Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Among the variety of pear varieties, the Chinese pear deserves special attention, thanks to a wide range of technical characteristics, as well as tasty and healthy fruits. Cultivation of culture is becoming commonplace, and the number of fans of this luxurious tree is growing rapidly every year.

Where does the Chinese pear grow?

The area of ​​​​growth of the Chinese pear is China. On the territory of Our Country, it is distributed only in the Primorsky Territory. The climatic conditions of other areas of this culture are not very suitable. But the right choice of variety, competent planting and the implementation of all agrotechnical care practices will allow you to get healthy, tasty pear fruits in any region.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Description of Chinese pear

As a result of the work of breeders, the fruits of the Chinese pear inherited all the advantages of the forest analogue of Yamanashi, and were also provided with excellent taste qualities of ripe fruits. The resulting variety became the basis for breeding many varieties with different properties, which made it possible to obtain hybrids with high frost resistance. Despite the differences, all varieties of Chinese pear have common features.

A tree can be from 4 to 10 m tall and fully grow and develop for 50 years. Almost all modifications are partially self-fertile. From this it follows that the pear tree will bear fruit even in the absence of pollinating plants, while at the same time it will delight with high yields, which in the 5th year of the plant’s life are 60-80 kg per tree, and after 30 years – 200 kg. Any Asian pear – Bronze, Oriental – can act as a pollinator. It is important that its growing season coincides with the development of the Chinese pear.

The variety shows excellent survival in the cold. For example, Kosu can withstand frosts down to -35 ° C. But Morning freshness does not differ in such high stamina, therefore it needs shelter for the winter.

Important! The culture perfectly resists scab, rot, bacterial infections and many pests. A dangerous enemy for the Chinese pear is the florist beetle.

Photos of the Chinese pear in the process of flowering fascinate with beauty. Pear fruits attract attention with a rounded shape and a rich, beautiful color, depending on the variety, which can vary from a delicate green to a bronze hue. Fragrant pulp has a peach color, is juicy, uniform, but not soft. Fruits are characterized by harmonious taste and delicate aroma.

Varieties of Chinese pear

A large number of varieties of Chinese pear allows you to choose the one that is best suited for cultivation in a particular region, climatic conditions, soil. When choosing a variety of Chinese pear, one must also take into account the personal taste preferences of the gardener and his willingness to carry out the correct and timely care of the fruit crop.

Chinese Pear Neshi

The variety of Chinese pear, which has the exotic name “Nashi”, is the result of selection, thanks to which the sour pear fruit with a firm structure has acquired excellent taste characteristics, juiciness.

Round-shaped fruit weighing up to 290 g. Its thin peel has a light yellow color and specific spots. Creamy pulp is characterized by juiciness, density, has a characteristic crunch. Sweet taste with a slight sourness makes this variety popular and in demand.

Fruits are not stored for a long time, after a week the product begins to turn black in the open air. If pear fruits are removed in a cool place, then the shelf life increases to 2 weeks.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Who are

Summer variety of Chinese pear, which will sing in mid-July. A tree up to 4 m high. Fruiting occurs in 3 years, and under comfortable conditions and in 2 years after planting. The hybrid is considered self-pollinating, but in the presence of a number of pollinators, yields increase significantly. The fruits of Kosu are in the shape of a circle, painted in a bright bronze-gold color with white dots. The average weight of one fruit is 130-160 g. The pulp is juicy and has a sweet taste. The disadvantage of this variety is a short shelf life, so the fruit should be used immediately after harvest.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Kosu has good resistance to bacterial diseases, scab. The pear tree is not afraid of frost, it requires shelter for the winter only at very low temperatures.


This variety is a columnar modification of the Chinese pear. Pear tree of small stature up to 2 m tall. Fruit set is observed on almost all side branches. Hosu ​​belongs to the self-pollinating varieties, but for better yields, you should not give up pollinators. The plant begins to give fruits already for 2-3 years, the yields are high and stable. The mass of one pear is up to 300 g. Under the skin of a bronze color there is a very juicy, but firm pulp. The high content of carbohydrates in the Chinese pear makes the taste sweeter, more delicate. The characteristics of this variety allow you to store the crop until December.

Hosu ​​is able to withstand frosts up to 30 ° C, and also has good immunity to diseases and pests. Culture needs minimal care.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms


An autumn variety that can be harvested as early as mid-September. Comes into fruiting for 2 years. The variety needs pollinators. The fruits are round in shape, green with a golden hue, with small gray patches on the skin. The weight of one pear is 160-200 g. The variety is valued for its balanced, sweet and sour taste and juicy, dense pulp. Harvest is stored until January.

Olympic demonstrates resistance to all types of scab and other bacterial infections.

