Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 

This is a relatively young way of growing tomatoes, but he managed to win the love of summer residents. Tomato seedlings in the Chinese way are resistant to late blight. It has a technique and other advantages.

  • Readiness for disembarkation 1,0-1,5 months earlier than the usual method;
  • After picking, the plants take root completely;
  • Increase in productivity by one and a half times;
  • Smaller stem length in tall varieties of tomatoes (after planting in the ground).

Tomatoes grown in this way have developed stems that do not need to be deeply buried in the ground. The distance from the soil to the first flower clusters is 0,20-0,25 m, which increases the yield.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 

Preparing, planting seeds and caring for seedlings

Before planting tomato seeds in the soil, they need to be prepared. Place them sequentially in an ash extract and a solution of potassium permanganate – for 3 hours and 20 minutes, respectively. After that, place the seeds in Epin’s solution for half a day. The final stage of preparation is keeping for 24 hours in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.

Important! Prepare an ash extract for seedlings in this way. Pour 2 tablespoons of ash into 1 liter of boiling water, insist the solution for 24 hours.

You can stratify the seeds in another way: place them in a plastic container and dig in the snow.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 

Planting seeds

Fill a container with soil mixture and water the soil with hot manganese solution. Plant the seeds as soon as you take them out of the refrigerator. Make sure that the planting material does not heat up. Cover containers with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect. It is advisable to keep the containers close to the battery. Then the seeds will get enough heat. Seedlings appear after 5 days. Now you can remove the polyethylene and put the pots in a more lit place. The stems will not stretch.

Advice! According to the Chinese method, planting seeds when the moon is waning stimulates the formation of the root system, which improves the quality of seedlings.

She does not get sick, tolerates temperature changes well.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 


The pick is made in a month, with the position of the Moon in the constellation Scorpio.

  • Cut the plant at ground level.
  • Transplant the stems into prepared containers with soil.
  • Pour some water over and cover the plants with plastic.
  • Keep the pickled seedlings in a dark and cool room.

It is necessary to transplant the cut stems into the purchased soil mixture on a peat basis. Ordinary garden manured soil is not suitable for this, since the humus contains bacteria that can harm incompletely formed seedlings. Why is it so important to cut the stems with scissors? Maybe this is some special ritual of Chinese gardeners? It turns out that everything is simple. All the diseases that were in the seeds will remain in the old soil. The plant is planted in a new soil free from accumulated “sores”. There is every chance to grow strong and healthy tomatoes.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 

Features of care

Young tomatoes need good lighting so that the stems do not begin to stretch. Can be used as an additional light lamp. For growth inhibition, the Athlete remedy is suitable. Picked plants need loose soil, otherwise the root system of tomato seedlings obtained in the Chinese way will not receive enough oxygen. Water the seedlings as the soil dries out, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of water per 0,1 liter container. This organization of watering avoids the “black leg”.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings 

The Chinese way of preparing and caring for seedlings is quite laborious, but the result is worth it! It is especially good for plants of high grades. Reviews of summer residents, for the most part, are positive.


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