
Medicine today has become rightfully considered one of the most branched branches. Even 2 years ago, no one knew about such specialties as neurosurgeons, cosmetologists, neonatologists. The chiropractor is also a relatively recent profession.

Brief information

A manual therapist is a narrow specialist in a therapeutic area. Engaged in direct therapy of the spine, muscles, articular apparatus. Affects painful structures exclusively through the hands. Such methods of influence have been used for a long time, but they have moved into a separate industry relatively recently. The name of the specialist has Greek roots. The literal translation is “hand therapy”.

The services of a chiropractor are unique in their kind. It is possible to eliminate symptoms that traditional, standard medicine had no effect on.

Features of therapy

Often, therapy helps patients overcome advanced cases of the disease. And we are talking not only about damage to the joints and muscles. Sometimes therapy heals the spine, a number of internal organs. The doctor’s work can be described as a complex massage. These are special methods of diagnostic, therapeutic application of hands using more than three thousand basic techniques.

Manual therapy includes hard and soft techniques. Soft principles are singled out in a separate category – osteopathy. Hence the name of a specialist in this field – an osteopath. In fact, this is one specialty, differing only in the method of influence.

Separately allocate massage therapists. But these categories are completely incomparable. And not only in terms of medical qualifications, but also in terms of the strength of the impact on a person.

The fact is that the massage therapist works exclusively with soft tissues, which he kneads and rubs. The masseur has no right to influence the spine, joints, discs. This is done only by a “manualist” – a person with the appropriate education and skills.

First of all, a manual doctor is a necessarily certified neuropathologist or orthopedist. Only then is it a master of hands.

Do not confuse a chiropractor with a chiropractor. The chiropractor deals with dislocations, broken bone structures. The task of such a specialist is to correctly put them in place and fix them.

Scope of competence

The doctor diagnoses diseases of the motor apparatus, nervous structures. The required amount of therapy is formed on an individual basis. This allows you to defeat the most severe lesions, to prevent their recurrence.

Procedures can be prescribed during the recovery period after surgery. This allows you to significantly alleviate the condition, eliminate soreness.

Approaches to therapy

Before starting such treatment, it is imperative to diagnose the affected structures. Only after examination, clarification of complaints, x-rays, or MRI, sometimes ultrasound can see the presence of indications, the features of the course and the complexity of the process. That is why a real specialist will never work in isolation from a medical institution.

It is impossible to heal in one session. On the contrary, in most cases, after the first procedures, patients often feel a significant deterioration in well-being, an exacerbation of the process. This is a normal reaction that goes away in a couple of days.

The main task of any doctor is to do no harm. Therefore, the specialist categorically avoids excessive, aggressive and dangerous influences. It is proved that the maximum positive effect brings a soft, osteopathic effect. The doctor works especially carefully with children and the elderly. Whatever technique is carried out, the patient is always fully monitored, any changes in well-being must be taken into account.

When you need the help of a manual

Experts themselves say that such procedures are always needed and for everyone. Often, even a baby needs sessions to restore the correct position of the vertebrae in some department. A person accumulates failures in the motor apparatus. Most of them are just related to the spine. That is why patients of any age, gender and social status turn to the doctor.

The main task of a specialist is to establish biomechanics, normalize activities:

  • spine;
  • muscle elements;
  • bone structures;
  • ligaments.

After all, the work of the brain, heart and other organ structures depends on this. Such patients also have problems with endocrine, respiratory, digestive structures. Innervation, lymph flow and blood supply are significantly disturbed.

The doctor is able to determine the root cause, show the patient weaknesses, point out the features of the lifestyle that prevent the aggravation or progression of the disease.

Alas, the possibilities of the doctor, as well as the therapy itself, are not unlimited. Sometimes the patient can be cured only by surgery. A neurosurgeon deals exclusively with this spinal treatment technique.

Where does the specialist

Often, chiropractors work in medical and diagnostic centers, both general and specialized. Often they are taken in private clinics and centers for the treatment of the spine. In any case, you can get an appointment with such a specialist only by appointment.

The essential difference is only in the number of people and in the pricing policy. Everyone chooses for himself: an acceptable price within the walls of the hospital or a more expensive appointment by appointment, but in comfortable conditions. The entire complex of examination, testing and therapy remains unchanged. This in no way depends on the place of reception.

You can also find a doctor on the Internet. Online consultation is indeed less reliable, but it is affordable and very convenient. This is an opportunity to ask questions, describe the clinic of the disease, get specialized answers, and, if necessary, make an appointment.

What the doctor treats

The specialist acts on osteochondrosis, herniated discs, postural disorders, local pain, displacement of the structures of the spinal column, pain in the head, dystonia, insomnia, and rapid fatigue.

Reception Features

At the initial consultation, the doctor necessarily collects a brief history, manually diagnoses the patient, determining the degree of joint mobility, zones of maximum tension and pain. Pain activity is assessed. The specialist needs to decide on the further tactics of therapy and the program of subsequent sessions. In the presence of severe, complicated ailments, a number of additional diagnostic tests are required. Often, patients can be sent for x-rays, MRI, if indicated – ultrasound or EEG.

Qualities a doctor should have

Not all manualists are excellent specialists. The master must have not only deep knowledge and understanding of his work. Sensitive, strong hands, a propensity for this work, a good memory, a desire and the opportunity to replenish their knowledge all their lives are important for him.

It is extremely important that the doctor feels responsible, self-confident. After all, the smallest wrong move can cost a person quite dearly.

A real specialist can come from a neurologist, an orthopedist. After all, it is important not only to deeply understand the anatomical and physiological foundations, but also to master the methods of diagnosis and therapy. Often, a specialist has to look at and evaluate radiographs, ultrasound findings, cardiograms.

In order to get the profession of a chiropractor, you must first graduate from a medical university. You will need to complete a specialization in neurology or traumatology with a course in orthopedics. In the future, you can master manual therapy.

General recommendations

The disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Chiropractors recommend using massage for this. Moreover, such measures are appropriate for almost all patients. It is necessary to apply the technique extremely gently, gently, carefully.

In addition to therapy, doctors recommend following a number of rules. You need to feel sorry for your body – only moderate loads will benefit it. It is important to provide proper nutrition across the board. You should be as active as possible, make active changes. Sleep is health, so it must be complete. Various kinds of lesions should be healed exclusively under medical supervision. Self-treatment, even in the form of massage, can only significantly harm. A chiropractor is able to solve the problem without surgery whenever possible. It is extremely important to seek professional help. It is absolutely impossible to self-medicate.

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