Chinese quarantine [KORESPONDENT MEDTvoiLokony]

Schools do not work, the streets are empty, most people do not leave the house. Is it possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the 26-million-strong capital of China? Zygmunt Sadowski, a MedTvoiLokony correspondent from China, writes about how the Chinese deal with quarantine and what life in Beijing looks like today.

  1. – There is a nervous atmosphere in Beijing, but there is no panic. People understand the problem and do everything in their power to prevent further infections. They simply – if they can, stay at home – reports a MedTvoiLokony correspondent from China
  2. You need a pass to leave the estate
  3. Schools are closed, restaurants and parks are closed, the streets are empty – this is what life in Beijing looks like in the face of the fight against the dangerous coronavirus

What is life like in China during an epidemic?

Is that Pekingese take the risk of contamination very seriously, should not surprise us with over 75 thousand. infected in China alone and the number of deaths well over 2 How seriously we can find out from the very moment we leave the apartment.

Information appeared on the doors and walls of the buildings to go to the hospital in the event of any suspected coronavirus infection, along with the addresses and telephone numbers of such facilities.

After entering the elevator, our eyes meet another announcement indicating that we have a special time. We learn from it that to leave the estate, we must download the so-called出门 证, which is nothing but a pass proving that we are residents of a given estate. Without it, the steward has the right not to let us back in. What’s more, only their residents have access to the estates. The people of Beijing have to postpone their visiting visits for better times.

  1. This is how the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads. See the current MAP

Such restrictions apply throughout the city, but are followed differently. Some estates only allow you to go out once a day, and others do not ensure that only residents are allowed in.

But the elevator is not only an ideal “advertising pole”, but also a place where there may be danger in the form of microorganisms. And this is what the city administration remembers very well. In the elevators you will find tissues with the information not to press the buttons with your bare fingers and a card with the inscription 今日 已 消毒 – it is a sign that the elevator has been disinfected today.

Leaving the apartment block, we see another piece of information with the regulation introduced on February 14. The new recipe says that all new arrivals are required to undergo a 14-day quarantine. In practice, such residents simply it is forbidden to leave the apartments. On the other hand, new containers appeared next to the neighborhood rubbish dumps – for used anti-virus masks and similar medical products.

In order to get outside the housing estate, we still have to be checked, during which body temperature and the possession of a pass are checked. If we pass it positively, we come out onto a much less busy street than usual.

With the naked eye, there is much less car traffic, resulting mainly from the fact that only about 20-30 percent. people went back to work. The vast majority of them work remotely from home, in some companies there can be only one person in the office. Restrictions also apply to the entire education sector – from schools to language centers to sports centers.

Closed schools, queues to shops – life in China hit by the epidemic

From week to week, schools postpone the start date. It is now said that students will return to class in the second half of March. Now the lessons are conducted over the internet and the children have extra homework.

How is it in other public places?

Most large shopping malls, popular restaurants and cafeterias remain open. However, places such as parks, gyms, cinemas, bars, clubs, smaller shops, sports halls, small restaurants are mostly closed. As far as for some of these places it is an obligation imposed by the authority, for others it was necessary due to the lack of customers, and thus – unprofitability.

  1. See also: Two people died on the cruise ship “Diamond Princess”

If we go to a store or restaurant, we are obliged to put on a mask. Body temperature is measured at the entrance. Some smaller grocery stores have a limit on people who can stay there at the same time, so the rest of them stand outside waiting in line.

How the Chinese people’s awareness of the spread of viruses has changed is no better evidence than the above-mentioned standing in a queue. People keep one and a half meters apart, not only in queues, but also in elevators, restaurants and other similar places, which has been a completely unheard of phenomenon so far.

There is nothing to hide – as the inhabitants of Beijing, we do not have the worst, compared to what is happening in the Hubei province, where the city of Wuhan is located, or in the nearby areas. The Chinese themselves used to say that Beijing is the capital and it is the safest here. Here, too, most residents are educated, so risk awareness is much higher.

There is a nervous atmosphere in Beijing, but there is no panic. People understand the problem and do everything in their power to prevent further infections. They just stay at home if they can.

Find out more about the coronavirus epidemic:

  1. Who dies most often from the coronavirus? A new report by Chinese scientists
  2. They beat the coronavirus. «The hospital was a mess. I thought that I would die »
  3. The director of a hospital in Wuhan has passed away. The doctor was infected with the coronavirus

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