating. It is irreplaceable in the case of ailments from the digestive system – frequent constipation, flatulence, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. In addition, it improves digestion, lowers the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood as well supports weight losswhich is especially important information for people who are trying to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. If you want to include chlorella products in your daily diet, we recommend Bio Chlorella Powder from Intenson.

Chlorellę often supplemented by vegans and vegetarians. In 100 g of this algae there is as much as 58 g of wholesome protein, and it also provides iron, necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system. Although chlorella may contain some amounts of vitamin B12, it is not its richest source and will not replace proper supplementation, which is especially important for people on plant-based diet.

CHLORELLA Herbapol in Krakow is available on Medonet Market in a package containing up to 500 tablets.

You can learn more about the wonderful properties of Chlorella in an online consultation with a nutritionist. It will also tell you how you can use it in your daily diet.

Chlorella dosage and possible side effects

If Chlorella supplementation is to bring satisfactory results, take it right amount. Manufacturers of preparations usually recommend 2 to 4 tablets three times a day, which gives a total of 6-12 tablets a day or 2-3 grams of powder. Safe supplementation should not exceed two months. After this time, it is advisable to take a break.

Do you want to order a chlorella supplement? You can choose Bio Spirulina + Bio Chlorella 400 mg available on the Medonet Market platform. We also recommend the convenient BIO Chlorella powder, which you just need to dissolve in 200 ml of water, yogurt or juice.

Chlorella in powdered formj is most often added to fruit and vegetable cocktails, but also cakes, desserts and sauces. However, it is worth bearing in mind that it can give the dishes a “fishy”, “sea” aftertaste that may be disturbing for some. Then it is worth considering reaching for tablet preparations or (in the case of cocktails) reduce the taste with apple or pineapple juice.

Remember that the range of cleansing supplements is very wide and not all of them contain chlorella. Try, for example, the ALA Swanson supplement – a preparation supporting the work of the whole body and cleansing of toxins.


It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.

At appropriate use risk of occurrence side effects is minor because chlorella it is well tolerated by the body. While an allergic reaction can theoretically occur, it is rare. A photosensitizing effect is also possible, especially in the case of people who are sensitive to the sun. To others side effects they include flatulence, diarrhea, and a feeling of heaviness. This is due to the large amount of fiber it contains chlorella. Symptoms usually disappear on their own after a short time. If not, a doctor should be consulted. While Chlorella use it is also possible to exacerbate acne lesions associated with cleansing the body.

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