Chiri: causes, symptoms, treatment

Chiriami is commonly called a skin disease of a purulent type, which is characterized by inflammation of the follicle (hair follicle) and surrounding tissues. This is a process of deep skin lesions with visible redness and purulent discharge, with pain.

The cause of the disease is the defeat of pathogenic microorganisms – staphylococci. The infection penetrates into the subcutaneous layers through microtraumas of the epithelium (cracks, cuts).

Causes of chiri

The main cause of chiri is a bacterial infection that can develop against the background of various factors. These include: a significant decrease in immunity, hypothermia, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, skin damage with chemicals, malnutrition, diseases of the digestive tract, metabolic disorders, the use of certain drugs, stress, climate change.

The risk of chiri is much higher in people with diabetes, other chronic diseases, with a lack of vitamins in the body and with a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation (climate specifics). Also in people with great physical exertion, lack of proper rest, with prolonged physical overwork. Because of this, there is a decrease in immunity and there is an unwillingness of the body to cope with the attack of pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms of the occurrence of chiri

There are three stages in the development of chiri:

– accumulation stage;

– the stage of suppuration;

– the stage of complete healing.

Signs of the first stage of chiria are the appearance of a raised, hard infiltrate and significant redness, which are accompanied by sensations of pain. In the process of inflammation, a knot is formed. After some time, the site of the lesion thickens, and its boundaries expand, affecting healthy epithelium. The sensation of pain intensifies, swelling of the surrounding tissues is observed, the inflammatory process increases.

After 2 – 3 days, the second stage of chiria ripening begins. The seal takes the form of a cone and can be up to 3 cm in diameter. A purulent core is formed at the base. The inflammatory focus is visible quite clearly. At this stage, the pains can be quite sharp, especially when moving or bending over the area of ​​the abscess. Feeling worse due to body temperature, which can rise to 38 ° C, manifestations of intoxication are also possible.

 Soon, suppuration spontaneously or specially opens and purulent discharge mixed with blood flows out. After removal of the necrotic rod from the base of the chiria, swelling and pain decrease. The temperature returns to normal, which makes you feel better. Healing occurs in the next 2-3 days by scarring. The color of the scar is initially bluish-red, but over time it changes color, becomes white and invisible. All three stages take an average of 8-10 days.

Chirieva diagnosis

Diagnosis of chiri should be carried out by a dermatologist. He determines the diagnosis based on the results of the examination and dermatoscopy of the affected area. To determine the causes of the appearance and type of the causative agent of the disease, various kinds of research are carried out. Bacterial cultures make it possible to establish the type of microorganisms that cause an infectious disease. Clinical analysis of blood and urine – determines the level of infection. A blood test for sugar, fluorography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys – possible violations of the work of other organs of the patient.

If a need arises as a result of the examination, the patient is referred for a consultation with other specialists. If a complication occurs, the doctor should prescribe additional examinations. Biological culture of blood for sterility with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics is performed to prevent or diagnose sepsis in time. 

Treatment chirieva

Most often, with a single chiri, the body is able to cope on its own. Warming and squeezing them is categorically contraindicated, there is a possibility of an even greater spread of infection. To cope with chiri, at the initial stage, it can be treated with specially designed products, essential oils, which by their nature are antiseptics (lavender oil, tea tree oil), salicylic or camphor alcohol.

If chiri progresses, ichthyol is used for local treatment in the form of ointments that are applied to the focus of inflammation, bandaging is not recommended. This helps to speed up the breakthrough of chiria and helps to cleanse the purulent fluid that has managed to form inside. Also, in combination with local treatment, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics that speed up the process of eliminating the infection.

In the event that the size of the chiria is quite large or there is no breakthrough and rejection of the purulent core for a long time, surgical treatment is resorted to. Chiry is opened with a scalpel to remove purulent formations and dead tissues. If necessary, drainage can be installed until the remnants of suppuration are completely removed. After that, the wound is treated and a bandage is applied with ointments that have antibacterial properties. Dressings are changed until the wound is completely healed.

The opening of the chiria should be performed by a specialist, under appropriate conditions, using local anesthesia or freezing with chlorethylene. Surgery is also combined with a course of antibiotics to help the body cope with the infection. To prevent the reappearance of chiri, physiotherapy procedures are used. The patient should be under medical supervision until complete recovery.

Prevention chiriev

In order to prevent chiria, you must follow the rules of hygiene, use antibacterial soap. Even the smallest injuries of the skin should always be treated with antiseptic agents, and then covered with a plaster or bandages until complete healing. Prevention is also a special care for oily skin, treatment with special means, protection from hypothermia and overheating of the skin.

 The ear canals are not recommended to be cleaned with anything that is not intended for this. Such cleaning can lead to skin trauma and the formation of chiria of the external auditory canal. It is recommended to eat food with enough vitamins. Good nutrition, timely treatment of chronic diseases, correction of metabolic processes, regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle are the key to healthy skin.

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