What happens during a consultation ?
The chiropractor works closely with the child and his parents. Together, they assess the toddler’s general vertebral condition and develop an “adapted work plan”. During the first consultation, the practitioner carries out a complete assessment of the patient: history of physical shocks, description of pain, living conditions, sleep, analysis of posture and walking … Neurological and radiographic examinations are also carried out. in addition.
A whole part of the chiropractor’s job is also to counsel parents. Better informed, they are better able to monitor and correct bad postures. This collaborative work contributes to the good development of the child.
Can chiropractic permanently cure children’s back pain?
In a few months of chiropractic care, real changes in children are visible. At their age, their skeleton is still malleable and quickly regains a correct position. Hence the importance of consulting regularly and as soon as possible. The chiropractor will thus be able to correct all the small defects of the child, before his growth peak.
But correcting is not enough, prevention is just as necessary for the child as it is for the parents.
How much does a consultation cost? Are the sessions reimbursed by the Social Security?
On average, a consultation costs between 40 and 70 euros. Chiropractic is not reimbursed by Social Security, but a large number of mutuals reimburse sessions.
Sports practice for children: one of your recommendations?
Yes, I would even say that the practice of sport is essential for children. I recommend a so-called bilateral endurance sport, which works the whole body. The best is swimming and its derivatives: aquagym, waterpolo and other aquatic activities.
And if your child prefers judo, take him to the pool anyway.
Where can I find a good chiropractor? Visit the website of the French Chiropractic Association: |