Attention! Resistance to low temperatures to frost allows you to grow this variety even in the northern regions.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Morning freshness

A summer variety of the Chinese pear that bears fruit in early August with tasty juicy pear fruits that are small in size, round in shape and yellow in color. The average weight of one fruit is from 115 to 180 g. The first harvest is formed after 3-4 years from the date of planting the seedlings. The consumer period is 2-3 weeks.

The variety has good winter hardiness, is not afraid of severe frosts and is rarely exposed to diseases and pest attacks.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms


One of the most popular varieties of Chinese pear is Crystal. Valued for high yield, resistance to temperature fluctuations, various fungi. The fruits have firm flesh of light yellow or white color. The thin peel has a sandy color and small light brown blotches. The white Chinese pear will ripen in the fall, during this period it is necessary to harvest.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Features of planting and caring for Chinese pear

Planting should be carried out in the spring before the buds swell and sap flow begins according to the standard scheme. Culture is very demanding on location, heat and moisture. Therefore, preference should be given to sunny windless areas, since the ripening time of pears, their color and the formation of flower buds will depend on this.

The best yield is observed during the construction of seedlings of this variety, on substrates characterized by nutritional value, friability.

Landing steps:

  1. Dig a hole at least 60 cm deep. The roots of the seedling should fit freely into the planting hole, do not bend or break. Also, when landing, the distance between the landing units must be kept within 3 m.
  2. Pour drainage at the bottom of the hole, on top of which put a soil mixture containing organic matter.
  3. In the center, form a hill and drive in a peg, which will become a reliable support for a young tree.
  4. Set the seedlings in the prepared hole on the north side of the peg, straightening the roots and sprinkling so that the root collar is 5 cm above the soil surface.
  5. The earth around the trunk is well compacted and watered abundantly.
  6. When moisture is absorbed, mulch with sawdust, humus.
  7. At the end of planting, securely tie the seedling to the support.

You can grow a plant from seeds, more on:

How to Grow Chinese Pear and Apples from Seeds

The health of a pear tree, its growth, development and fruiting depends on the efforts spent by the gardener on the basic care measures that are provided.

  • carrying out timely and competent pruning in the spring and autumn;
  • performing the spraying procedure against diseases and pests before bud swelling, before flowering and after using highly effective and well-proven preparations;
  • enrichment of the pear tree with all the necessary nutrients, through the introduction of a complex of fertilizers to ensure its healthy appearance, strong immunity;
  • maintaining constant and uniform soil moisture;
  • the implementation of the formation of a tree to create a strong crown, convenient for care and harvesting;
  • preparation for winter, by mulching around the trunk circle and warming the trunk in order to protect the plant from severe frosts.

Proper care of the Chinese pear will increase productivity, extend the life period, give a beautiful look to the garden, and prevent the development of diseases caused by bacteria.

What is useful Chinese pear

Pear fruits are able to give the body health and vitality. The benefits of the Chinese pear are explained by the content of biologically active substances in the composition of the fruit crop, which are able to comprehensively strengthen, restore body functions, and normalize the work of important systems. Therefore, they are considered a panacea for many diseases. When taking a natural healthy product, health improvements and recovery are monitored, because the beneficial properties of the Chinese pear:

  • stimulate the immune system, which is a protective mechanism against infections, pathological factors, environmental irritants;
  • improve hormonal levels and thyroid function;
  • activate the process of synthesis of proteins necessary for the formation of cells;
  • regulate the activity of the musculoskeletal system;
  • balance the work of the digestive system;
  • restore damaged sectors of the nervous system, supply the body with energy;
  • normalize the secretion of the stomach, promotes better digestion, increased appetite;
  • for type 2 diabetics, a Chinese pear will cleanse the body of excess toxins and dangerous cholesterol, and also normalize blood sugar levels;
  • are a supplier of valuable substances to the body of a pregnant woman, contributing to the full development of the embryo.

The beneficial properties of the Chinese pear with regular use will help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and the chemical composition of the pear fruit will replenish the reserves of minerals and trace elements in the human body.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

The harm of the Chinese pear

Tasty, juicy healthy pear fruit of the Chinese pear can bring both benefits and harm to human health. Therefore, it should be used with caution, taking into account all possible contraindications.

  1. Pear is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach, in order to avoid attacks of heartburn.
  2. You can not use a Chinese pear with milk – this will provoke indigestion and a serious malfunction in the digestive system. Also, fruits are incompatible with meat products, since such a tandem contributes to poor absorption of biologically active substances.
  3. It is forbidden to eat unripe pears, in this form they have powerful laxative properties that can exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. In order not to be poisoned by fertilizers, chemicals, it is better to peel off the peel from the Chinese pear.
  5. Treats should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of experts, since the uncontrolled, thoughtless use of a healthy Chinese pear can disrupt the activity of many systems and organs.

