
It’s spring outside the window: the sun is shining brighter, it’s getting warmer outside. It’s time for mini-skirts, airy flirty dresses, stylish shorts – it’s time to show beautiful slender legs.

But with the idea of ​​losing weight by the summer, many forget about the beauty and health of their legs, but according to statistics, when they meet, men pay attention to women’s legs almost in the first place. Fortunately, Woman’s Day has found 3 of the easiest and most magical ways that in one day will help you make your legs smooth, beautiful, and admirable.

Why is it important to do:

A pedicure is an obligatory hygienic procedure. It must be done once a month, since during this period keratinized, dead skin cells are formed, which must be got rid of. A pedicure is carried out to restore damaged skin cells and nail plate, neatness and sterility are important in this procedure. You can do a pedicure at home, but it is better to contact specialists and craftsmen. Cut your nails once every two weeks.

How to do:

At home:

1. We make a hygienic foot bath with baking soda or soap.

2. We process the feet. It is better not to use special files for pedicure, pumice stones, which are sold in the mass market, after using them, microcracks and damage form on the feet. To treat and cleanse your feet at home, it is best to use a tough washcloth, a cleansing foot scrub, and a greasy cream to soften delicate skin.

3. Before starting to trim nails, you should remove varnish from them and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. The main rule: you need to cut your nails only in a straight line, and file the ends with a nail file so that the nail does not grow in. The corners of the nails should never be cut off.

If you have a pedicure done by a specialist, you should first of all pay attention to:

1. Sterility. All instruments must be sterilized by the master before use. Slippers, towels and gloves from the master must be disposable.

2. To treat the feet, the master must have a special high-power apparatus with a built-in hood or vacuum cleaner that sucks in the dust that occurs when treating the feet.

Why is it important to do:

Epilation is a procedure that allows you to get rid of the hair on the legs together with the root – the hair follicle, so they remain smooth for 2-3 weeks. In addition, if you repeat the procedure 7-10 times, you can get rid of hairs forever. Despite the fact that there are many different ways to make your feet skin smooth, hair removal is still the most popular procedure among women. There are many ways to epilate. The simplest is with the help of wax (waxing), and the effect after it persists for a long time.

How to do:

To achieve the desired effect and result, I still recommend using the services of a master. But when you need to save time and money, you need to avoid misunderstandings, so you should remember a few rules for waxing at home:

  1. Check for an allergic reaction. Apply the epilation compound to the arm and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Wipe the skin with special cleansing, degreasing and disinfecting agents (scrub, tonic).
  3. Apply wax in strips along the direction of hair growth.
  4. When the wax hardens, you need to pull off the strip of wax with a sharp movement against the direction of hair growth.
  5. After the procedure, the skin should be softened and soothed with special cosmetic lotions.

Why is it important to do:

Swarthy and tanned legs look much more attractive. But when summer is still far away, self-tanning is the best way to get your legs tanned. Self-tanning is a cosmetic product with which you can give your legs a radiant, beautiful bronze shade within a few hours after application. The plus is that the use of self-tanning does not harm your health. It comes in a cream, spray, or lotion form, so it’s not easy to apply it evenly. Sometimes, instead of the expected perfect dark skin tone, you get leopard skin – all speckled.

How to do:

To apply a self-tanner evenly:

  1. Before applying self-tanning, you need to epilate.
  2. Cleanse the skin with a scrub, washcloth.
  3. Apply a moisturizer to your skin. Calm down.
  4. After half an hour, apply self-tanner to the skin: from top to bottom in a circular motion.
  5. Do not wear clothing until the tanning unit is completely absorbed into the skin.

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