Chiria under the arm, on the legs, in the groin, on the pubis

Chiria under the arm, on the legs, in the groin, on the pubis

The formation of chiri is associated with inflammation of the hair follicle. This is one of the most common diseases and every person at least once in his life found a pimple on his body, gradually, due to a purulent process, turning into a chiry, boil or carbuncle. Abscesses on the human body can appear in the face, neck, hair zone of the head, forearm, buttocks, in the armpits, on the pubis and in the perineal area in women, on the scrotum in men.

But sometimes a lot of them appear on certain areas of the skin, this is already a complex disease, called in medicine – furunculosis. In medical practice, there are several main reasons for the development of furunculosis, including neglect of daily hygiene, disruption of the immune system, tuberculosis, hepatitis, diabetes, and the consequences of taking glucocorticosteroid drugs.

Skin microtraumas are an excellent environment where favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of staphylococcus aureus. Most often, chiria on the body are formed after suffering infectious diseases, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, influenza. In case of careless scratching of the inner surface of the hearing aid with foreign objects, there is also a possibility of an abscess in the ear.

Chiri under the arm

With excessive hair growth of the armpit, profuse sweating and insufficient body care, with depression and stress, hormonal failure, one or more abscesses can form. In this case, there is a strong aching pain, massive swelling and redness of the skin.

Chiry is formed gradually, the process begins with the appearance of a dense, painful, red nodule the size of a pea. After about 1-2 days, the appearance of a rod “head” is noted. A day later, the abscess can break through and a greenish rod is found, it usually comes out with some blood.

After that, a cavity is formed, overgrown with young connective tissue (granulation).

Next comes the period of scarring. The whole process of suppuration, maturation and drainage lasts about two weeks, but in some cases it can drag on for a long period of time.

Chirii on legs

Chiria on the legs appear due to many adverse factors, but mainly as a result, for example, the constant presence of a person at work associated with physical work in conditions of dust and dirt, this is especially dangerous in the summer. Also, the winter cold provokes inflammatory processes if a person works in drafts. The danger lies in the fact that the rod “melts” and an abscess and other unpleasant phenomena occur.

Negligent attitude to health, lack of concern when abscesses appear, can lead to the development of inflammation of several hair follicles, and then it is more difficult to cope with furunculosis. Only treatment with antibiotics and drugs prescribed by a dermatologist, vitamin and immune therapy will contribute to a quick recovery.

Chirii in the groin

Chiria under the arm, on the legs, in the groin, on the pubis

If a furuncle appears in the groin, then inflammation develops in just 1-2 days, manifested by edema, hyperemia. A serious complication in the occurrence of chiri in the groin is the formation of foci of inflammation of enormous size. The rods go deep into the subcutaneous tissue, they are difficult to extract.

To get rid of abscesses on any part of the body, the help of a surgeon is required. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of boils located in the groin, since there are a large number of lymph nodes and vessels in this area, so there is a risk of infection entering the bloodstream. With a single abscess, you can use ointments with antibacterial action, dry heat and wound healing agents.

Chirii on the pubis

The appearance of chiria in the genital area always causes discomfort and possibly malaise, manifested by soreness, redness. Itching makes you want to scratch the site of inflammation, but when combing, the abscess can break through and then purulent discharges fall on neighboring tissues, the infection spreads, and the pathogenic environment can cause chiri on the labia and perineum.

The reason for the development of an abscess on the pubis is most often the presence of mycoplasmas, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea, constant friction of the skin against coarse clothing, etc. As a rule, the process of the appearance of chiria on the pubis begins with infiltration, and then the formation of a seal. This is followed by the stage of necrosis, the body temperature rises, the pain intensifies, and the state of health worsens. Then the rod is rejected.

In the healing stage, the cavity is cleared of necrotic masses and a reddish-bluish scar is formed. The abscess is recommended to be treated with ichthyol ointment, antibacterial agents. With a pronounced inflammatory process, antibiotics are prescribed.

If intoxication is severe, surgical treatment is prescribed. Today, in any clinic, you can undergo the diagnosis and treatment of all types of boils. To speed up the healing process, experts recommend finding out about the presence of health problems, this helps to conduct a treatment course more effectively.  

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