Chinese pear during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Particular attention during pregnancy should be given to proper nutrition. Knowing all its features, the expectant mother, without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations, will be able to provide the baby with all the necessary elements. As you know, not all fruits need to be included in the diet during the development of the fetus in the womb. A healthy Chinese pear is recommended to be consumed throughout the entire period, only without a peel, since it can be equipped with organic fertilizers and harmful chemicals.

What is useful Chinese pear during pregnancy:

  • enriches the diet with a complex of vitamins, minerals;
  • increases immunity, restores strength in case of loss of strength, with beriberi;
  • raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lowers permanent body temperature;
  • copes with palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • improves kidney function.

The daily dose of Chinese pear for pregnant women is 0,5 kg. You should know that healthy fruits should not be consumed at night.

When breastfeeding, the Chinese pear should be consumed with caution. Since pear fruits can affect the body of mother and baby both positively and negatively. In many cases, healthy fruits do not cause any trouble in babies, they are considered a hypoallergenic product. Therefore, healthy pears can be safely included in the diet of a nursing woman as early as 1 month after the birth of a child. But start eating in small doses, increasing the portion depending on the reaction of the baby.

How much does one Chinese pear weigh

The average weight of one Chinese pear ranges from 190-350 g, depending on the variety. In diameter, the fruit reaches 4 cm. The main weight is water. About 42 g of 100 g of pulp is liquid, the rest is ash, fibers, vitamins and minerals.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

How many calories in Chinese pear

People leading a healthy lifestyle are interested in how many calories are in a Chinese pear. There are 100 kcal in 47 g of fruit. Basically, the calorie content of a useful product is calculated based on the mass of the fetus. The average weight of one is about 300 g, which means that its calorie content is 140 units. Nutritionists, when developing healthy nutrition systems, prefer healthy fresh pear fruit, as low calorie content makes the Chinese pear an ideal menu item when developing diet programs.

Table of energy value and BJU of the Chinese pear


0,5 g


0,2 g


7-10 g


85 g

Alimentary fiber

2,8 g

Chinese Pear Recipes

There are many recipes with this gift of nature, including both hot dishes and salads, desserts and all kinds of other goodies.

Nutritious Chinese Pear Salad

Such a salad is served both for a holiday and for an everyday table. Thanks to the use of Chinese pear, the dish acquires a new shade of taste and fresh aroma.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • 4 things. pears;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise.

Method of preparation:

  1. Peel and cut the pear into small pieces, chop the garlic using a press, chop the cheese into cubes.
  2. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Exquisite caramelized Chinese pear in dough

This culinary masterpiece will appeal to every sweet tooth. Pear fruit as part of a unique dessert will give originality to taste and amazing aroma.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • 1,8 kg of Chinese pear;
  • ½ st. wheat flour;
  • ½ cane sugar;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. salts;
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • 1 st. herculean flakes;
  • 1,2 Art. almond;
  • 1,4 art. grated ginger;
  • 2 Art. l corn starch;
  • 1,4 tbsp. Sahara.

Method of preparation:

  1. Mix flour, cane sugar, half of the indicated amount of cinnamon and salt in an enamel saucepan. Add butter to the mixture and stir well.
  2. Combine the resulting mass with herculean flakes, grated ginger. After that, put the finished dough in the refrigerator.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, cornstarch, remaining salt and cinnamon.
  4. Washed pear fruits cut into large slices. Roll the prepared pears in the sweet mixture, and then in the butter dough.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and put the fruits laid out on a baking sheet on parchment for 40-60 minutes.
  6. Serve the caramelized pear warm.

Amazing jam from Chinese fruits

The recipe is quite simple and quick, but the result is a tender, pleasant jam that will certainly become a favorite family dessert.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. water.

Method of preparation:

  1. Pears cut and put in a bowl for cooking jam.
  2. Add sugar, smoothing over the surface of the fruit pieces. Leave for 3 hours until juice is formed.
  3. Pour in water and put to boil for 1 hour, turning on the fire to a minimum, constantly stirring.
  4. Pour hot Chinese pear jam into jars and close tightly with lids.

Terms and conditions of storage of fruits

Chinese pear should be kept in a cool, dark place. The room must be clean, dry and free from mold and odors. It is necessary to store pears in accordance with all the rules, taking into account the ratio of temperature and humidity, this will prevent damage to pear fruits and their decay. The optimum temperature is from + 6-8 ° C, and humidity – 85-90%. Harvest, under appropriate conditions, is suitable for consumption for about 2-4 months and remains a fresh, healthy product.

Chinese pear: benefits and harms


The Chinese pear is considered an environmentally friendly variety that has gained popularity due to its rapid adaptation to climatic conditions, soil types, as well as its excellent taste and delicate fruit aroma. The planted tree will become the dignity of the garden plot and will delight for a long time with the beauty of its flowering and a generous harvest of sweet and juicy fruits.

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