Chinese oolong tea: calorie content, benefits and harms of oolong tea. Video

Chinese oolong tea: calorie content, benefits and harms of oolong tea. Video

The beneficial properties of green tea have long been known, even in Russia it is gradually gaining popularity, displacing the traditionally used black tea. But there are special varieties of green teas, the medicinal properties of which have already been confirmed by numerous scientific studies and which can be purchased on the shelves of specialized stores. These are the famous Chinese oolongs, or oolongs in a different transcription.

Like all other varieties of black and green teas, Chinese oolong tea, or oolong, is made from specially processed leaves of the tea bush. Tea leaves, after being plucked, begin to oxidize in the air, changing their color and taste. This process is called fermentation. In green tea production, fermentation is stopped by artificially heating the leaves immediately after they have been plucked from the bushes. Black tea is fermented until it is completely oxidized, which determines the flavor differences between these teas. Oolong tea is perhaps not a green or black tea as it is partially fermented. The degree of fermentation can be different – from 30 to 70%, which becomes noticeable if you clearly see the leaf that has completely opened after brewing – its color is heterogeneous and the edges are darker than the core.

But the technology for producing oolong differs not only in the degree of fermentation. Before it begins, fresh tea leaves are transferred to special bamboo baskets and shaken vigorously, which causes the cuttings of the leaves to break slightly, and the release of essential oils begins in these places. This is followed by a strictly dosed fermentation process, which is stopped at a certain point by heating the leaves, while some varieties of oolong are steamed, some are transferred to large flat pans and fried, and some are dried over fire smoke, which is why they have a pronounced smoked taste when brewed.

Thanks to various technological methods and different degrees of processing, it is possible to obtain many varieties of this wonderful drink. Some of them, especially difficult to manufacture, can cost several thousand dollars per 1 kg. The cost of collectible varieties, which the Chinese are not very willing to take out of the country, can reach several tens of thousands of dollars. The Chinese generally treat this drink with great reverence, and even less expensive varieties are considered the best and most exquisite gift for them.

You will never be able to buy real high-quality oolong tea packaged in tea bags, because this storage method does not stop the fermentation process and turns this divine drink into ordinary tea.

Of course, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have known about the healing properties of oolong and its beneficial effects on the body for a long time, they endowed it with a truly magical ability to raise even the most hopelessly sick people to their feet, including those who suffer from cancer. Many Chinese people are sincerely convinced that the number of centenarians living in this country owes it to the magic oolongs. And, if we take into account their properties, it turns out to be true.

After all, it is known that overweight is the cause of diseases that shorten life, and regular consumption of oolong leads to the destruction of fat cells, which reduces excess weight and is the prevention of its appearance. It is recommended for older people to drink it when the first signs of aging appear, since oolong promotes oxygenation of brain cells and reduces the risk of nervous disorders associated with their age-related degradation.

Studies conducted by Japanese scientists have confirmed what the Chinese have known for a long time: Oolong infusion contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis. Oolong tea destroys the most dangerous fat cells for the heart, triglycerides, which are considered the main cause of heart disease in obesity. It is necessary to drink it for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, because together with it, proteins enter the bloodstream that stimulate the production of insulin and prevent the development of coronary vascular disease.

Oolong tea should be drunk by those who have skin problems, it eliminates acne, improves the condition of the skin that has undergone age-related changes

Brew oolong tea correctly

European scientists have also conducted a comprehensive study of the properties of this type of tea and found that drinking a cup of this exquisite drink every day for a year, you will be able to solve the problems of high blood pressure with an efficiency of 45%, which means that you can reduce the risk of stroke by almost half. Hypertensive patients and those who suffer from heart disease need to drink ordinary varieties of oolong, and those with normal blood pressure can brew tonic and invigorating milk oolong with a creamy aroma and taste.

How to brew oolong tea properly

But of course, in order for this tea to really become healing and benefit from it, it must be brewed correctly. For brewing, use a glass, earthenware or porcelain teapot after rinsing it with boiling water. Water should be soft, purified or filtered, boiled and cooled. Milk oolong is brewed at a temperature of about 75 ° C, the usual one is slightly higher, about 85 ° C, and is kept before pouring, respectively, for 2 and 3 minutes. Real oolong tea can be brewed up to 4-5 times, each time increasing the brewing time by 3 minutes.

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