Urogenital chlamydia is a bacterial infection that mainly affects the genitourinary system. Undiagnosed and untreated chlamydia in women leads to the development of inflammatory changes in the pelvic organs, which, as a result, can lead to infertility

The causative agent is chlamydia, and there are many types of this bacterium, but only sexually transmitted Chlamydiatrachomatis. Undiagnosed and untreated chlamydia in women leads to the development of inflammatory changes in the pelvic organs, which, as a result, can lead to infertility.

What is chlamydia

Despite the fact that chlamydia as a pathogenic bacterium was identified 100 years ago, the connection of one of its forms with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs was proved only in the 80s. Since then, there has been an increase in the detection of chlamydia in women, and with the use of modern diagnostic methods, it has increased significantly.

It is believed that at the moment chlamydial infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, along with gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The source of infection is a sick person. Even if chlamydia is asymptomatic, he can still infect a healthy partner during sexual intercourse. The probability of infection is 50%, but this is not a reason to play Russian roulette.

The entrance gates of infection are the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs, the rectum, and rarely the conjunctiva of the eye. By the way, due to physiological characteristics, women are more susceptible to infection with chlamydia than men.

Causes of chlamydia in women

Basically, the cause of infection is a large number of sexual partners and unprotected sex. Interestingly, the peak incidence of chlamydia in women, according to the latest data, falls on the age of 16-25 years. It is easier for chlamydia to cause infection in girls in puberty due to the characteristics of the mucosa. Therefore, it is advisable to be examined for this infection from the moment an active sexual life begins.

It is also possible infection of the daughter during childbirth. The contact-household route through personal hygiene items (washcloths, underwear, towels, etc.) is practically excluded – chlamydia does not live long outside the body.

Another rare case is the contact of the pathogen with the mucous membrane of the eyes when swimming in the pool. As a result, chlamydial conjunctivitis (“pool chlamydia”) may develop. The same kind of conjunctivitis can happen if you rub your face and eyes with dirty hands, having a secret of mucous on them.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

The incubation period for urogenital chlamydia from the moment of infection is 3-30 days. Since in more than 70% of cases the infection is asymptomatic, the disease is often detected by chance – when contacting a gynecologist for another reason.

A woman may suspect an infection by discolored discharge, smell, periodic pain in the groin, and menstrual irregularities. Chlamydial salpingitis and salpingoophoritis are the most common manifestations of ascending infection. They have a “erased” course, because of which it seems that there is no need to rush to the doctor. Often the patient has bacterial vaginosis, and against its background – chlamydial infection.

Treatment of chlamydia in women

Treatment of chlamydial infection should take place under the strict supervision of a physician. Only a doctor can choose the right drugs, dosage, as well as draw up a treatment regimen. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy. The drugs of choice may be:

  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Josamycin);
  • fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin).

The duration of the course of therapy can vary from 14 to 21 days. Depends on the degree of cure, clinical manifestations, the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women is carried out at any stage of pregnancy. It is also based on antibiotic therapy, taking into account the effect of drugs on the fetus. Chlamydia can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus, which is fraught with negative consequences up to infant mortality.


Diagnosis of chlamydia in women, like any infection, is based on history, clinic, laboratory and instrumental examination results. In the examination for chlamydia, first of all, women need in the case of:

  • existing inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, especially with damage to the cervix: cervicitis, erosion;
  • infertility for 1 – 3 years;
  • pregnancies with a burdened obstetric history (“frozen” pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, pregnancy pathologies – the threat of interruption, fever of unknown etiology, polyhydramnios, etc.).

Due to the asymptomatic course of chlamydia, preventive medical examinations and a complete examination by a gynecologist at least once a year are important.

To detect chlamydial infection, various methods of direct and indirect determination of the pathogen are used, for example, the detection of anti-chlamydial antibodies in the blood. But the main and preferred material for research in women is a smear from the vagina. It can also be smears and scrapings discharged from the mucous membrane of the urethra, cervical canal, vagina, lower rectum.

Modern treatments

The basis of treatment was, is and will be antibacterial drugs. Therefore, in terms of modern treatment, it is important to choose the ideal antibiotics, to which there will be no resistance, and also to complete the course of treatment. Otherwise, with the wrong use of medications, chlamydial infection can become chronic.

It is important to remember: both partners must be examined and treated for chlamydia! Avoid sexual intercourse during treatment.
Andrey BakulevMD, professor, dermatovenereologist

To strengthen the body during this period, you can take multivitamins, adaptogens (Eleutherococcus extract, tincture of ginseng, magnolia vine, etc.), but only after consulting a doctor.

Prevention of chlamydia in women at home

Since the main route of transmission is sexual – be selective in choosing a partner. If you doubt the health or fidelity of the second half – insist on using condoms. This is the only way to protect yourself from infection.

It is also desirable to develop the habit of visiting a gynecologist at least once a year and taking smears for microflora. Given that chlamydia in women can be asymptomatic, this infection can come as an unpleasant surprise at any time. The sooner it is found, the sooner it is cured.

Popular questions and answers

Answered the most common questions from patients Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, SSMU named after IN AND. Razumovsky Andrei Bakulev.

If chlamydia in women is asymptomatic, why treat it?

Treating chlamydia is necessary, firstly, to stop its further transmission. According to WHO, about 100 million people are infected every year in the world. If someone agrees to have chlamydia, then why should other people suffer from it?

Secondly, the presence of chlamydia in women provokes inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. If a woman wants to be healthy, not to have difficulties with pregnancy and bearing, not to suffer from pain, the identified chlamydia should be treated immediately!

They say that chlamydia is a common bacterium that is in the body in a “sleeping” state and manifests itself only if immunity falls.

Chlamydia is not an “ordinary” bacterium, but an obligate intracellular parasite. “Obligate” means that this bacterium, like a virus, cannot reproduce without a host cell. These microorganisms have a unique development cycle, and are a kind of “energy” parasites of the cell. The asymptomatic nature of the course of chlamydia in women is explained by the fact that they begin to show their pathogenic properties not immediately, but with prolonged infection. Along with this, accordingly, the number of affected cells increases, which can migrate to various tissues of the body and maintain the chronic nature of the infection.

Is it possible to get chlamydia through everyday life?

Information about the contact-household method of transmission is often found in popular literature, but at the moment such cases are considered casuistry. Through washcloths, towels, dishes, linen, chlorinated pools, the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero. Warnings of this kind are generally important for basic hygiene.

Is it possible to treat chlamydia with folk remedies?

It is impossible to cure chlamydia with folk remedies, since its causative agent is a bacterium. And the only weapon against bacteria is antibacterial drugs.

What are the complications of chlamydia in women?

According to scientists, in 20% of cases, chlamydia in women leads to the development of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, in 4% – to chronic pelvic pain, in 3% – to ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

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